Action #1278

Implement write() method in GCTAResponseTable

Added by Lu Chia-Chun almost 10 years ago. Updated almost 10 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:07/12/2014
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assigned To:Lu Chia-Chun% Done:


Target version:00-09-00


I’ve implemented the write() method in GCTAResponseTable.
It works for one-row multi-vector table such as psf2d, background3d etc.

Add extra keywords in header?
Implement write() method for multi-row tables such as Aeffarf. Magnifier (1.17 KB) Lu Chia-Chun, 07/13/2014 03:35 PM

newfile.fits (73.1 KB) Lu Chia-Chun, 07/13/2014 03:35 PM


No recurrence.


#2 Updated by Lu Chia-Chun almost 10 years ago

I’ve added
the .i files.


- Check the get_item function in GCTAResponseTable.i. I copied and pasted from GSkymap.i. Not sure if I did a right thing, although it seems to work.

- GCTAResponseTable::Write() now works for writing columns, but some header keywords are missing. I don’t know how to handle this part. Class-specific keywords should be added by GCTABackground3D, but I don’t know the best way to do it. Now the extension name is hard-coded in GCTAResponseTable::Write()

The product of GCTAResponseTable::Write() looks fine. (See atteched newfile.fits. It’s produced by the attached, which reads the irf_file.fits you gave me and create the newfile.fits.)
But GCTABackground3D::operator() always gives zero after the new file is loaded. Probably due to missing keywords in the header?

#3 Updated by Lu Chia-Chun almost 10 years ago

Fix a (important) bug in GCTAResponseTable::Write()

new link

#4 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 10 years ago

I would use a method

void axis(const int& index, const int& bin, const double& lo, const double& hi);

to set an axis bin value as this allows then an automatic computation of the nodes also.

Concerning adding an axis, you should use the method name append() which is gammalib standard, i.e.

void append(const std::string& name, const std::string& unit, const int& length);

to append an empty axis. You may also write the variant

void append(const std::string& name, const std::string& unit, const std::vector<double>& axis_lo, const std::vector<double>& axis_hi);

to fill axis values automatically. Also, write(), read() and save() should be lower case.

What is add_par doing?

#5 Updated by Lu Chia-Chun almost 10 years ago

- My add_axis is exactly as what you suggested except the naming and the order of parameters. Please check line 108 in GCTAResponseTable.C

- add_par() is to add a new parameter column. The idea is the following:

// Create GCTAResponseTable
GCTAResponseTable table = GCTAResponseTable();
// Add axes: detx, dety, energy to the table
table.add_axis(detx_lo, detx_hi, "DETX_LO","DETX_HI", "deg");
table.add_axis(dety_lo, dety_hi, "DETY_LO", "DETY_HI", "deg");
table.add_axis(eng_lo, eng_hi, "ENERG_LO", "ENERG_HI", "TeV");
// Add parameter column

Then the parameters are set by looping the axes.

- For changing an axis element, I find it a bit complicated and not very useful. We have to reset the nodes, as you said. And we usually want to change more than one bins in the axis or even want to change the number of axis bins. So, I would just add only the add_axis() and add_par() methods.

#6 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 10 years ago

Lu Chia-Chun wrote:

- My add_axis is exactly as what you suggested except the naming and the order of parameters. Please check line 108 in GCTAResponseTable.C

- add_par() is to add a new parameter column. The idea is the following:

// Create GCTAResponseTable
GCTAResponseTable table = GCTAResponseTable();
// Add axes: detx, dety, energy to the table
table.add_axis(detx_lo, detx_hi, “DETX_LO",“DETX_HI”, “deg”);
table.add_axis(dety_lo, dety_hi, “DETY_LO”, “DETY_HI”, “deg”);
table.add_axis(eng_lo, eng_hi, “ENERG_LO”, “ENERG_HI”, “TeV”);
// Add parameter column

Then the parameters are set by looping the axes.

- For changing an axis element, I find it a bit complicated and not very useful. We have to reset the nodes, as you said. And we usually want to change more than one bins in the axis or even want to change the number of axis bins. So, I would just add only the add_axis() and add_par() methods.

So we should rename the methods to append_axis() and append_par() to be compliant with GammaLib method naming conventions (add would somehow imply the + operator).

#7 Updated by Lu Chia-Chun almost 10 years ago

Agree. Tell me what you think after reviewing my code. I will do the modification accordingly.

