PSF Models

Here I prototype some PSF models we are considering in Python to make a few plots for the internal note.

Some things are already implemented in gammalib:

Everything we actually end up using should eventually be implemented properly in gammalib.


In [1]:
# Execute this if you didn't start this notebook with --pylab=inline
%pylab inline
Welcome to pylab, a matplotlib-based Python environment [backend: module://IPython.zmq.pylab.backend_inline].
For more information, type 'help(pylab)'.
In [2]:
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi, sort, exp, log
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Definition of models

We define PSF models as probability density functions (PDFs) in 2D, i.e. as $\frac{dP}{dx dy}$. This is explained in more detail below.


In [3]:
def gauss(r, sigma, norm=1):
    """2D Gauss PDF dP / (dx dy) at r = sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
    Reference: TODO
    N = norm / (2 * pi * sigma ** 2)
    return N * exp(-0.5 * r ** 2 / sigma ** 2)
In [4]:
def king(r, sigma, gamma, norm=1):
    """2D King PDF dP / (dx dy) at  r = sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
    Reference: This is the Fermi LAT PSF, see Equation (36) in [1]
    N = norm / (2 * pi * sigma ** 2) * (1 - 1. / gamma)
    return N * (1 + 1. / (2 * gamma) * (r ** 2 / sigma ** 2)) ** (-gamma)

Transformation of probability densities


There are three equivalent useful ways to describe a two-dimensional, radially symmetric PDF like a PSF.

Here we derive the relationship between $A$, $B$ and $C$ and illustrate them for the Gauss and King models. When implementing the fit function $B(t)$ for the theta square-distribution it might be better to re-code the formula for $B(t)$ directly.


Given $A(r)$, how to obtain / evaluate $B(t)$?

In [5]:
def compute_B(A, r2, *args):
    """B(r2) for a given A(r)
    See derivation above."""
    r = sqrt(r2)
    return pi * A(r, *args)
In [6]:
def compute_C(A, r, *args):
    """C(r) for a given A(r)
    See derivation above."""
    return 2 *pi * r * A(r, *args)

For the Gauss and King models we implement the $B$ and $C$ PDFs here explicitly in addition to the $A$ PDF given above.

This is useful for fitting and for comparing with other code that might use e.g. $B$ directly.

In [7]:
def gauss_B(r2, sigma, norm=1):
    """2D Gauss PDF dP(r2) / dr2 at r2 = x ** 2 + y ** 2"""
    N = norm / (2 * sigma ** 2)
    return N * exp(-0.5 * r2 / sigma**2)
In [8]:
def gauss_C(r, sigma, norm=1):
    """2D Gauss PDF dP(r) / dr at r = sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)"""
    N = norm * r / sigma ** 2
    return N * exp(-0.5 * r ** 2 / sigma ** 2)
In [9]:
def king_B(r, sigma, gamma, norm=1):
    """2D King PDF dP(r2) / dr2 at r2 = x ** 2 + y ** 2"""
    N = norm / (2 * sigma ** 2) * (1 - 1. / gamma)
    return N * (1 + 1. / (2 * gamma) * (r2 / sigma ** 2)) ** (-gamma)
In [10]:
def king_C(r, sigma, gamma, norm=1):
    """2D King PDF dP(r) / dr at r = sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)"""
    N = norm * r / sigma ** 2 * (1 - 1. / gamma)
    return N * (1 + 1. / (2 * gamma) * (r ** 2 / sigma ** 2)) ** (-gamma)

Checks / Plots

For dP(r) / (dx dy)

