Jean Pierre

  • Email:
  • Registered on: 06/27/2012
  • Last connection: 06/28/2024


Reported issues: 31


05:49 PM ctools Bug #3260 (Closed): Bug with $CTOOLS/share/examples/python/
Manon Jarry installed ctools with python 3.5 on her computer equipped with Dual boot Ubuntu 20.04.
The installation ...


10:55 AM ctools Action #3225 (Closed): Change an import command line in the Introduction of the online user manual
In the Introduction / Running ctools part of the online user manual (

Also available in: Atom

Total number of mentions: 2


05:36 PM COSI Action #4165: Install COSITools on kepler for first Data Challenge
user#33 wrote:
> An error occurred when loading the modules response_dc1 and fit_dc1 of cosipy-classic from my (P. J...
Jean Pierre


03:58 PM NectarCAM Action #2851: DU à monter pour étudier l'uniformité du banc de test FPM
user#33 wrote:
> - Souder la carte HVPAv4 numérotée V4-3 sur le PM8709 (PM avec HA coating qui est dans un des tiroi...
Ravel Thierry