Feature #3924

Add generalized Gaussian spatial model

Added by Tibaldo Luigi about 3 years ago. Updated about 3 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:12/08/2021
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assigned To:Tibaldo Luigi% Done:


Target version:2.0.0


A generalized Gaussian spatial model as described at
was used in some CTA studies.
For cross-work I need to implement it in GammaLib.
The implementation should follow the GammaLib conventions, i.e., separate the purely radial and elliptical case, and use the minor semi-axis as parameter rather than ellipticity.

bkg_pref.png (45 KB) Tibaldo Luigi, 12/15/2021 06:10 PM

index.png (38.2 KB) Tibaldo Luigi, 12/15/2021 06:10 PM

prefactor.png (39.3 KB) Tibaldo Luigi, 12/15/2021 06:10 PM

ra.png (37.5 KB) Tibaldo Luigi, 12/15/2021 06:10 PM

radius.png (38.9 KB) Tibaldo Luigi, 12/15/2021 06:10 PM

ridx.png (44.8 KB) Tibaldo Luigi, 12/15/2021 06:10 PM

dec.png (37.1 KB) Tibaldo Luigi, 12/15/2021 06:10 PM

ell_dec.png (37.1 KB) Tibaldo Luigi, 01/10/2022 11:49 AM

ell_index.png (38 KB) Tibaldo Luigi, 01/10/2022 11:49 AM

ell_major.png (41 KB) Tibaldo Luigi, 01/10/2022 11:49 AM

ell_minor.png (40.4 KB) Tibaldo Luigi, 01/10/2022 11:49 AM

ell_pa.png (36.7 KB) Tibaldo Luigi, 01/10/2022 11:49 AM

ell_prefactor.png (39.5 KB) Tibaldo Luigi, 01/10/2022 11:49 AM

ell_ra.png (37 KB) Tibaldo Luigi, 01/10/2022 11:49 AM

ell_ridx.png (38.4 KB) Tibaldo Luigi, 01/10/2022 11:49 AM

ell_bkgprefactor.png (45 KB) Tibaldo Luigi, 01/10/2022 11:49 AM

Bkg_pref Index Prefactor Ra Radius Ridx Dec Ell_dec Ell_index Ell_major Ell_minor Ell_pa Ell_prefactor Ell_ra Ell_ridx Ell_bkgprefactor


No recurrence.


#1 Updated by Tibaldo Luigi about 3 years ago

Implemented radial model.
I run a quick check making a set of pull distributions. Everything seems to work correctly.

#2 Updated by Tibaldo Luigi about 3 years ago

I also implemented the elliptical generalised gaussian, and run a simple test by creating a pull distribution.

#3 Updated by Tibaldo Luigi about 3 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Pull request
  • % Done changed from 80 to 100

I added the model description in ctools documentation. Due to a problem with sphinx on my laptop after upgrading to Big Sur I could not build the user manual, though.
I would propose to merge anyway. The updated code is in in branches 3924-GeneralGauss for both ctools and GammaLib.

#4 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen about 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Pull request to Closed
  • Target version set to 2.0.0

I merged both the generalised radial and elliptical Gaussian models into GammaLib and the documentation into ctools.

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