In [11]:
# Check normalizations
r_step = 0.01 # deg

for r_max in [1, 100]: # deg
    r = np.arange(0, r_max, r_step)
    pdf_gauss = gauss(r, sigma=0.2)
    pdf_king_2 = king(r, sigma=0.2, gamma=1.5)
    pdf_king_3 = king(r, sigma=0.2, gamma=3)
    for _ in [pdf_gauss, pdf_king_2, pdf_king_3]:
        norm = (2 * pi * r * r_step * _).sum()
        print norm
In [12]:
# Plot PDF dP / (dx dy)
# Note that this only contains 67 % of the events for the King profile (see previous cell)
r_max, r_step = 1, 0.01 # deg
r = np.arange(0, r_max, r_step)

plt.plot(r, gauss(r, sigma=0.2), label='Gauss$(\sigma=0.2)$');
plt.plot(r, king(r, sigma=0.1, gamma=1.5), label='King$(\sigma=0.1, \gamma=1.5)$');
plt.plot(r, king(r, sigma=0.2, gamma=3), label='King$(\sigma=0.2, \gamma=3)$');
plt.xlabel('r (deg)')
plt.ylabel('dP / (dx dy) (deg^-2)')
In [13]:
# Same plot as previous cell, but with log y axis scale
# With a log scale for y it can be clearly seen that at large r
# the Gauss profile is a parabola and the King profile is a line,
# i.e. has a power-law decrease.
plt.plot(r, gauss(r, sigma=0.2), label='Gauss$(\sigma=0.2)$');
plt.plot(r, king(r, sigma=0.1, gamma=1.5), label='King$(\sigma=0.1, \gamma=1.5)$');
plt.plot(r, king(r, sigma=0.2, gamma=3), label='King$(\sigma=0.2, \gamma=3)$');
plt.xlabel('r (deg)')
plt.ylabel('dP(r) / (dx dy) (deg^-2)')
plt.ylim(1e-3, None)

For dP(r^2) / dr^2

In [14]:
# Check normalizations
r2_step = 0.001 # deg^2

for r2_max in [1, 1000]: # deg^2
    r2 = np.arange(0, r2_max, r2_step)
    pdf_gauss = gauss_B(r2, sigma=0.2)
    pdf_king_2 = king_B(r2, sigma=0.2, gamma=1.5)
    pdf_king_3 = king_B(r2, sigma=0.2, gamma=3)
    for _ in [pdf_gauss, pdf_king_2, pdf_king_3]:
        norm = (r2_step * _).sum()
        print norm
In [15]:
# Plot PDF dP(r^2) / dr^2
r2_max, r2_step = 1, 0.001 # deg
r2 = np.arange(0, r2_max, r2_step)

plt.plot(r2, gauss_B(r2, sigma=0.2), label='Gauss$(\sigma=0.2)$');
plt.plot(r2, king_B(r2, sigma=0.1, gamma=1.5), label='King$(\sigma=0.1, \gamma=1.5)$');
plt.plot(r2, king_B(r2, sigma=0.2, gamma=3), label='King$(\sigma=0.2, \gamma=3)$');
plt.xlabel('$r^2$ (deg$^2$)')
plt.ylabel('dP(r^2) / dr^2 (deg^-2)')
In [16]:
# Plot PDF dP(r^2) / dr^2
r2_max, r2_step = 1, 0.001 # deg
r2 = np.arange(0, r2_max, r2_step)

plt.plot(r2, gauss_B(r2, sigma=0.2), label='Gauss$(\sigma=0.2)$');
plt.plot(r2, king_B(r2, sigma=0.1, gamma=1.5), label='King$(\sigma=0.1, \gamma=1.5)$');
plt.plot(r2, king_B(r2, sigma=0.2, gamma=3), label='King$(\sigma=0.2, \gamma=3)$');
plt.xlabel('$r^2$ (deg$^2$)')
plt.ylabel('dP(r^2) / dr^2 (deg^-2)')
plt.ylim(1e-3, None)

For dP(r) / dr

In [17]:
# Check normalizations
r_step = 0.01 # deg

for r_max in [1, 100]: # deg
    r = np.arange(0, r_max, r_step)
    pdf_gauss = gauss_C(r, sigma=0.2)
    pdf_king_2 = king_C(r, sigma=0.2, gamma=1.5)
    pdf_king_3 = king_C(r, sigma=0.2, gamma=3)
    for _ in [pdf_gauss, pdf_king_2, pdf_king_3]:
        norm = (r_step * _).sum()
        print norm
In [18]:
# Plot PDF dP(r) / dr
r_max, r_step = 1, 0.01 # deg
r = np.arange(0, r_max, r_step)

