******************************************** * GLAST Science Analysis Software Log File * * ---------------------------------------- * * v2r9p0 (28/03/2011) * ******************************************** Linux kepler.cesr.fr #2 SMP Tue Dec 21 15:34:16 CET 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux System runs Mosix ST version : "09-32-05" Add custom IRFs "P6_V11_C1_DIFFUSE,P6_V11_C2_DIFFUSE,P6_V11_DIFFUSE,P6_V11_F1_DIFFUSE,P6_V11_F2_DIFFUSE,P6_V11_I1_DIFFUSE,P6_V11_I2_DIFFUSE,P6_V3_B1_DIFFUSE,P6_V3_B2_DIFFUSE,P6_V3_C1_DIFFUSE,P6_V3_C2_DIFFUSE,P6_V3_F1_DIFFUSE,P6_V3_F2_DIFFUSE,P6_V3_I1_DIFFUSE,P6_V3_I2_DIFFUSE,P7_V6_MEV" to list of accessible IRFs Default IRF: "P6_V11_DIFFUSE" Set default IRF: "P7REP_SOURCE_V15" export PFILES=/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab; export HOME=/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab; mosrun -e gtselect rad="15.0" zmax="180.0" evtable="EVENTS" emax="20000.0" outfile="/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/ft1.fits" tmax="0.0" evclsmax="10" evclass=INDEF tmin="0.0" convtype="-1" chatter="4" phasemax="1.0" emin="200.0" gui="no" clobber="yes" evclsmin="0" phasemin="0.0" ra="83.6331" debug="no" dec="22.0145" infile="/project-data/glast/flight/fssc/p7v6/lightcurve/weekly/bin_00000/source/ft1.fits" mode="ql" <===> This is gtselect version ScienceTools-09-32-05 <===> Applying filter string: ((EVENT_CLASS/4)%2 == 1) && angsep(RA,DEC,83.6331,22.0145) < 15 && 200 <= ENERGY && ENERGY <= 20000 && 0 <= ZENITH_ANGLE && ZENITH_ANGLE <= 100 && gtifilter() <===> Done. gtselect ok. export PFILES=/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab; export HOME=/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab; mosrun -e gtbin sctable="SC_DATA" nypix="200" binsz="0.1" coordsys="GAL" axisrot="0.0" evtable="EVENTS" emax="20000.0" dtime="0.0" snratio="1.0" mode="ql" evfile="/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/ft1.fits" lcemin="30.0" decfield="DEC" ebinfile="NONE" lcemax="200000.0" enumbins="20" scfile="/project-data/glast/flight/fssc/p7v6/lightcurve/weekly/bin_00000/source/ft2.fits" tbinalg="LIN" ebinalg="LOG" xref="184.557460101" algorithm="CCUBE" outfile="/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/cntmap.fits" yref="-5.78434644902" tbinfile="NONE" gui="no" emin="200.0" nxpix="200" clobber="yes" efield="ENERGY" debug="no" proj="CAR" tstart="0.0" chatter="4" tstop="0.0" tfield="TIME" rafield="RA" denergy="100.0" <===> This is gtbin version ScienceTools-09-32-05 gtbin ok. export PFILES=/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab; export HOME=/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab; mosrun -e gtexpcube2 irfs="P7REP_SOURCE_V15" thmin="0.0" emax="20000.0" nypix="360" binsz="0.5" table="EXPOSURE" enumbins="20" xref="0.0" thmax="180.0" nxpix="720" proj="CAR" coordsys="GAL" bincalc="EDGE" infile="/project-data/glast/flight/fssc/p7v6/lightcurve/weekly/bin_00000/source/ltcube.fits" outfile="/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/binned_expmap.fits" chatter="4" axisrot="0.0" emin="200.0" yref="0.0" clobber="yes" cmap="none" mode="ql" debug="no" ignorephi="no" <===> This