subroutine xtebarycen(lue,satflag,alpha,delta,jd,frc,reae,jdcor & ,frccor,ierr) c calculate a general BARYCENter correction. c This routine uses JPL2000 ephemeris table to calculate the time c delay at the solar system barycenter relative a position vector c reae centered on the earth. c This routine is mission independent. c This routine processes a single input time whose integer part is jd and c and whose fractional part if frc. c If satflag is set equal to .false. the vector reae will be ignored, c but even it is .true., reae = (0,0,0) will produce the same result. c This routine calls subroutine xtereadeph, which returns the earth - sun c position vector for the given input TDT time. c I lue (i) LU of JPL 2000 ephemeris file c I satflag (l) if = .false. means ignor orbit data in reae. c# I alpha (d) Source RA in radians -- epoch 2000. c# I delta (d) Source DEC in radians -- epoch 2000. c I dir (3) (d) Dir vector of source calculated from RA and DEC c I jd (i) Integer part of uncorrected time, in Julian Day c I frc (d) Fractional part of uncorrected time, in Julian Day c I reae (d) Satellite position vector from orbit file c O jdcor (i) Integer part of corrected time, in Julian Day c O frccor (d) Fractional part of corrected time, in Julian Day c O error (i) error status c Author: TMB (MIDAS) -- originally program BARO. c Adapted: EAL Goddard/HSTX 1994 c Modified 5-Feb-96 for XTE for which the ephemeris is already in J2000.0 C equatorial coordinates. --- Mike Stark c Modified 14-Fed-96 to accept direction of source as input rather than c to calculate it from the RA and DEC on each iteration. C routines_called type description CR AR_JDC SR conversion DD,MM,YY to JD C C variables meaning C C TWOPI R*8 (parameter) 2*pi C C R*8 (parameter) light speed (in m/s) C FRC R*8 current fraction of day CP PI constant C C this is the geocentric vector with X-axis pointing to 0 long that C is written in the orbit data as X,Y,Z of satellite. It is defined C new here C REAE(3) R*8 vector from geocenter to spacecraft (m) C C we will keep REA(3) to mean the earth center to satellite vector in C the sidereal system C SWLONG R*8 west longitude of sat. from Grnwch(rad) C SWLAT R*8 latitude of satelitte (rad) C RADIUS R*8 radius of sat. from geocenter (light-s) C SITER R*8 distance of sat. in the eq. plane (light-s) C PH R*8 hour angle of the sat. (rad) C ST R*8 mean sidereal time (rad) C TTT R*8 time used for precessing C EEQ(3) R*8 earth sat. vec in sid. coord (light-s) C REA(3) R*8 earth sat. vec in 2000 coord (light-s) C RCA(3) R*8 vector from SSBC to spacecraft (light-s) C ETUT R*8 TDB-UTC in seconds Cc ALPHA R*8 RA of the source (in radians) Cc DELTA R*8 DEC of the source (in radians) C DIR(3) R*8 unit vector from sun to source C RCE(3) R*8 vector from SSBC to geocenter (light-s) C RCS(3) R*8 vector from SSBC to suncenter (light-s) C VCE(3) R*8 time derivetive of RCE C BARY R*8 sum of propagation delays (seconds) C NVALS I*4 number of values for keyword reading C I_UNIT I*4 unit for input table (orbit data) C O_UNIT I*4 unit for output table C LOG_LU I*4 logical unit for logfile C K I*4 index of main loop C I I*4 loop index (for X,Y,Z) C SUNDIS R*8 distance from sun to site (light-s) C SUNSIZ R*8 apparent radius of the sun (radians) C CTH R*8 cosine of site-sun-source angle C DTGR R*8 relativistic (Shapiro) delay (s) C SUN L*4 flag for source