Updated almost 12 years ago by Martin Pierrick

Central repository configuration

Configuring git

The central GammaLib repo will be accessed using the https protocol, which makes use of SSL certificates. To disable certificate verification, we recommend to issue the command

$ git config --global http.sslverify "false" 
which disables certificate verification globally.

If you want to avoid typing your user name and password every time you make a push, you can create a file called .netrc under your root directory (i.e. ~/.netrc) with the following content:

machine cta-git.irap.omp.eu
  login <user>
  password <password>
(replace <user> and <password> by your user name and password). Once the .netrc file in place, you may simply type
$ git push
to push you code changes into the repository.

Note: There seems to be a problem with git version, which does not allow pushing a new branch in the central repository or even cloning an existing project (at least when used from a Mac with OS X 10.6.8). No password is requested when it should be, and the following message appears:

error: RPC failed; result=22, HTTP code = 401
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

The solution was to upgrade to another version, for instance which allowed to get rid of the problem.

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