Bug #828

GLog prepends date in block of text

Added by Knödlseder Jürgen over 11 years ago. Updated almost 11 years ago.

Status:FeedbackStart date:04/10/2013
Priority:LowDue date:
Assigned To:-% Done:


Target version:-


In the following output

2013-04-10T09:46:21:  Initial iteration: func=9.27457e+06, Lambda=0.001
2013-04-10T09:46:25:  Iteration 1: func=9.02055e+06, Lambda=0.0001, delta=254025, max(grad)=1.39084e+06 [2]
2013-04-10T09:46:25:    Parameter "Prefactor" drives optimization step (step=0.944368)
2013-04-10T09:46:25:    Parameter "2013-04-10T09:46:25:  Prefactor" hits minimum: 1e-07 < 1e-07 (1)
2013-04-10T09:46:30:  Iteration 2: func=8.82274e+06, Lambda=1e-05, delta=197809, max(grad)=1.24019e+06 [2]
2013-04-10T09:46:30:    Parameter "Prefactor" does not drive optimization step anymore.
2013-04-10T09:46:30:    Parameter "Index" drives optimization step (step=8.90739e-06)
2013-04-10T09:46:30:    Parameter "Prefactor" hits minimum: -7.4137e-07 < 1e-07 (2)

the GLog method prepends a date before the Prefactor text. This does not happen systematically.

Here the code where it happens in GOptimizerLM::step_size():

        // Signal if a parameter is driving the optimization step
        if (ipar_bnd != -1) {
            m_hit_boundary[ipar_bnd] = true;
            if (m_logger != NULL) {
                *m_logger << "  Parameter \"";
                *m_logger << pars.par(ipar_bnd).name();
                *m_logger << "\" drives optimization step (step=";
                *m_logger << step << ")" << std::endl;

which calls basically the GLog::append() method:
void GLog::append(std::string arg)
    // If the buffer is empty or if the last charater is a \n, prepend a
    // prefix at the beginning of the string to be inserted.
    if (m_buffer.size() == 0 || m_buffer[m_buffer.size()-1] == '\n') {

        // Prepend prefix
        arg.insert(0, prefix());

    // Search the first CR (\n)
    std::size_t pos = arg.find_first_of("\n",0);

    // Search all \n characters. Ignore the last CR.
    while (pos != std::string::npos && pos < arg.size()-1) {

        // Prepend prefix
        std::string pre = prefix();
        arg.insert(pos+1, pre);

        // Search next CR
        pos = arg.find_first_of("\n",pos+1+pre.size());

    } // endwhile

    // Add string to buffer

    // Flush Buffer

    // Return

The problem comes maybe from the first if statement, which prepends the date each time that the buffer is empty. The buffer may however be empty in the middle of a line, which does not require to prepend a date. This occurs if the buffer flush occurs when the buffer is full.


No recurrence.


#1 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

I think this has been fixed in release 00-08-00, but still should be verified.

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