{{lastupdated_at}} by {{lastupdated_by}} {{>toc}} h1. GContainer h2. Usage The abstract @GContainer@ class is used to defined - as much as possible - the common interface for container classes. As the exact type of object varies from container class to container class, not all methods can be defined at the level of the @GContainer@ class. See action #767 for the reasons behind this. h2. Base class @GContainer@ is the interface class for container classes in GammaLib. The class is an abstract base class which defines the methods that all GammaLib container classes are required to implement. It derives from the @GBase@ base class. Below the interface definition:
class GContainer : public GBase {
    virtual ~GContainer(void) {}
    virtual int  size(void) const = 0;
    virtual bool isempty(void) const = 0;
    virtual void remove(const int& index) = 0;
    virtual void reserve(const int& num) = 0;
The methods have the following meaning: * @size()@ returns the number of elements in the container * @isempty()@ checks whether the container is empty (contains 0 elements) * @remove()@ removes object with specified @index@ from the container * @reserve()@ reserves space for @num@ objects in the container The @reserve()@ method is particularly useful for containers that use the @std::vector@ class for implementing the object list. h2. Object containers Object container are containers that hold a list of instances of a given class. In addition to the methods required by @GContainer@, the following methods shall be implemented by object containers:
GObject&       operator[](const int& index);
const GObject& operator[](const int& index) const;
void           append(const GObject& object);
void           insert(const int& index, const GObject& object);
void           extend(const GContainer& container);
The @operator[]@ of object containers returns references to the objects. This allows accessing and setting of objects in an object container. The @append()@ method appends an object at the end of the container, while the @insert()@ method inserts an object *before* a specific index (similar to std::vector). Object containers will always clone the object that should be appended or inserted, hence object containers will hold deep copies of the @object@ provided in the argument. The @extend()@ method extends the container with the content of another @container@. h2. Pointer containers Pointer containers are objects that hold a list of pointers to instances of a given class. One can distinguish two types of pointer containers: those that have their own internal memory management and those that simply store pointer which will be managed outside the class. h3. Pointer containers with internal memory management Pointer containers with internal memory management deal with the allocation and deallocation of container elements. These containers will always clone the object that should be appended or inserted, hence object containers will hold deep copies of the objects, similar to object containers. In particular, pointer containers should assure that all pointers it holds are valid. Pointer containers with internal memory management will be used instead of object containers when the container should be able to hold different derived classes of a given base class. An example of such a container is the @GModels@ class. Pointer containers with internal memory management shall implement in addition to the @GContainer@ methods the following methods:
GObject*       operator[](const int& index);
const GObject* operator[](const int& index) const;
GObject*       set(const int& index, const GObject& object);
GObject*       append(const GObject& object);
GObject*       insert(const int& index, const GObject& object);
void           extend(const GContainer& container);
The @operator[]@ of pointer containers allows to access the elements of the container. Note that @operator[]@ of a pointer container with internal memory management *shall* always return a pointer, which explicitly prevents of assigning of elements using the @operator[]@. The reason behind this policy is that code slicing it thus avoided (see #516). Code slicing occurs in situations where you assign an object of a derived class to an instance of a base class, thereby losing part of the information - some of it is "sliced" away. To prevent code slicing, a @set@ method shall be implemented that handles the element assignment. Note that all objects are passed by reference, hence there is no way that a NULL pointer can be assigned to a container element. The class *shall* assure that pointers are always valid. This implies that *pointers returned by the @operator[]@ do not need to be checked against NULL values.* For example, the @set()@ method should use the object's @clone()@ method to store a pointer to a deep copy of the object in the container (this is also a good illustration of the need for the @clone()@ method):
GModel* GModels::set(const int& index, const GModel& model)
    // Compile option: raise exception if index is out of range
    #if defined(G_RANGE_CHECK)
    if (index < 0 || index >= size()) {
        throw GException::out_of_range(G_SET1, index, 0, size()-1);

    // Delete any existing model
    if (m_models[index] != NULL) delete m_models[index];

    // Assign new model by cloning
    m_models[index] = model.clone();

    // Set parameter pointers

    // Return pointer
    return m_models[index];
The @set()@, @append()@ and @insert()@ methods *shall* return a pointer to the object that has been cloned (see above). Very often this pointer may not be used, but having the pointer is convenient for manipulating the object after appending it to the container. Note that the returned pointer is non-const, so that the content of the object can indeed be manipulated. h3. Pointer containers with external memory management Pointer containers with external memory management will not deal with the allocation and deallocation of container elements. An example of such a class is the @GOptimizerPars@ class. See the Change Request #689 that deals with a possible modification of the @GXmlNode@ interface. h2. Further notes Containers containing named objects should have a @contains()@ method to check for existence of a specific named object in the container, e.g.
GModels models;
if (models.contains("Crab"))
    std::cout << "We have the Crab!";