is gtexpcube2 version ScienceTools-09-32-05 <===> Computing binned exposure map....................! gtexpcube2 ok. export PFILES=/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab; export HOME=/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab; mosrun -e -m4000 gtsrcmaps irfs="P7REP_SOURCE_V15" sctable="SC_DATA" psfcorr="yes" convol="yes" srcmdl="/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/source_model.xml" emapbnds="yes" expcube="/project-data/glast/flight/fssc/p7v6/lightcurve/weekly/bin_00000/source/ltcube.fits" resample="yes" debug="no" ptsrc="no" minbinsz="0.1" clobber="yes" bexpmap="/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/binned_expmap.fits" outfile="/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/srcmap.fits" cmap="/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/cntmap.fits" mode="ql" chatter="4" rfactor="2" gui="no" scfile="/project-data/glast/flight/fssc/p7v6/lightcurve/weekly/bin_00000/source/ft2.fits" <===> This is gtsrcmaps version ScienceTools-09-32-05 <===> IRF selection, P7REP_SOURCE_V15, and DSS keywords in /users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/cntmap.fits[] <===> are inconsistent. DSS keywords give <===> Creating source named Extragal_diffuse <===> Creating source named Galactic_diffuse <===> Creating source named Crab <===> Generating SourceMap for Extragal_diffuse <===> resampling factor: 2 <===> mapsize: 960 <===> ....................! <===> Generating SourceMap for Galactic_diffuseMapBase::readFitsFile: creating WcsMap2 object <===> <===> resampling factor: 2 <===> mapsize: 960 <===> ....................MapBased::deleteMap: /project-data/glast/skymaps/galprop/gll_iem_v05.fit <===> SourceMap::makeDiffuseSource: called mapBaseObj->deleteMap() <===> ! <===> Extragal_diffuse <===> appending map for Extragal_diffuse <===> Galactic_diffuse <===> appending map for Galactic_diffuse gtsrcmaps ok. cd /users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab; export PFILES=/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab; export HOME=/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab; mosrun -e gtlike irfs="P7REP_SOURCE_V15" psfcorr="yes" expcube="/project-data/glast/flight/fssc/p7v6/lightcurve/weekly/bin_00000/source/ltcube.fits" results="results.dat" evfile="none" expmap="none" statistic="BINNED" ftol="0.001" plot="no" tsmin="yes" gui="no" save="yes" specfile="counts_spectra.fits" sctable="SC_DATA" optimizer="NEWMINUIT" evtable="EVENTS" refit="no" sfile="/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/results_like.xml" chatter="4" scfile="none" srcmdl="/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/source_model.xml" toltype="ABS" clobber="yes" bexpmap="/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/binned_expmap.fits" cmap="/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/srcmap.fits" mode="ql" debug="no" check_fit="yes" <===> This is gtlike version ScienceTools-09-32-05 <===> IRF selection, P7REP_SOURCE_V15, and DSS keywords in /users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/srcmap.fits[] <===> are