Action #818

Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen about 11 years ago

To insure a homogenous use of printing throughout GammaLib, an integer argument named @chatter@ shall be added to all @print()@ methods that instruct the method about the level of information that is requested. The following chattiness shall be implemented:
* chatter=0: no information is printed, except of errors
* chatter=1: Level *terse*. Only summary information is printed.
* chatter=2: Level *normal*. Normal level of information, useful for understanding the class content.
* chatter=3: Level *explicit*. Detailed information, useful for understanding the inner workings of the classes.
* chatter=4: Level *verbose*. Produces the maximum information, useful for debugging.

*chatter=2 is the default level* that shall be taken if no argument is passed.

A homogenous implementation of the chatter levels should be aimed for among all classes.

The @GLog@ class shall have a @m_chatter@ member that sets the default chattiness for the logger. In that way, the logger can control the chattiness of the class output, providing a homogenous information handling in GammaLib applications.
