Support #2687

make check does not seem to check the software

Added by Bonnefoy Simon over 6 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:09/25/2018
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assigned To:-% Done:


Target version:-


I am trying to install ctools on scientific linux 7.
It seems that make check does not test the software.
The folder test/reports only contains the notes.txt file.
The results of the make check command together with the config.log
of gammalib and ctools are attached.

I saw that an issue was reported a few years ago on this,
but I could not get how that was solved.

config_ctools.log (47.1 KB) Bonnefoy Simon, 09/25/2018 11:53 AM

config_gammalib.log (54.8 KB) Bonnefoy Simon, 09/25/2018 11:53 AM

make_check.log (8.73 KB) Bonnefoy Simon, 09/25/2018 11:57 AM


No recurrence.

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