inconsistent. DSS keywords give <===> Creating source named Extragal_diffuse <===> Creating source named Galactic_diffuse <===> Creating source named Crab <===> Generating SourceMap for Crab....................! <===> 0 -26571.6 3755.8 <===> 1 -106401 99490.6 <===> 2 -1.35496e+06 1.36035e+06 <===> 3 -2.68207e+06 2.69076e+06 <===> 4 -69269.2 59681.2 <===> 5 -26469.1 5161.99 <===> 6 -109358 102207 <===> 7 -27402.8 3574.39 <===> 8 -27202.2 5309.07 <===> 9 -26854.7 3685.62 <===> 10 -26703.4 4413.85 <===> 11 -26531.8 4840.61 <===> 12 -26304.7 5089.48 <===> 13 -58500.3 47416.5 <===> 14 -27048.6 5496.64 <===> 15 -26269 5063.75 <===> 16 -26029.6 5159.31 <===> 17 -83004.7 74357.9 <===> 18 -26026.1 5056.14 <===> 19 -25995.8 4890.55 <===> 20 -25990.3 4788.24 <===> 21 -25989.8 4805.36 <===> 22 -25980.4 4839.41 <===> 23 -25980.1 4835.59 <===> 24 -25979.6 4836.36 <===> 25 -25979.6 4835.7 <===> 26 -25979.6 4831.82 <===> 27 -25979.6 4830.82 <===> 28 -25979.6 4830.82 <===> 29 -25979.6 4833.61 <===> 30 -25979.6 4828.03 <===> 31 -25984.9 4892.11 <===> 32 -25984.3 4776.12 <===> 33 -25979.6 4836.64 <===> 34 -25979.6 4825.06 <===> 35 -25979.6 4832.85 <===> 36 -25979.6 4828.79 <===> 37 -25979.8 4873.86 <===> 38 -25979.8 4789.64 <===> 39 -25979.6 4837.56 <===> 40 -25979.6 4824.12 <===> 41 -26001.6 5287.57 <===> 42 -26002.2 4400.21 <===> 43 -25979.8 4875.32 <===> 44 -25979.8 4786.58 <===> 45 -25979.6 4838.21 <===> 46 -25979.6 4823.43 <===> 47 -25979.6 4833.61 <===> 48 -25979.6 4828.03 <===> 49 -25979.6 4832.85 <===> 50 -25979.6 4828.79 <===> 51 -25979.6 4837.56 <===> 52 -25979.6 4824.12 <===> 53 -25979.6 4838.21 <===> 54 -25979.6 4823.43 <===> 55 -25979.6 4831.38 <===> 56 -25979.6 4830.26 <===> 57 -25979.6 4831.22 <===> 58 -25979.6 4830.41 <===> 59 -25979.6 4832.16 <===> 60 -25979.6 4829.47 <===> 61 -25979.6 4831.09 <===> 62 -25979.6 4830.55 <===> 63 -25979.6 4832.29 <===> 64 -25979.6 4829.34 <===> 65 -25979.6 4835.66 <===> 66 -25979.6 4840.36 <===> 67 -25979.6 4841.01 <===> 68 -25979.6 4839.6 <===> 69 -25979.6 4840.25 <===> 70 -25979.6 4844.96 <===> <===> Minuit did successfully converge. <===> # of function calls: 71 <===> minimum function Value: 25979.56816776 <===> minimum edm: 0.0007661844713016 <===> minimum internal state vector: LAVector parameters: <===> -1.261489214475 <===> -0.4422987551761 <===> -1.496769208144 <===> -1.504080741126 <===> <===> minimum internal covariance matrix: LASymMatrix parameters: <===> 0.00026769123 -0.00019723322 -2.3849844e-05 4.841396e-07 <===> -0.00019723322 0.00027009987 2.0401873e-05 -1.2160875e-06 <===> -2.3849844e-05 2.0401873e-05 0.00018865593 -2.0456189e-05 <===> 4.841396e-07 -1.2160875e-06 -2.0456189e-05 2.9322636e-06 <===> <===> <===> # ext. || Name || type || Value || Error +/- <===> <===> 0 ||0_Integral || limited || 23.72764377996 ||1.7607803806 <===> 1 || 1_Index || limited || -2.140090702065 ||0.0525128279225 <===> 2 ||2_Normalization || limited || 1.369378051602 ||0.3591513710273 <===> 3 || 3_Value || limited || 1.112329672179 ||0.04036096008417 <===> <===> <===> <===> <===> 71 -25979.6 4830.82 <===> 72 -25979.6 4831.38 <===> 73 -25979.6 4830.26 <===> 74 -25979.6 