Updated almost 12 years ago by Knödlseder Jürgen

Naming conventions

Strict naming conventions should be followed throughout GammaLib to make the library coherent, easy to use, and non-conflicting with other packages.


GammaLib classes shall start with an upper case G, followed by a human understandable name of which the first letter is in upper case. Examples are


Derived classes names should be built by prepending a specification attribute to the base class name, e.g.
GEvent => GEventBin
GFitsImage => GFitsImageDouble


GammaLib functions names should be as close as possible to functions names used commonly in C++. For example, to take the sine of every element of a GammaLib vector, the sin name is used:

GVector elements;
GVector sin_of_elements = gammalib::sin(elements);

This implies that GammaLib functions need to live in a proper namespace. The GammaLib namespace for functions is gammalib.

Global variables

Global variables in GammaLib should start with g_. The rest of the name should be as descriptive and specific as possible.


Constants used throughout GammaLib shall also be placed in the gammalib namespace.

Using namespaces

To avoid naming conflicts, GammaLib shall never use internally any using directive, but shall always put the namespace in front of the function or constant.

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