Feature #800
Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 12 years ago
GammaLib should be handle to perform the same operations on files, text strings and distant media (accessed for example via http, ftp, etc.). This can be achieved by implementing an abstract base class @GUrl@ that implements the following basic operations:
* @open@ for opening (e.g. file opening, socket opening, string clearing, etc.)
* @close@ for closing (e.g. file closing, socket closing, etc.)
* @read@ reading of the media
* @write@ writing to the media
* @getc@ getting a character from the media
* @putc@ putting a character into the media
Derived classes are then implemented to handle the various media:
* @GUrlString@ handles a simple string
* @GUrlFile@ handles a flat file
* @GUrlHttp@ handles a network connection using http
* @GUrlHttps@ handles a secured network connection (need to check whether this should be merged with @GUrlHttp@
* @GUrlFtp@ handles ftp connections
* @open@ for opening (e.g. file opening, socket opening, string clearing, etc.)
* @close@ for closing (e.g. file closing, socket closing, etc.)
* @read@ reading of the media
* @write@ writing to the media
* @getc@ getting a character from the media
* @putc@ putting a character into the media
Derived classes are then implemented to handle the various media:
* @GUrlString@ handles a simple string
* @GUrlFile@ handles a flat file
* @GUrlHttp@ handles a network connection using http
* @GUrlHttps@ handles a secured network connection (need to check whether this should be merged with @GUrlHttp@
* @GUrlFtp@ handles ftp connections