4831.22 <===> 75 -25979.6 4830.41 <===> 76 -25979.6 4831.09 <===> 77 -25979.6 4830.55 <===> 78 -25979.6 4832.29 <===> 79 -25979.6 4829.34 <===> 80 -25979.6 4830.93 <===> 81 -25979.6 4830.7 <===> 82 -25979.6 4830.9 <===> 83 -25979.6 4830.73 <===> 84 -25979.6 4830.87 <===> 85 -25979.6 4830.76 <===> 86 -25979.6 4831.11 <===> 87 -25979.6 4830.52 <===> 88 -25979.6 4831.78 <===> 89 -25979.6 4831.64 <===> 90 -25979.6 4832.85 <===> 91 -25979.6 4831.49 <===> 92 -25979.6 4832.7 <===> 93 -25979.6 4832.56 <===> <===> # of function calls: 94 <===> function Value: 25979.56816776 <===> expected distance to the Minimum (edm): 0.0007635878349732 <===> external parameters: <===> # ext. || Name || type || Value || Error +/- <===> <===> 0 ||0_Integral || limited || 23.72764377996 ||1.752643597136 <===> 1 || 1_Index || limited || -2.140090702065 ||0.0522717745185 <===> 2 ||2_Normalization || limited || 1.369378051602 ||0.3582834903128 <===> 3 || 3_Value || limited || 1.112329672179 ||0.04026935761572 <===> <===> <===> <===> covariance matrix: <===> MnUserCovariance: <===> <===> 3.0719 -0.0669339 -0.0656889 0.00112112 <===> -0.0669339 0.00273246 0.00166842 -8.93026e-05 <===> -0.0656889 0.00166842 0.128371 -0.0125396 <===> 0.00112112 -8.93026e-05 -0.0125396 0.00162162 <===> <===> MnUserCovariance Parameter correlations: <===> <===> 1 -0.730577 -0.104606 0.0158845 <===> -0.730577 1 0.0890832 -0.0424241 <===> -0.104606 0.0890832 1 -0.869112 <===> 0.0158845 -0.0424241 -0.869112 1 <===> <===> global correlation coefficients : <===> MnGlobalCorrelationCoeff: <===> <===> 0.738524 <===> 0.7318 <===> 0.874088 <===> 0.872858 <===> <===> <===> 94 -25979.6 4830.82 <===> .Computing TS values for each source (3 total) <===> 95 -26730.6 4235.41 <===> 96 -26730.6 4235.41 <===> 97 -875108 878386 <===> 98 -3.23481e+06 3.2444e+06 <===> 99 -46628.8 34219.2 <===> 100 -26695.1 5029.12 <===> 101 -27357.7 7347.66 <===> 102 -26693.7 5020.25 <===> 103 -26689.8 4839.86 <===> 104 -26689.8 4827.9 <===> 105 -26689.7 4833.87 <===> 106 -26689.7 4835.33 <===> 107 -26689.7 4832.1 <===> 108 -26689.7 4832.1 <===> 109 -26689.9 4873.24 <===> 110 -26689.9 4792.14 <===> 111 -26689.7 4839.27 <===> 112 -26689.7 4824.96 <===> 113 -26708.8 5272.6 <===> 114 -26709.1 4413.84 <===> 115 -26689.9 4875.15 <===> 116 -26689.9 4789.27 <===> 117 -26689.7 4839.92 <===> 118 -26689.7 4824.28 <===> 119 -26689.7 4839.27 <===> 120 -26689.7 4824.96 <===> 121 -26689.7 4839.92 <===> 122 -26689.7 4824.28 <===> 123 -26689.7 4833.53 <===> 124 -26689.7 4830.67 <===> 125 -26689.7 4832.38 <===> 126 -26689.7 4831.81 <===> 127 -26689.7 4833.66 <===> 128 -26689.7 4830.53 <===> 129 -26689.8 4847.1 <===> 130 -26689.7 4832.1 <===> Generating SourceMap for Crab....................! <===> ..! <===> <===> Photon fluxes are computed for the energy range 200 to 20000 MeV <===> <===> Crab: <===> Integral: 23.7276 +/- 1.75268 <===> Index: -2.14009 +/- 0.0522729 <===> LowerLimit: 100 <===> UpperLimit: 500000 <===> TS value: 1420.34 <===> Flux: 1.07127e-06 +/- 5.77166e-08 photons/cm^2/s <===> <===> Extragal_diffuse: <===> Normalization: 1.36938 +/- 0.358289 <===> Flux: 9.52653e-05 +/- 