plt.plot(r, gauss_C(r, sigma=0.2), label='Gauss$(\sigma=0.2)$');
plt.plot(r, king_C(r, sigma=0.1, gamma=1.5), label='King$(\sigma=0.1, \gamma=1.5)$');
plt.plot(r, king_C(r, sigma=0.2, gamma=3), label='King$(\sigma=0.2, \gamma=3)$');
plt.xlabel('r (deg)')
plt.ylabel('dP / dr (deg^-1)')
In [19]:
# Plot PDF dP(r) / dr
r_max, r_step = 1, 0.01 # deg
r = np.arange(0, r_max, r_step)

plt.plot(r, gauss_C(r, sigma=0.2), label='Gauss$(\sigma=0.2)$');
plt.plot(r, king_C(r, sigma=0.1, gamma=1.5), label='King$(\sigma=0.1, \gamma=1.5)$');
plt.plot(r, king_C(r, sigma=0.2, gamma=3), label='King$(\sigma=0.2, \gamma=3)$');
plt.xlabel('r (deg)')
plt.ylabel('dP / dr (deg^-1)')
plt.ylim(1e-3, None)



We want to use gammalib for most of our simulations / fitting.

At the moment the Fermi LAT PSF is fully implemented in gammalib, for HESS there is the GCTAPsf2D which implements a triple-Gauss model:

In [120]:
import gammalib
In [ ]:
# As far as I can see the PSF has to be initialized from a FITS file, which is not nice for simulations / checks ...
# This is an exmple PSF, I think for HD / Hillas and some Crab run, but I'm not sure ...
psf = gammalib.GCTAPsf2D('/Users/deil/code/gammalib/inst/cta/test/caldb/dc1/psf.fits')
In [ ]:
[np.degrees(psf.delta_max(logE)) for logE in np.arange(-1, 1.1, 0.5)]
In [ ]:
# This is how you can evaluate the psf, i.e. compute the PDF (in radians^(-2))
# at a given offset "delta" (in radians) and a given logE (in TeV?)
delta, logE = 0, 0
psf(delta, logE)
In [ ]:
# Let's plot the psf at 1 TeV, i.e. at 
x_max, x_step = 1, 0.01 # deg
x = np.arange(0, x_max, x_step)
y = np.zeros_like(x)
for ii in range(len(x)):
    # We use deg, gammalib uses radians, so convert before and after call
    y[ii] = (pi / 180) ** 2 * psf(np.radians(x[ii]), 0)
In [ ]:
# Check normalization
(2 * pi * x * x_step * y).sum()
In [ ]:
# Plot
plt.plot(x * x, y, label='gammalib');

plt.title('PDF of 2D distributions on x-axis')
plt.xlabel('x (deg)')
plt.ylabel('dP / dx (deg^-2)')

Backup Cells

In [20]:
class Fermi_LAT_PSF(object):
    """Fermi LAT PSF model


    def __init__(self, c0=3.32, c1=0.022, beta=0.80, sigma=0.1, gamma=0.2):
        self.scale_pars = dict(c0=c0, c1=c1, beta=beta)
        self.radial_pars = dict(sigma=sigma, gamma=gamma)

    def default():
        """Set default parameters"""
        # Front converting values from Table 13 in [1]
        c0, c1, beta = 3.32, 0.022, 0.80
        # Random values
        sigma, gamma = 0.1, 2
        return Fermi_LAT_PSF(c0, c1, beta, gamma, sigma)
    def scale_factor(self, energy):
        """Scale factor containing most of the energy dependence
        energy in MeV

        Reference: Equation (34) in [1].
        p = self.scale_pars
        c0, c1, beta = p['c0'], p['c1'], p['beta']
        term1 = c0 * (energy / 100) ** (-beta)
        term2 = term1 ** 2 + c1 ** 2
        return sort(term2)

    def x(self, r, energy):
        """Scaled angular deviation x.
        Reference: Equation (35) in [1]
        return r / scale_factor(energy)

    def K(self, r):
        """Radial PDF
        Reference: Equation (36) in [1]
        p = self.radial_pars
        sigma, gamma = p['sigma'], p['gamma']
        return king(r, sigma, gamma)