Support #1939

custom model skymap

Added by Kelley-Hoskins Nathan over 7 years ago. Updated about 7 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:03/01/2017
Priority:NormalDue date:
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I’ve got a GObservations from running ctlike, but after digging around in ctools, it seems like ctmodel doesn’t accept GObservations as an input, only file paths, so I’m trying to get the model values in my own python code. My problem is I’m not sure how to properly get the model values.

# I've got a GObservations from ctlike:
like = ctools.ctlike(obs)
# setup ctlike
fitobs = like.obs()

# and I've got a list of GSkyDirs for positions I want to make the map of
skydirs = [...]

# I think I need to setup an event bin to give to model.eval(), but I'm not sure.
ebin = gammalib.GCTAEventBin()

# energy bin from 0.5 to 1.5 TeV? gammalib.GEnergy( 1.0, 'TeV' ) ) # linear mean of energy range
ebin.ewidth( gammalib.GEnergy( 0.5, 'TeV' ) ) # linear energy bin width
ebin.solidangle( 0.01 ) # dummy value

# create an empty list for holding the model values, one per skydir
mcounts = numpy.zeros( len(skydirs) )

# loop over each sky direction to evaluate the models at
for i, pixdir in enumerate( skydirs ) :

  # move the event bin around for each skydir
  ebin.dir( pixdir )

  for ob in fitobs :
    ebin.time( ob.time() )
    ebin.ontime( ob.ontime() )
    for model in fitobs.models() :

      # for each combination of model + observation, get the model's predicted number of counts
      modcounts[ipix] += model.eval( ebin, ob, False )

Does this code look sane? Does this set ebin.time() and ontime() properly?


No recurrence.


#1 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 7 years ago

You mean

# I've got a GObservations from ctlike:
like = ctools.ctlike(obs)
# setup ctlike
fitobs = like.obs()
# Now into ctmodel
model = ctools.ctmodel(fitobs)
does not work? Or do you need something else?

#2 Updated by Kelley-Hoskins Nathan over 7 years ago

I had forgotten about ctools.ctmodel(fitobs) until now, but I had thought ctmodel outputs a plot, rather than (as I see now) a counts cube. Does the counts cube have an option for a list of specific pointings? I’ve been making plots with healpy bins rather than cartesian bins.

#3 Updated by Kelley-Hoskins Nathan over 7 years ago

I’ve got this code now:

modcounts = numpy.zeros( len(fovpix) )
ebin = gammalib.GCTAEventBin() ( en_max + en_min ) / 2.0 )
ebin.ewidth(   en_max - en_min         )
ebin.solidangle( veripy.healpy_res2pixel_area(res) )
ebin.weight( 1.0 )
for ipix, pixdir in enumerate( fovskydir ) :
  for ob in like.obs() :
    ebin.dir(    ob.pointing().instdir( pixdir ) )
    ebin.ontime( ob.ontime()                     )
    ebin.time(   ob.gti().tstart()               )
    for model in obs.models() :
      modcounts[ipix] += model.eval( ebin, ob, False )            

which doesn’t throw errors, but the model values in modcounts are one or two orders of magnitude lower than the counts map, so I think somethings still wrong with this. And its pretty slow too (~25 pixels / min).

After some talking with Gernot about skymap binning, I’m going to see if I can switch from healpy bins to just using ctbin, ctmodel, and aplpy.

#4 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen about 7 years ago

You cannot compare a model to counts. A model (except for a background model) is living in physical coordinates, the counts are measured coordinates. You need to apply the IRF on the model to compare with counts. Why don’t you simple take the model cube produced by ctmodel? This can be directly compared to the counts cube.

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