2.49164e-05 photons/cm^2/s <===> <===> Galactic_diffuse: <===> Value: 1.11233 +/- 0.0402694 <===> MapBase::readFitsFile: creating WcsMap2 object <===> Flux: 0.000332084 +/- 1.20219e-05 photons/cm^2/s <===> WARNING: Fit may be bad in range [3169.79, 3990.52] (MeV) <===> <===> <===> Total number of observed counts: 4832 <===> Total number of model events: 4830.82 <===> 131 -25979.56817 4830.81618 <===> <===> -log(Likelihood): 25979.56817 <===> <===> Writing fitted model to /users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/results_like.xml <===> Elapsed CPU time: 51.72 gtlike ok. gtlike refit requested! Restart. cd /users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab; export PFILES=/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab; export HOME=/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab; mosrun -e gtlike irfs="P7REP_SOURCE_V15" psfcorr="yes" expcube="/project-data/glast/flight/fssc/p7v6/lightcurve/weekly/bin_00000/source/ltcube.fits" results="results.dat" evfile="none" expmap="none" statistic="BINNED" ftol="0.001" plot="no" tsmin="yes" gui="no" save="yes" specfile="counts_spectra.fits" sctable="SC_DATA" optimizer="NEWMINUIT" evtable="EVENTS" refit="no" sfile="/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/results_like.xml" chatter="4" scfile="none" srcmdl="/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/results_like.xml" toltype="ABS" clobber="yes" bexpmap="/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/binned_expmap.fits" cmap="/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/srcmap.fits" mode="ql" debug="no" check_fit="yes" <===> This is gtlike version ScienceTools-09-32-05 <===> IRF selection, P7REP_SOURCE_V15, and DSS keywords in /users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/srcmap.fits[] <===> are inconsistent. DSS keywords give <===> Creating source named Crab <===> Creating source named Extragal_diffuse <===> Creating source named Galactic_diffuse <===> Generating SourceMap for Crab....................! <===> 0 -25979.6 4830.82 <===> 1 -27743.9 9901.31 <===> 2 -25984.2 5039.25 <===> 3 -25979.6 4841.11 <===> 4 -25979.6 4832.47 <===> 5 -26184.9 4713.47 <===> 6 -25980 4822.32 <===> 7 -25979.6 4831.95 <===> 8 -25979.6 4832.23 <===> 9 -25979.6 4831.54 <===> 10 -25979.6 4832.12 <===> 11 -25979.6 4832.12 <===> 12 -25979.6 4834.92 <===> 13 -25979.6 4829.33 <===> 14 -25985 4893.46 <===> 15 -25984.3 4777.38 <===> 16 -25979.6 4837.95 <===> 17 -25979.6 4826.36 <===> 18 -25979.6 4834.16 <===> 19 -25979.6 4830.09 <===> 20 -25979.8 4875.23 <===> 21 -25979.8 4790.9 <===> 22 -25979.6 4838.87 <===> 23 -25979.6 4825.42 <===> 24 -26001.6 5288.59 <===> 25 -26002.1 4401.75 <===> 26 -25979.8 4876.59 <===> 27 -25979.8 4787.91 <===> 28 -25979.6 4839.52 <===> 29 -25979.6 4824.73 <===> 30 -25979.6 4834.92 <===> 31 -25979.6 4829.33 <===> 32 -25979.6 4834.16 <===> 33 -25979.6 4830.09 <===> 34 -25979.6 4838.87 <===> 35 -25979.6 4825.42 <===> 36 -25979.6 4839.52 <===> 37 -25979.6 4824.73 <===> 38 -25979.6 4832.68 <===> 39 -25979.6 4831.56 <===> 40 -25979.6 4832.53 <===> 41 -25979.6 4831.72 <===> 42 -25979.6 4832.2 <===> 43 -25979.6 