Feature #1078

Add unit tests for GModel::mc() methods

Added by Owen Ellis almost 11 years ago. Updated almost 11 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:01/13/2014
Priority:LowDue date:
Assigned To:-% Done:


Target version:-


Unit tests for all GModel::mc() methods should be added.

Most are untested at the moment, but some are quite complicated.
E.g. the one of GModelSpectralGauss from issue #1014 could go into an infinite loop for some inputs and should be tested thoroughly.


No recurrence.


#1 Updated by Owen Ellis almost 11 years ago

Issue #1014 is in the pull request status, but appears as done (strike through) in the web interface.
Can this be changed to non-strike-through?

#2 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 11 years ago

Owen Ellis wrote:

Issue #1014 is in the pull request status, but appears as done (strike through) in the web interface.
Can this be changed to non-strike-through?


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