Action #3549

Implement TOFCOR when reading events from "old" EVP datasets

Added by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 4 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:02/19/2021
Priority:UrgentDue date:
Assigned To:Knödlseder Jürgen% Done:


Target version:2.0.0


According to com-rp-rol-drg-057.pdf a TOF corrections needs to be applied to EVP datasets of version 2 and older (see DSD_REP keyword in the EVP file). An example of an old EVP dataset is the one in viewing period 1 of the Crab.

The TOF correction is implemented in TOFCOR in the DAL library DALAAA18 (see dalaaa19.tofcor.f). The correction is automatically implemented when reading an EVP file (see dalaaa19.pevpsr.f):

C    VERNO  integer     data set representation version       PEVPRI   *
C--      De-scale parameter and transform from INTEGER*2 to
C        argument spec
C        Copy data from COMMON PEVPD1 to return variables
         TIMTAG(1) = TIME(1)
         TIMTAG(2) = TIME(2)
         MPAR( 1)   = EN(1)
         MPAR( 2)   = EN(2)
         MPAR( 3)   = EN(1) + EN(2)
         MPAR( 4)   = 0
         MPAR( 5)   = PHI
         MPAR( 6)   = 0
         MPAR( 7)   = LOC(1)/32.
         MPAR( 8)   = LOC(2)/32.
         MPAR( 9)   = LOC(3)/256.
         MPAR(10)   = LOC(4)/32.
         MPAR(11)   = LOC(5)/32.
         MPAR(12)   = LOC(6)/256.
         MPAR(13)   = LOC(7)/128.
         MPAR(14)   = LOC(8)/128.
         CLASS      = CL
         MODCOM     = MC
         REFLAG     = RF
         VETO       = VF
         EVSCT(1)   = CO(1)
         EVSCT(2)   = CO(2)
         EVSCT(3)   = CO(3)
         EVSCT(4)   = CO(4)
         EVSCT(5)   = EH
         CTYP = CLASS(1:3)
C Now do the TOF correction for dataset versions < 3

C   Do not correct for SIM events
            IF (CTYP .NE. 'SIM') THEN
              IF (REFLAG .GE. 4) THEN
                CALL TOFCOR(MPAR(1),MPAR(2),MPAR(14),IDUM)


An equivalent TOF correction should be implemented in GCOMEventList::read_events.

com-rp-rol-drg-057.pdf (403 KB) Preview Knödlseder Jürgen, 02/19/2021 04:12 PM

dalaaa19.tofcor.f (13.4 KB) Knödlseder Jürgen, 02/19/2021 04:16 PM

dalaaa19.pevpsr.f (17.4 KB) Knödlseder Jürgen, 02/19/2021 04:17 PM

vp0002_5.png (514 KB) Knödlseder Jürgen, 02/19/2021 05:29 PM

vp0002_5-tofcor.png (511 KB) Knödlseder Jürgen, 02/19/2021 05:29 PM

Vp0002_5 Vp0002_5-tofcor


No recurrence.


#1 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 10

I recognised that VP 0001.0 includes a newer EVP with TOFCOR applied. However a valid dataset for testing is VP 0002.5 which has an old data representation.

#2 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 4 years ago

I implemented the TOFCOR correction, the results are displayed in the panels below. The top panel is the original panel without ToF correction which shows some structure in the ToF distribution due to oversampling. The bottom panel is after application of the TOFCOR correction. Note that the correction considerably modifies the ToF distribution, lacking events with small ToF. Note that the nominal ToF window is 115-130.

Before TOFCOR correction

After TOFCOR correction

#3 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 4 years ago

  • % Done changed from 50 to 60
The following 29 viewing periods only have a version 2 EVP file:
  • vp0002_0
  • vp0002_5
  • vp0003_0
  • vp0004_0
  • vp0006_0
  • vp0007_0
  • vp0008_0
  • vp0009_5
  • vp0011_0
  • vp0013_5
  • vp0015_0
  • vp0020_0
  • vp0021_0
  • vp0023_0
  • vp0207_0
  • vp0208_0
  • vp0209_0
  • vp0211_0
  • vp0212_0
  • vp0213_0
  • vp0216_0
  • vp0218_0
  • vp0219_4
  • vp0220_0
  • vp0222_0
  • vp0223_0
  • vp0224_0
  • vp0226_0
  • vp0229_0

#4 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Pull request
  • % Done changed from 60 to 90

#5 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Pull request to Closed
  • % Done changed from 90 to 100

Also available in: Atom PDF