4832.04 <===> 44 -25979.6 4833.47 <===> 45 -25979.6 4830.78 <===> 46 -25979.6 4832.39 <===> 47 -25979.6 4831.85 <===> 48 -25979.6 4833.6 <===> 49 -25979.6 4830.64 <===> 50 -25979.6 4832.42 <===> 51 -25979.6 4831.83 <===> 52 -25979.6 4836.97 <===> 53 -25979.6 4841.67 <===> 54 -25979.6 4842.32 <===> 55 -25979.6 4840.91 <===> 56 -25979.6 4841.56 <===> 57 -25979.6 4846.27 <===> <===> Minuit did successfully converge. <===> # of function calls: 58 <===> minimum function Value: 25979.56744451 <===> minimum edm: 4.02477117386e-05 <===> minimum internal state vector: LAVector parameters: <===> -1.261493909278 <===> -0.4420806567806 <===> -1.496976627901 <===> -1.504049894637 <===> <===> minimum internal covariance matrix: LASymMatrix parameters: <===> 0.00026769507 -0.00019719371 -2.389209e-05 4.797087e-07 <===> -0.00019719371 0.00026981508 2.0435687e-05 -1.2105976e-06 <===> -2.389209e-05 2.0435687e-05 0.00018948584 -2.0484263e-05 <===> 4.797087e-07 -1.2105976e-06 -2.0484263e-05 2.9282314e-06 <===> <===> <===> # ext. || Name || type || Value || Error +/- <===> <===> 0 ||0_Integral || limited || 23.72692923934 ||1.760767113393 <===> 1 || 1_Index || limited || -2.139105097084 ||0.05249055711983 <===> 2 ||2_Normalization || limited || 1.361718444533 ||0.3589337411366 <===> 3 || 3_Value || limited || 1.113358117175 ||0.04035182067449 <===> <===> <===> <===> <===> 58 -25979.6 4832.12 <===> 59 -25979.6 4832.68 <===> 60 -25979.6 4831.56 <===> 61 -25979.6 4832.2 <===> 62 -25979.6 4832.04 <===> 63 -25979.6 4832.39 <===> 64 -25979.6 4831.85 <===> 65 -25979.6 4832.42 <===> 66 -25979.6 4831.83 <===> 67 -25979.6 4832.23 <===> 68 -25979.6 4832.01 <===> 69 -25979.6 4832.14 <===> 70 -25979.6 4832.11 <===> 71 -25979.6 4832.18 <===> 72 -25979.6 4832.07 <===> 73 -25979.6 4832.18 <===> 74 -25979.6 4832.06 <===> 75 -25979.6 4832.76 <===> 76 -25979.6 4832.95 <===> 77 -25979.6 4832.98 <===> 78 -25979.6 4832.47 <===> 79 -25979.6 4832.5 <===> 80 -25979.6 4832.69 <===> <===> # of function calls: 81 <===> function Value: 25979.56744451 <===> expected distance to the Minimum (edm): 3.983255451288e-05 <===> external parameters: <===> # ext. || Name || type || Value || Error +/- <===> <===> 0 ||0_Integral || limited || 23.72692923934 ||1.751595617067 <===> 1 || 1_Index || limited || -2.139105097084 ||0.05221887255349 <===> 2 ||2_Normalization || limited || 1.361718444533 ||0.3582557203799 <===> 3 || 3_Value || limited || 1.113358117175 ||0.04028198719927 <===> <===> <===> <===> covariance matrix: <===> MnUserCovariance: <===> <===> 3.06822 -0.0668135 -0.0655504 0.00111039 <===> -0.0668135 0.00272693 0.0016649 -8.89968e-05 <===> -0.0655504 0.0016649 0.128351 -0.0125431 <===> 0.00111039 -8.89968e-05 -0.0125431 0.00162264 <===> <===> MnUserCovariance Parameter correlations: <===> <===> 1 -0.730439 -0.104456 0.015737 <===> -0.730439 1 0.0889918 -0.0423084 <===> -0.104456 0.0889918 1 -0.869149 <===> 0.015737 -0.0423084 -0.869149 1 <===> <===> global correlation coefficients : <===> MnGlobalCorrelationCoeff: <===> <===> 0.738384 <===> 0.731659 <===> 0.87412 <===> 0.872894 <===> <===> <===> 81 -25979.6 4832.12 <===> .Computing