flag to distinguished background events from sources events

Added by Rodriguez Fernandez Gonzalo about 9 years ago


I am using a python script to simulate a set of events using ctools.ctobssim (simulate_events.py).
After the simulation I can access to the events.
events = sim.obs()[0].events().copy()

where I have the energy and direction.
My question is:
Is it possible to know if the event was generated from background or from the source?
I think that I would be useful to have a flag to distinguished events from background and source.

Thank you,

Replies (2)

RE: flag to distinguished background events from sources events - Added by Knödlseder Jürgen about 9 years ago

This is definitely a useful feature. I though I had created an issue for this one, but I could not find it. Could you create a feature request for that?
