Bug #1699

ctulimit claims to save upper limit

Added by Mayer Michael almost 9 years ago. Updated almost 9 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:02/19/2016
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assigned To:Mayer Michael% Done:


Target version:1.1.0


When running ctulimit, the log file states at the end

2016-02-19T16:16:42: +==================+
2016-02-19T16:16:42: | Save upper limit |
2016-02-19T16:16:42: +==================+

This is in fact not true. The corresponding section of writing the limit values to an ascii file is commented out. This might confuse the user.
Since we don’t have a reasonable format it makes sense to omit the writing.
I suggest to remove this logging message as long nothing is written out in the ctulimit::save method.


No recurrence.


#1 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 9 years ago


By the way: while writing the paper I recognised that we really should clean up the various output formats of the cscripts. I think it would be good to support FITS files as much as we can. Upper limits can certainly also be handled using the model XML file. Maybe the general discussion about IACT data formats can also help to better understand what we need.

#2 Updated by Mayer Michael almost 9 years ago

By the way: while writing the paper I recognised that we really should clean up the various output formats of the cscripts. I think it would be good to support FITS files as much as we can. Upper limits can certainly also be handled using the model XML file. Maybe the general discussion about IACT data formats can also help to better understand what we need.

Agreed sounds like a good plan. Here a list of the cscripts and their output formats:
  • csspec: FITS table
  • cslightcrv: FITS table
  • csfindobs: ASCII file (compatible with what is used with current IACTs)
  • csiactobs: XML file
  • csresmap: FITS sky map
  • cstsmapmerge: FITS sky map
  • cspull: CSV ascii table
  • cssens: CSV ascii table
  • cstsdist: CSV ascii table
And here a list of the ctools:
  • ctbin: FITS sky map
  • ctbkgcube: FITS sky map and model XML file
  • ctexpcube: FITS sky map
  • ctpsfcube: FITS sky map
  • ctcubemask: FITS sky map
  • ctselect: FITS files
  • ctskymap: FITS sky map
  • ctlike: model XML file
  • cttsmap: FITS sky map
  • ctmodel: FITS sky map
  • ctulimit: None
  • cterror: Model XML file (without asymmetric errors #1700).
  • ctbutterfly: CSV ascii table

Highlighted in bold face are those tools that don’t support FITS or XML output. Note that if we changed this format, we need to adapt the example plotting scripts as well.

#3 Updated by Mayer Michael almost 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Pull request
  • Assigned To set to Mayer Michael

Fix is on branch 1699-ctulimit-save-logging.

#4 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 9 years ago

Mayer Michael wrote:

By the way: while writing the paper I recognised that we really should clean up the various output formats of the cscripts. I think it would be good to support FITS files as much as we can. Upper limits can certainly also be handled using the model XML file. Maybe the general discussion about IACT data formats can also help to better understand what we need.

Agreed sounds like a good plan. Here a list of the cscripts and their output formats:
  • csspec: FITS table
  • cslightcrv: FITS table
  • csfindobs: ASCII file (compatible with what is used with current IACTs)
  • csiactobs: XML file
  • csresmap: FITS sky map
  • cstsmapmerge: FITS sky map
  • cspull: CSV ascii table
  • cssens: CSV ascii table
  • cstsdist: CSV ascii table
And here a list of the ctools:
  • ctbin: FITS sky map
  • ctbkgcube: FITS sky map and model XML file
  • ctexpcube: FITS sky map
  • ctpsfcube: FITS sky map
  • ctcubemask: FITS sky map
  • ctselect: FITS files
  • ctskymap: FITS sky map
  • ctlike: model XML file
  • cttsmap: FITS sky map
  • ctmodel: FITS sky map
  • ctulimit: None
  • cterror: Model XML file (without asymmetric errors #1700).
  • ctbutterfly: CSV ascii table

Highlighted in bold face are those tools that don’t support FITS or XML output. Note that if we changed this format, we need to adapt the example plotting scripts as well.

I created issue #1707 for that one.

#5 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Pull request to Closed
  • Target version set to 1.1.0
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Merged into devel.

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