Feature #1152
Add ctool for quick look and checks
Status: | New | Start date: | 02/25/2014 | |
Priority: | High | Due date: | ||
Assigned To: | - | % Done: | 0% | |
Category: | - | |||
Target version: | - | |||
Duration: |
There should be a ctool (using Python / matplotlib) that can create a few common plots for quick look and checks, e.g.
- count, model and residual image at one or a few correlation radii
- count, model and residual spectrum at for the whole field of view or a user-defined region.
Ideally this script would have a few parameters like energy band for the image or region for the spectrum the user can select to get the plot she wants.
Here’s an example of plots I’d mean:
There is already some example code in the ctools repo:
What is needed is turning this into a command line tool and adding documentation to the ctools user manual.
Anyone has time to share their existing scripts now or implement this?
No recurrence.
Updated by Deil Christoph about 11 years ago
In addition there should be a ctool that can summarise the IRFs for a given analysis,
i.e. print some numbers and make some plots describing the effective area, PSF (and maybe energy resolution and background).
Updated by Bregeon Johan over 9 years ago
For csspec to produce count spectrum by default, I have created #1499.