SIMPLE = T / conforms to FITS standard BITPIX = -32 / array data type NAXIS = 2 / number of array dimensions NAXIS1 = 73 NAXIS2 = 73 OBS_NPIX= 960 / Number of pixels observed and recorded BAD_DATA= -1.6375E+30 / Sentinel value given to bad pixels COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------COMMENT Clumpy specific keywords COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------CREATOR = 'Clumpy (LPSC & DESY)' / Software having created this file VERSION = 'v3.0.1 ' / Software version COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------COMMENT Input parameters for this output file: COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------SIMUMODE= 'h5 ' / Type of performed simulation DELTA0 = 200. / Overdensity factor at z=0;-1 for kBRYANNORMAN98FLAGDELT= 'kRHO_CRIT' / Reference density of the overdensity factor HUBBLE = 0.678 / Reduced dimensionless Hubble parameter OMEGA0_M= 0.308 / Dark and Baryonic Mass Omega0_mass OMEGA0_K= 0. / Curvature Omega0_k GAMMA_T0= 2.7255 / [K], Present-day CMB photon temperature CDELTSTD= 0. / log-std. deviation of subhalo scattering SAT_DENS= 1.0E+19 / [Msol/kpc^3], Dark Matter saturation density MMINSUBS= 1.0E-06 / [Msol], Smallest subclump mass MMAXSUBS= 0.01 / Biggest subclump mass, fraction of host mass MULT_SUB= 1 / Number of multilevel substructures EGPRFTOT= 'kEINASTO' / Dark Matter halo density profile EGSP0TOT= 0.17 / Shape parameter 1 of cosmic DM halo profile EGSP1TOT= -1. / Shape parameter 2 of cosmic DM halo profile EGSP2TOT= -1. / Shape parameter 3 of cosmic DM halo profile EG_ISTRI= F / Triaxial halo (True/False) EGTRIAX0= 1. / 1st axis of triaxial halo EGTRIAX1= 1. / 2nd axis of triaxial halo EGTRIAX2= 1. / 3rd axis of triaxial halo EGTRIAN0= 0. / [deg], 1st rotation angle of triaxial halo EGTRIAN1= 0. / [deg], 2nd rotation angle of triaxial halo EGTRIAN2= 0. / [deg], 3rd rotation angle of triaxial halo PROF_ABS= 'kFRANCESCHINI08' / EBL absorption profile LIST_ADD= '$CLUMPY/data/list_generic.txt' / List of external halos definitions LIST_OBJ= 'M31_Einasto' / Object selected out of a list of haloes LISTDIST= 778. / [kpc], Comoving line-of-sight dist. of halo LIST_RS = 178. / [kpc], Scale radius of halo (comoving) LISTRHOS= 8120. / [Msol/kpc^3], Density at r_scale of halo (comovLISTRVIR= 230. / [kpc], Virial radius of halo (comoving) SPHPRFCL= 'kHOST ' / Halo profile of subclumps SPHSP0CL= 'kHOST ' / Shape parameter 1 of subclumps halo profile SPHSP1CL= 'kHOST ' / Shape parameter 2 of subclumps halo profile SPHSP2CL= 'kHOST ' / Shape parameter 3 of subclumps halo profile SPH_C_M = 'kSANCHEZ14_200' / Mass-concentration model of subclumps SPHPRFDP= 'kEINASTO' / dP/dV profile of subhalo distribution in host SPHSP0DP= 0.68 / Shape parameter 1 of dP/dV distrib. profile SPHSP1DP= 'kHOST ' / Shape parameter 2 of dP/dV distrib. profile SPHSP2DP= 'kHOST ' / Shape parameter 3 of dP/dV distrib. profile SPHRDPDV= 10. / Scale radius of dP/dV profile to r_s of host SPH_DPDM= 1.9 / Slope of power-law subhalo mass spectrum dP/dM SPH_F_DM= 0.2 / Fraction of host halo mass bound in subhalos GALPRFCL= 'kHOST ' / Halo profile of subclumps GALSP0CL= 'kHOST ' / Shape parameter 1 of subclumps halo profile GALSP1CL= 'kHOST ' / Shape parameter 2 of subclumps halo profile GALSP2CL= 'kHOST ' / Shape parameter 3 of subclumps halo profile GAL_C_M = 'kSANCHEZ14_200' / Mass-concentration model of subclumps GALPRFDP= 'kEINASTO' / dP/dV profile of subhalo distribution in host GALSP0DP= 0.68 / Shape parameter 1 of dP/dV distrib. profile GALSP1DP= 'kHOST ' / Shape parameter 2 of dP/dV distrib. profile GALSP2DP= 'kHOST ' / Shape parameter 3 of dP/dV distrib. profile GALRDPDV= 10. / Scale radius of dP/dV profile to r_s of host GAL_DPDM= 1.9 / Slope of power-law subhalo mass spectrum dP/dM GAL_F_DM= 0.19 / Fraction of host halo mass bound in subhalos CLUPRFCL= 'kHOST ' / Halo profile of subclumps CLUSP0CL= 'kHOST ' / Shape parameter 1 of subclumps halo profile CLUSP1CL= 'kHOST ' / Shape parameter 2 of subclumps halo profile CLUSP2CL= 'kHOST ' / Shape parameter 3 of subclumps halo profile CLU_C_M = 'kSANCHEZ14_200' / Mass-concentration model of subclumps CLUPRFDP= 'kEINASTO' / dP/dV profile of subhalo distribution in host CLUSP0DP= 0.68 / Shape parameter 1 of dP/dV distrib. profile CLUSP1DP= 'kHOST ' / Shape parameter 2 of dP/dV distrib. profile CLUSP2DP= 'kHOST ' / Shape parameter 3 of dP/dV distrib. profile CLURDPDV= 10. / Scale radius of dP/dV profile to r_s of host CLU_DPDM= 1.9 / Slope of power-law subhalo mass spectrum dP/dM CLU_F_DM= 0.2 / Fraction of host halo mass bound in subhalos DMMODEL = T / Dark Matter Model (0: Decay, 1: Annihilation) FLUXBOOL= F / Calculate gamma-ray and/or neutrino fluxes FWHM_GMA= -1. / [deg], FWHM of Gaussian beam of gamma-ray telesFWHM_NEU= -1. / [deg], FWHM of Gaussian beam of neutrino telescHPX_TYPE= 'FLOAT32 ' / HEALPix datatype (FLOAT32 or FLOAT64) HPX_ITER= -1 / # of iterations for alm computation HPXNLMAX= -1. / Factor (x NSIDE) = maximum ell of alm HPXWEIGH= '$CLUMPY/data/healpix' / Directory of HEALPix ring weights HPX_SCHM= 'NESTED ' / HEALPix scheme (RING or NESTED) UNITBOOL= F / Output units [Msol]&[kpc] (1) or [GeV]&[cm] (0)REDSHIFT= 0.000175956878216899 / Redshift of object(s) in the calculation PSI_0 = 121.174235 / [deg], Galactic long. coordinate of FOV center THETA_0 = -21.5729 / [deg], Galactic lat. coordinate of FOV center SIZE_X = 2. / [deg], Grid diameter in theta_orth-dir. SIZE_Y = 2. / [deg], Grid diameter in theta-dir. EPS = 0.01 / Numeric precision of the simulation ROOTBOOL= T / Write output additionally in ROOT format OUT_DIR = 'output/ ' / Output directory (absolute or relative) RANDSEED= 666 / Random generator seed USER_RSE= 10. / Contrast (%) above which 2D subhalos are drawn EXTNAME = 'Skymap ' CDELT1 = -0.02876712328767123 / pixel size (approx.) in longitude-dir. [deg] CDELT2 = 0.02876712328767123 / pixel size (approx.) in latitude-dir. [deg] CRPIX1 = 37.0 / central pixel in longitude direction CRPIX2 = 37.0 / central pixel in latitude direction CRVAL1 = 121.174235 / longitude coordinate of map center [deg] CRVAL2 = -21.5729 / latitude coordinate of map center [deg] CTYPE1 = 'GLON-CAR' / longitude coord. system (cartesian projection) CTYPE2 = 'GLAT-CAR' / latitude coord. system (cartesian projection) CUNIT1 = 'deg ' / longitude axis unit CUNIT2 = 'deg ' / latitude axis unit BUNIT = 'GeV^2 cm^-5' / pixel value unit F_SKY = 7.62939453125E-05 / fraction of sky covered by FOV MEAN = 104992700628992.0 / mean value in FOV (same unit as BUNIT) FLUX_TOT= 1.00792992603832E+17 / total integrated J-Factor (flux) in FOV NSIDE = 1024 / HEALPix resolution of original image AUTHOR = 'file created by Clumpy,' END XbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbUUXbVLVLXbV+V+XbV+V+XbVLVLXbUUXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbUxXbXbV+UUV CVLVLV "V+V+VV+V+V "VLVLV CUUV+XbXbUxXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbUxUxUxV+V+V+V CV CV CV "V "V "VVVV "V "V "V CV CV CV+V+V+UxUxUxXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbVLVLUxV V V+VVV CVVV "VVVVVV "VVV CVVV+V V UxVLVLXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbVaVLVLVV V VhVVVGVVV"vVVV$9VVV"vVVVGVVVhV V VVLVLVaXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbU:XbXbV SVaVaVi*VVV VhVhV&VGVGV-ȲV"vV"vV"vV$9V$9V$9V"vV"vV"vV-ȲVGVGV&VhVhV VVVi*VaVaV SXbXbU:XbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbUxU:U:V 7V SV SVhVi*Vi*V#V V V. V&V&V7\V-ȲV-ȲV=xV0jV0jV?V0jV0jV=xV-ȲV-ȲV7\V&V&V. V V V#Vi*Vi*VhV SV SV 7U:U:UxXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbUxUxUxV 7V 7V 7VhVhVhV#V#V#V. V. V. V7\V7\V7\V=xV=xV=xV?V?V?V=xV=xV=xV7\V7\V7\V. V. V. V#V#V#VhVhVhV 7V 7V 7UxUxUxXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbUUUxV _V _V 7VrVrVhV(V(V#V6JV6JV. VAVAV7\VIZVIZV=xVODkVODkV?VODkVODkV=xVIZVIZV7\VAVAV. V6JV6JV#V(V(VhVrVrV 7V _V _UxUUXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbUxUUV "V _V _V=VrVrV,V(V(V