{{lastupdated_at}} by {{lastupdated_by}} {{>toc}} h1. Coding techniques This pages summarizes some coding techniques that are used in GammaLib. h2. Interface classes Interface classes are widely used throughout GammaLib. An interface class is an abstract virtual base class, i.e. all class that only has pure virtual methods. This forces the derives class to implement all the pure virtual methods. h2. Registries Registries are widely used in GammaLib to collect the various derived classes that may exist for a base class. This allows automatic recognition of GammaLib of all derived classes that exist, and this even without recompilation of the code. One area where registries are widely used are model components. For example, by defining @GModelSpectralRegistry@ class, all spectral models that are available through a registry, allowing for example automatic parsing of an XML file. We illustrate the mechanism using the @GModelSpectralRegistry@ class. Here an excerpt of the class definition:
class GModelSpectralRegistry {
    GModelSpectralRegistry(const GModelSpectral* model);
    GModelSpectral* alloc(const std::string& type) const;
    static int                    m_number;   //!< Number of models in registry
    static std::string*           m_names;    //!< Model names
    static const GModelSpectral** m_models;   //!< Pointer to seed models
All class members are static, so that every instance of the class gives access to the same data. The static variables are initialised in @GModelSpectralRegistry.cpp@:
int                    GModelSpectralRegistry::m_number(0);
std::string*           GModelSpectralRegistry::m_names(0);
const GModelSpectral** GModelSpectralRegistry::m_models(0);
@m_number@ counts the number of derived classes that are registered, @m_names@ points to a vector of string elements that contain the unique names of the derived classes, and @m_models@ are pointers to instances of the different derived classes. These instances are also called the seeds. The central method of the @GModelSpectralRegistry@ class is the @alloc()@ method. This method allocates a new instance of a derived class using the unique name of the class. For example, by specifying
GModelSpectralRegistry registry;
GModelSpectral*        spectral = registry("PowerLaw");
the pointer @spectral@ will hold an instance of @GModelSpectralPlaw@. This is achieved by searching the array of @m_names@, and if a match is found, cloning the seed instance:
GModelSpectral* GModelSpectralRegistry::alloc(const std::string& type) const
    GModelSpectral* model = NULL;
    for (int i = 0; i < m_number; ++i) {
        if (m_names[i] == type) {
            model = m_models[i]->clone();
    return model;
If the requested model is not found, @NULL@ is returned. A spectral model is registered to the registry by adding two global variables at the top of the corresponding @.cpp@ file. Here the example for @GModelSpectralPlaw.cpp@:
const GModelSpectralPlaw     g_spectral_plaw_seed;
const GModelSpectralRegistry g_spectral_plaw_registry(&g_spectral_plaw_seed);
The first line allocates one instance of the class, and the second line stores the address of this instance in the registry using a registry constructor.