occultation by the sun IMPLICIT NONE c C double precision twopi, c PARAMETER (TWOPI=6.28318530717958648D0 & ,C=2.99792458D+8) LOGICAL*4 lsun,satflag INTEGER*4 jdcor, jd, i,ierr,lue, jd_2 DOUBLE PRECISION pi, frccor, SatBDt & , frc, rea(3), reae(3), rca(3), rsa(3) & , alpha, delta, dir(3), rce(3), rcs(3), vce(3), bary & , etut, frc_2, cth, dtgr, bclt, sunsiz, sundis REAL*8 DAYSEC PARAMETER (DAYSEC=1.D0/86400.D0) REAL*8 AULTSC PARAMETER (AULTSC=499.004782D0) REAL*8 GAUSS PARAMETER (GAUSS=0.01720209895D0) REAL*8 RSCHW PARAMETER (RSCHW=(GAUSS**2)*(AULTSC**3)*(DAYSEC**2)) REAL*8 SUNRAD PARAMETER (SUNRAD=2.315D0) if( return pi = 2.d0*dasin(1.d0) c--------------------------------------------- c Convert satellite position to light-seconds. c--------------------------------------------- DO i = 1 , 3 rea(i) = reae(i) / C ENDDO c------------------------------------- c Get satellite-barycenter vector rca. c------------------------------------- jd_2 = Jd frc_2 = Frc c Read from ephemeris file CALL xtereadeph(lue,jd_2,frc_2,Rce,Rcs,Etut,Vce,ierr) C TYPE *, 'Earth: ', RCE(1), RCE(2), RCE(3) C TYPE *, 'Sun: ', RCS(1), RCS(2), RCS(3) C TYPE *, 'Sat: ', REA(1), REA(2), REA(3) c print*,'ETUT is ',Etut c print*,'Earth ', RCE(1), RCE(2), RCE(3) c print*,'Sun ', RCS(1), RCS(2), RCS(3) c print*,'Sat ', REA(1), REA(2), REA(3) IF( RETURN c Compute RCA and convert it to light-seconds DO i = 1 , 3 Rca(i) = Rce(i) + Rea(i) ENDDO c------------------------ c Barycenter vector done. c------------------------ c------------------------------------------------------------------- c Now get the time delay for a source at RA = alpha and DEC = delta. c------------------------------------------------------------------- C TYPE *, 'Alpha = ', Alpha, ' Delta = ', Delta c print*,'Alpha is ',alpha,' and Delta is ',delta dir(1) = DCOS(delta)*DCOS(alpha) dir(2) = DCOS(delta)*DSIN(alpha) dir(3) = DSIN(delta) c Print*,'DIR is ',dir(1),dir(2),dir(3) c Calculate light-travel time to barycenter in Euclidean space bclt = Dir(1)*rca(1) + Dir(2)*rca(2) + Dir(3)*rca(3) C TYPE *, 'Euclidean travel time: ', BCLT c print*,'Euclidean travel time: ', BCLT c Now calculate the time delay due to the gravitational field of the c Sun (I.I. Shapiro, Phys. Rev. Lett. 13, 789 (1964)). SatBDt = rea(1) * Vce(1) + rea(2) * Vce(2) + rea(3) * Vce(3) rsa(1) = rca(1) - Rcs(1) rsa(2) = rca(2) - Rcs(2) rsa(3) = rca(3) - Rcs(3) sundis = DSQRT(rsa(1)*rsa(1)+rsa(2)*rsa(2)+rsa(3)*rsa(3)) sunsiz = SUNRAD/sundis cth = (Dir(1)*rsa(1)+Dir(2)*rsa(2)+Dir(3)*rsa(3))/sundis lsun = ((cth+1.D0).LT.(0.5D0*sunsiz*sunsiz)) c print*,'SUN logical is ',lsun IF ( lsun ) THEN bary = bclt ELSE dtgr = -2D0*RSCHW*DLOG(1.D0+cth) c TYPE *, DtGr c print*,'DTGR is ',dtgr c print*,'Etut and SatBDt is ',Etut, SatBDt bary = bclt - dtgr + Etut + SatBDt ENDIF c----------------------------------------- c Finally, apply time delay to input time. c----------------------------------------- c print*,' ' c print*,' Barycent time is ',bary c print*,' Barycenter time in seconds is ', bary/86400.d0 c print*,' Fractional part of uncorrect time is ',frc c print*,' Integer part of uncorrect time is ',jd frccor = frc + bary/86400.d0 IF ( frccor.GE.1.0 ) THEN jdcor = jd + 1 frccor = frccor - 1.0 ELSE jdcor = jd ENDIF c print*,' Integer part of corrected time is ',jdcor c print*,' Final fractional part of corrected time is ',frccor c print*,' ' return END