Action #1307

Implement GCTAResponseCube::npred()

Added by Lu Chia-Chun over 10 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:07/31/2014
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assigned To:Lu Chia-Chun% Done:


Target version:-


In parellel to double GCTAResponseIrf::npred(const GPhoton& photon, const GObservation& obs) const


No recurrence.


#1 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 10 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

The npred() is a method specifically designed for unbinned analysis. Are you sure you want such a method for binned? What is your purpose?

#2 Updated by Lu Chia-Chun over 10 years ago

I want to calculate a spectrum. I try to use your script to generate a spectrum but I got exception messages that this method is not implemented.

#3 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 10 years ago

Ok, so what is needed to implement either the

virtual double GCTAResponseCube::npred(const GSource& source, const GObservation& obs) const;
method or all four of the model specific methods
virtual double GCTAResponseCube::npred_ptsrc(const GSource& source, const GObservation& obs) const;
virtual double GCTAResponseCube::npred_radial(const GSource& source, const GObservation& obs) const;
virtual double GCTAResponseCube::npred_elliptical(const GSource& source, const GObservation& obs) const;
virtual double GCTAResponseCube::npred_diffuse(const GSource& source, const GObservation& obs) const;

I guess it’s easier to implement
virtual double GCTAResponseCube::npred(const GSource& source, const GObservation& obs) const;
where you would put a loop over the event cube and sum-up the values you get from
virtual double GCTAResponseCube::irf(const GEvent& event, const GSource& source, const GObservation& obs) const;
multiplied by the event bin size.

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