Here I prototype some PSF models we are considering in Python to make a few plots for the internal note.
Some things are already implemented in gammalib:
Everything we actually end up using should eventually be implemented properly in gammalib.
# Execute this if you didn't start this notebook with --pylab=inline
%pylab inline
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi, sort, exp, log
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
We define PSF models as probability density functions (PDFs) in 2D, i.e. as $\frac{dP}{dx dy}$. This is explained in more detail below.
def gauss(r, sigma, norm=1):
"""2D Gauss PDF dP / (dx dy) at r = sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
Reference: TODO
N = norm / (2 * pi * sigma ** 2)
return N * exp(-0.5 * r ** 2 / sigma ** 2)
def king(r, sigma, gamma, norm=1):
"""2D King PDF dP / (dx dy) at r = sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
Reference: This is the Fermi LAT PSF, see Equation (36) in [1]
N = norm / (2 * pi * sigma ** 2) * (1 - 1. / gamma)
return N * (1 + 1. / (2 * gamma) * (r ** 2 / sigma ** 2)) ** (-gamma)
There are three equivalent useful ways to describe a two-dimensional, radially symmetric PDF like a PSF.
Here we derive the relationship between $A$, $B$ and $C$ and illustrate them for the Gauss and King models. When implementing the fit function $B(t)$ for the theta square-distribution it might be better to re-code the formula for $B(t)$ directly.
Given $A(r)$, how to obtain / evaluate $B(t)$?
def compute_B(A, r2, *args):
"""B(r2) for a given A(r)
See derivation above."""
r = sqrt(r2)
return pi * A(r, *args)
def compute_C(A, r, *args):
"""C(r) for a given A(r)
See derivation above."""
return 2 *pi * r * A(r, *args)
For the Gauss and King models we implement the $B$ and $C$ PDFs here explicitly in addition to the $A$ PDF given above.
This is useful for fitting and for comparing with other code that might use e.g. $B$ directly.
def gauss_B(r2, sigma, norm=1):
"""2D Gauss PDF dP(r2) / dr2 at r2 = x ** 2 + y ** 2"""
N = norm / (2 * sigma ** 2)
return N * exp(-0.5 * r2 / sigma**2)
def gauss_C(r, sigma, norm=1):
"""2D Gauss PDF dP(r) / dr at r = sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)"""
N = norm * r / sigma ** 2
return N * exp(-0.5 * r ** 2 / sigma ** 2)
def king_B(r, sigma, gamma, norm=1):
"""2D King PDF dP(r2) / dr2 at r2 = x ** 2 + y ** 2"""
N = norm / (2 * sigma ** 2) * (1 - 1. / gamma)
return N * (1 + 1. / (2 * gamma) * (r2 / sigma ** 2)) ** (-gamma)
def king_C(r, sigma, gamma, norm=1):
"""2D King PDF dP(r) / dr at r = sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)"""
N = norm * r / sigma ** 2 * (1 - 1. / gamma)
return N * (1 + 1. / (2 * gamma) * (r ** 2 / sigma ** 2)) ** (-gamma)
# Check normalizations
r_step = 0.01 # deg
for r_max in [1, 100]: # deg
r = np.arange(0, r_max, r_step)
pdf_gauss = gauss(r, sigma=0.2)
pdf_king_2 = king(r, sigma=0.2, gamma=1.5)
pdf_king_3 = king(r, sigma=0.2, gamma=3)
for _ in [pdf_gauss, pdf_king_2, pdf_king_3]:
norm = (2 * pi * r * r_step * _).sum()
print norm
# Plot PDF dP / (dx dy)
# Note that this only contains 67 % of the events for the King profile (see previous cell)
r_max, r_step = 1, 0.01 # deg
r = np.arange(0, r_max, r_step)
plt.plot(r, gauss(r, sigma=0.2), label='Gauss$(\sigma=0.2)$');
plt.plot(r, king(r, sigma=0.1, gamma=1.5), label='King$(\sigma=0.1, \gamma=1.5)$');
plt.plot(r, king(r, sigma=0.2, gamma=3), label='King$(\sigma=0.2, \gamma=3)$');
plt.xlabel('r (deg)')
plt.ylabel('dP / (dx dy) (deg^-2)')