TS values for each source (3 total) <===> 82 -26730.5 4236.23 <===> 83 -26730.5 4236.23 <===> 84 -790565 793347 <===> 85 -3.33659e+06 3.34632e+06 <===> 86 -49467.9 37500.6 <===> 87 -26698 5089.92 <===> 88 -27506.2 7707.5 <===> 89 -26696.2 5078.52 <===> 90 -26689.9 4838.23 <===> 91 -26689.8 4833.59 <===> 92 -26689.7 4832.26 <===> 93 -26689.7 4832.26 <===> 94 -26690 4873.39 <===> 95 -26689.9 4792.31 <===> 96 -26689.7 4839.44 <===> 97 -26689.7 4825.12 <===> 98 -26708.8 5272.84 <===> 99 -26709.1 4413.94 <===> 100 -26689.9 4875.32 <===> 101 -26689.9 4789.43 <===> 102 -26689.7 4840.09 <===> 103 -26689.7 4824.44 <===> 104 -26689.7 4839.44 <===> 105 -26689.7 4825.12 <===> 106 -26689.7 4840.09 <===> 107 -26689.7 4824.44 <===> 108 -26689.7 4833.69 <===> 109 -26689.7 4830.83 <===> 110 -26689.7 4833.83 <===> 111 -26689.7 4830.7 <===> 112 -26689.8 4847.26 <===> 113 -26689.7 4832.26 <===> Generating SourceMap for Crab....................! <===> ..! <===> <===> Photon fluxes are computed for the energy range 200 to 20000 MeV <===> <===> Crab: <===> Integral: 23.7269 +/- 1.75163 <===> Index: -2.13911 +/- 0.05222 <===> LowerLimit: 100 <===> UpperLimit: 500000 <===> TS value: 1420.34 <===> Flux: 1.07194e-06 +/- 5.77353e-08 photons/cm^2/s <===> <===> Extragal_diffuse: <===> Normalization: 1.36172 +/- 0.358261 <===> Flux: 9.47324e-05 +/- 2.49144e-05 photons/cm^2/s <===> <===> Galactic_diffuse: <===> Value: 1.11336 +/- 0.040282 <===> MapBase::readFitsFile: creating WcsMap2 object <===> Flux: 0.000332391 +/- 1.20257e-05 photons/cm^2/s <===> WARNING: Fit may be bad in range [3169.79, 3990.52] (MeV) <===> <===> <===> Total number of observed counts: 4832 <===> Total number of model events: 4832.12 <===> 114 -25979.56744 4832.121898 <===> <===> -log(Likelihood): 25979.56744 <===> <===> Writing fitted model to /users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/results_like.xml <===> Elapsed CPU time: 59.04 gtlike ok. export PFILES=/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab; export HOME=/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab; mosrun -e gtmodel irfs="P7REP_SOURCE_V15" expcube="/project-data/glast/flight/fssc/p7v6/lightcurve/weekly/bin_00000/source/ltcube.fits" resample="yes" outfile="/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/modmap.fits" outtype="CMAP" chatter="4" srcmaps="/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/srcmap.fits" srcmdl="/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/results_like.xml" convol="yes" gui="no" clobber="yes" bexpmap="/users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/binned_expmap.fits" mode="ql" debug="no" rfactor="2" <===> This is gtmodel version ScienceTools-09-32-05 <===> IRF selection, P7REP_SOURCE_V15, and DSS keywords in /users-data/knodlseder/glast/analysis/gammalib/modelfit/week_00000_roi10_200_20000_20bin_extdiff_galdiff_Crab/srcmap.fits[] <===> are inconsistent. DSS keywords give <===> Creating source named Crab <===> Creating source named Extragal_diffuse <===> Creating source named Galactic_diffuse <===> Generating SourceMap for Crab....................! gtmodel ok. SAS terminated properly.