Feature #1747

GModel for Gamma Ray Spectrum from Dark Matter

Added by Rodriguez Fernandez Gonzalo almost 9 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:03/17/2016
Priority:NormalDue date:
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Following the feature #1520, from Nathan, (GModels for Dark Matter Halo Density Profiles). I would suggest to add the gamma ray spectra for dark matter, because it is not easy to model with the current functions used in gammalib.

I would like to suggest the solution adopted by the Fermi collaboration in their science tools. They use the DMFit tool to calculated the gamma spectrum, then from a xml file they just model the spectrum using 4 parameters, normalization, channel, branching ratio and mass.

From M.Cirelli et al I have used their Mathematica notebook to create the ASCII file for different wimp mass and annihilation channels for the CTA energy range.


gammamc_dif.dat Magnifier - ASCII file with energy spectra for different DM mass and channels (914 KB) Rodriguez Fernandez Gonzalo, 03/17/2016 11:46 AM

test.py Magnifier - python script to read the ASCII file and plot some spectra (1.89 KB) Rodriguez Fernandez Gonzalo, 03/17/2016 11:47 AM


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