GammaLib-00-07-00 release
GammaLib-00-07-00 was just released. COMPTEL data analysis is supported, a log parabola spectral model has been added, and substantial refactoring of code including interface changes have been undertaken.
GammaLib-00-07-00 was just released.
The release includes the following changes:
- Add base module for interface classes
- Introduce GBase from which almost all classes derive
- Add dependency tracking for Python interface
- Add COMPTEL instrument interface
- Open FITS image using the equivalent data type
- Refactor CTA response classes
- Define new instrument response interface
- Add GSource class
- File locking failures do no longer throw exceptions
- Optimize GNodeArray computations and add unit tests
- Add handling of undefined and NaN values to GPar class
- Add GPhotons photon container class
- Implement mc(), flux() and eflux() for all spectral models
- Rework GTime interface and introduce GTimeReference class
- Add GModelSpectralLogParabola spectral model