#8 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 10 years ago

I’m about to check the code. Here some comments:

You added a method

GCTAResponseTable rsp_table(void) const;
to GCTABackground3D to retrieve the response table. First, I propose to rename the method to table() for simplification (short method names without underscore should be used for public methods in GammaLib). Second, the interface definition should be
const GCTAResponseTable& table(void) const;
to avoid creating a copy. If you need a method to set a response table, you should add
void table(const GCTAResponseTable& table);

Why do you need the

    double mc_spatial_resolution(void) const;
    double mc_spectral_resolution(void) const;
    void   mc_spatial_resolution(const double& binsize);
    void   mc_spectral_resolution(const double& binsize);
methods? This is dangerous as you’re exposing internal cache variables to the outside world. Internal cache should not be visible to the outside, that’s just stuff the class uses for it’s own purpose. I removed these for the moment (I guess there is a better solution for your specific problem).

I renamed in GCTAResponseTable add_axis() to append_axis() and changed the argument list so that only a single name is provided. Axis names are then constructed internally by appending “_LO” and “_HI”, which is response table convention. I renamed in GCTAResponseTable add_par() to append_parameter(). I also changed the arguments to const references, which is GammaLib style (avoiding memory copies).

I also removed the cast in GCTABackground3D.i and added an automatic type conversion section to GCTABackground.i. Now Python should always return the correct type, no casting is needed.

#9 Updated by Lu Chia-Chun almost 10 years ago

double mc_spatial_resolution(void) const;
double mc_spectral_resolution(void) const;
void mc_spatial_resolution(const double& binsize);
void mc_spectral_resolution(const double& binsize);

These stuff were not added by me. I even don’t know what they are!!! Weren’t they in the devel branch?

And what should I do now ? Or you have done all the job?

#10 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 10 years ago

Lu Chia-Chun wrote:

double mc_spatial_resolution(void) const;
double mc_spectral_resolution(void) const;
void mc_spatial_resolution(const double& binsize);
void mc_spectral_resolution(const double& binsize);

These stuff were not added by me. I even don’t know what they are!!! Weren’t they in the devel branch?

And what should I do now ? Or you have done all the job?

Ok, no worries, then there isn’t any problem. I’m about to merge in the code. Will tell you when it’s done.

Just another thing: I see that all operators have been removed and the getitem and setitem methods implemented. This makes sense for the

    const double&       operator()(const int& element) const;
    double&             operator()(const int& element);
    const double&       operator()(const int& index, const int& element) const;
    double&             operator()(const int& index, const int& element);
operators that take integer arguments, but not for those taking doubles and that are used for interpolations. I’ll put them back.

#11 Updated by Lu Chia-Chun almost 10 years ago

About the operators: Yes, you are right!

#12 Updated by Lu Chia-Chun almost 10 years ago

I copied and pasted all getitem and setitem methods from GSkymap.i. I actually don’t know the swig language. Things seem to work.

#13 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 10 years ago

Lu Chia-Chun wrote:

I copied and pasted all getitem and setitem methods from GSkymap.i. I actually don’t know the swig language. Things seem to work.

That’s called lucky programming :D

#14 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Pull request to Resolved
  • Target version set to 00-09-00
  • % Done changed from 80 to 100

Merged into devel.

I propose to close this issue now, and open eventually a new one if more code changes are needed. You probably need to adapt slightly to the above mentioned interface changes.

We also should add some unit tests for the new functionalities. It’s always good to do this immediately, so that we don’t get an increasing fraction of untested code.

#15 Updated by Lu Chia-Chun almost 10 years ago

Hey! This is not fair! Not a matter of pure luck.
We should call it 'smart and wise programming’! ;)

Knödlseder Jürgen wrote:

Lu Chia-Chun wrote:

I copied and pasted all getitem and setitem methods from GSkymap.i. I actually don’t know the swig language. Things seem to work.

That’s called lucky programming :D

#16 Updated by Lu Chia-Chun almost 10 years ago

- agree to close this issue.
- I am willing to write some unit tests but I don’t really know what unit tests mean. What should be tested? Could you give a list of to-test things and an example?

Knödlseder Jürgen wrote:

Merged into devel.

I propose to close this issue now, and open eventually a new one if more code changes are needed. You probably need to adapt slightly to the above mentioned interface changes.

We also should add some unit tests for the new functionalities. It’s always good to do this immediately, so that we don’t get an increasing fraction of untested code.

#17 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 10 years ago

Lu Chia-Chun wrote:

- I am willing to write some unit tests but I don’t really know what unit tests mean. What should be tested? Could you give a list of to-test things and an example?

In a unit test you want to test in principle all functionalities of a class. This is pretty ambitious, and we likely never will cover all test cases. The typical thing you want to do is to build a simple response table from scratch, then check whether you read back the correct values (the one that you used for the definition), then save the response table and load it back again, and check if you again have the same values. This is already quite comprehensive. You may also want to test the interpolation methods to check that you get the expected value.

For the testing purpose you would create a very simple response table, maybe a 2D table with 2-3 bins in each axis.

The test should be added to the test_CTA.cpp / .hpp files.

#18 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed
  • Remaining (hours) set to 0.0

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