# Same plot as previous cell, but with log y axis scale
# With a log scale for y it can be clearly seen that at large r
# the Gauss profile is a parabola and the King profile is a line,
# i.e. has a power-law decrease.
plt.plot(r, gauss(r, sigma=0.2), label='Gauss$(\sigma=0.2)$');
plt.plot(r, king(r, sigma=0.1, gamma=1.5), label='King$(\sigma=0.1, \gamma=1.5)$');
plt.plot(r, king(r, sigma=0.2, gamma=3), label='King$(\sigma=0.2, \gamma=3)$');
plt.xlabel('r (deg)')
plt.ylabel('dP(r) / (dx dy) (deg^-2)')
plt.ylim(1e-3, None)
# Check normalizations
r2_step = 0.001 # deg^2
for r2_max in [1, 1000]: # deg^2
r2 = np.arange(0, r2_max, r2_step)
pdf_gauss = gauss_B(r2, sigma=0.2)
pdf_king_2 = king_B(r2, sigma=0.2, gamma=1.5)
pdf_king_3 = king_B(r2, sigma=0.2, gamma=3)
for _ in [pdf_gauss, pdf_king_2, pdf_king_3]:
norm = (r2_step * _).sum()
print norm
# Plot PDF dP(r^2) / dr^2
r2_max, r2_step = 1, 0.001 # deg
r2 = np.arange(0, r2_max, r2_step)
plt.plot(r2, gauss_B(r2, sigma=0.2), label='Gauss$(\sigma=0.2)$');
plt.plot(r2, king_B(r2, sigma=0.1, gamma=1.5), label='King$(\sigma=0.1, \gamma=1.5)$');
plt.plot(r2, king_B(r2, sigma=0.2, gamma=3), label='King$(\sigma=0.2, \gamma=3)$');
plt.xlabel('$r^2$ (deg$^2$)')
plt.ylabel('dP(r^2) / dr^2 (deg^-2)')
# Plot PDF dP(r^2) / dr^2
r2_max, r2_step = 1, 0.001 # deg
r2 = np.arange(0, r2_max, r2_step)
plt.plot(r2, gauss_B(r2, sigma=0.2), label='Gauss$(\sigma=0.2)$');
plt.plot(r2, king_B(r2, sigma=0.1, gamma=1.5), label='King$(\sigma=0.1, \gamma=1.5)$');
plt.plot(r2, king_B(r2, sigma=0.2, gamma=3), label='King$(\sigma=0.2, \gamma=3)$');
plt.xlabel('$r^2$ (deg$^2$)')
plt.ylabel('dP(r^2) / dr^2 (deg^-2)')
plt.ylim(1e-3, None)
# Check normalizations
r_step = 0.01 # deg
for r_max in [1, 100]: # deg
r = np.arange(0, r_max, r_step)
pdf_gauss = gauss_C(r, sigma=0.2)
pdf_king_2 = king_C(r, sigma=0.2, gamma=1.5)
pdf_king_3 = king_C(r, sigma=0.2, gamma=3)
for _ in [pdf_gauss, pdf_king_2, pdf_king_3]:
norm = (r_step * _).sum()
print norm
# Plot PDF dP(r) / dr
r_max, r_step = 1, 0.01 # deg
r = np.arange(0, r_max, r_step)
plt.plot(r, gauss_C(r, sigma=0.2), label='Gauss$(\sigma=0.2)$');
plt.plot(r, king_C(r, sigma=0.1, gamma=1.5), label='King$(\sigma=0.1, \gamma=1.5)$');
plt.plot(r, king_C(r, sigma=0.2, gamma=3), label='King$(\sigma=0.2, \gamma=3)$');
plt.xlabel('r (deg)')
plt.ylabel('dP / dr (deg^-1)')
# Plot PDF dP(r) / dr
r_max, r_step = 1, 0.01 # deg
r = np.arange(0, r_max, r_step)
plt.plot(r, gauss_C(r, sigma=0.2), label='Gauss$(\sigma=0.2)$');
plt.plot(r, king_C(r, sigma=0.1, gamma=1.5), label='King$(\sigma=0.1, \gamma=1.5)$');
plt.plot(r, king_C(r, sigma=0.2, gamma=3), label='King$(\sigma=0.2, \gamma=3)$');
plt.xlabel('r (deg)')
plt.ylabel('dP / dr (deg^-1)')
plt.ylim(1e-3, None)
We want to use gammalib for most of our simulations / fitting.
At the moment the Fermi LAT PSF is fully implemented in gammalib, for HESS there is the GCTAPsf2D
which implements a triple-Gauss model:
import gammalib
# As far as I can see the PSF has to be initialized from a FITS file, which is not nice for simulations / checks ...
# This is an exmple PSF, I think for HD / Hillas and some Crab run, but I'm not sure ...
psf = gammalib.GCTAPsf2D('/Users/deil/code/gammalib/inst/cta/test/caldb/dc1/psf.fits')
[np.degrees(psf.delta_max(logE)) for logE in np.arange(-1, 1.1, 0.5)]
# This is how you can evaluate the psf, i.e. compute the PDF (in radians^(-2))
# at a given offset "delta" (in radians) and a given logE (in TeV?)
delta, logE = 0, 0
psf(delta, logE)
# Let's plot the psf at 1 TeV, i.e. at
x_max, x_step = 1, 0.01 # deg
x = np.arange(0, x_max, x_step)
y = np.zeros_like(x)
for ii in range(len(x)):
# We use deg, gammalib uses radians, so convert before and after call
y[ii] = (pi / 180) ** 2 * psf(np.radians(x[ii]), 0)
# Check normalization
(2 * pi * x * x_step * y).sum()
# Plot
plt.plot(x * x, y, label='gammalib');
plt.title('PDF of 2D distributions on x-axis')
plt.xlabel('x (deg)')
plt.ylabel('dP / dx (deg^-2)')
class Fermi_LAT_PSF(object):
"""Fermi LAT PSF model
def __init__(self, c0=3.32, c1=0.022, beta=0.80, sigma=0.1, gamma=0.2):
self.scale_pars = dict(c0=c0, c1=c1, beta=beta)
self.radial_pars = dict(sigma=sigma, gamma=gamma)
def default():
"""Set default parameters"""
# Front converting values from Table 13 in [1]
c0, c1, beta = 3.32, 0.022, 0.80
# Random values
sigma, gamma = 0.1, 2
return Fermi_LAT_PSF(c0, c1, beta, gamma, sigma)
def scale_factor(self, energy):
"""Scale factor containing most of the energy dependence
energy in MeV
Reference: Equation (34) in [1].
p = self.scale_pars
c0, c1, beta = p['c0'], p['c1'], p['beta']
term1 = c0 * (energy / 100) ** (-beta)
term2 = term1 ** 2 + c1 ** 2
return sort(term2)
def x(self, r, energy):
"""Scaled angular deviation x.
Reference: Equation (35) in [1]
return r / scale_factor(energy)
def K(self, r):
"""Radial PDF
Reference: Equation (36) in [1]
p = self.radial_pars
sigma, gamma = p['sigma'], p['gamma']
return king(r, sigma, gamma)