Support #1926

gammalib and ctools installation

Added by Gasparetto Thomas over 7 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:02/10/2017
Priority:NormalDue date:
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I just want to report few difficulties I found in the installation of the gammalib package and the ctools as I don’t really have a experience in this kind of installations.
All my problems came from my desire to install the gammalib and ctools in a computing farm in which I don’t have admin privileges (no sudo) and that I also wanted a the full python support.
At first my problems came from missing important libraries, the python-devel developer package (were there is the Python.h). After this problem was solved by the admins, I had to manually install cfitsio, readline and ncurses libraries; I compile all of them in a private folder where there were no need for sudo privileges using the --prefix=/path/to/folder option during the ./configure step.
Then, when compiling gammalib I used again the option --prefix but I had also to add LDFLAGS='-L/path/to/libraries/lib’ and CPPFLAGS='-I/path/to/libraries/include’.
Then I used the same ./configure command also for the installation of ctools.
I just think it might be useful to add few example like these in the installation instructions for people like me that have little experience.


No recurrence.

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