Bug #2272

ctselect does not interpret tmin tmax correctly

Added by Tibaldo Luigi over 7 years ago. Updated about 7 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:11/10/2017
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assigned To:Knödlseder Jürgen% Done:


Target version:1.5.0


Log file is attached. The tmin and tmax parameters in input are not those passed to the cfitsio selection string.

ctselect.log (70.2 KB) Tibaldo Luigi, 11/10/2017 01:19 PM


No recurrence.


#1 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 7 years ago

  • Target version set to 1.5.0

#2 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen about 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 50

I double checked the ctselect tool. There is in fact no problem, it’s just that the information in the log file is not correct. The reason is that the time intervals do not overlap with the specified time range; your specified time range selects events from observations 110456 - 110512 which seem not to be included into your run (at least not in the log file).

I changed the ctselect output to be more explicit:

2018-01-22T16:16:08: === CTA observation "GPS" (id=110454) ===
2018-01-22T16:16:08:  Input filename ............: /Users/jurgen/analysis/cta/dc/1dc/tutorial/20170920/1dc/data/baseline/gps/gps_baseline_110454.fits
2018-01-22T16:16:08:  Event extension name ......: EVENTS
2018-01-22T16:16:08:  GTI extension name ........: GTI
2018-01-22T16:16:08: === Event selection ===
2018-01-22T16:16:08:  Time range ................: None. There is no overlap between existing and requested time interval.
2018-01-22T16:16:08:  cfitsio selection .........: 
2018-01-22T16:16:08:  FITS filename .............: /var/tmp/tmp.454.y3KRrH[EVENTS]
2018-01-22T16:16:08: === CTA observation "GPS" (id=110455) ===
2018-01-22T16:16:08:  Input filename ............: /Users/jurgen/analysis/cta/dc/1dc/tutorial/20170920/1dc/data/baseline/gps/gps_baseline_110455.fits
2018-01-22T16:16:08:  Event extension name ......: EVENTS
2018-01-22T16:16:08:  GTI extension name ........: GTI
2018-01-22T16:16:08: === Event selection ===
2018-01-22T16:16:08:  Time range ................: None. There is no overlap between existing and requested time interval.
2018-01-22T16:16:08:  cfitsio selection .........: 
2018-01-22T16:16:08:  FITS filename .............: /var/tmp/tmp.455.xSwols[EVENTS]
2018-01-22T16:16:08: === CTA observation "GPS" (id=110456) ===
2018-01-22T16:16:08:  Input filename ............: /Users/jurgen/analysis/cta/dc/1dc/tutorial/20170920/1dc/data/baseline/gps/gps_baseline_110456.fits
2018-01-22T16:16:08:  Event extension name ......: EVENTS
2018-01-22T16:16:08:  GTI extension name ........: GTI
2018-01-22T16:16:08: === Event selection ===
2018-01-22T16:16:08:  Time range (MJD) ..........: 59239.5 - 59239.5208333333 days
2018-01-22T16:16:08:  Time range (UTC) ..........: 2021-01-25T11:58:51 - 2021-01-25T12:28:51
2018-01-22T16:16:08:  Time range (MET) ..........: 664848000 - 664849800 seconds
2018-01-22T16:16:08:  cfitsio selection .........: TIME >= 664848000.00000000 && TIME <= 664849800.00000000
2018-01-22T16:16:08:  FITS filename .............: /var/tmp/tmp.456.vrOYVh[EVENTS][TIME >= 664848000.00000000 && TIME <= 664849800.00000000]
2018-01-22T16:16:08: === CTA observation "GPS" (id=110457) ===
2018-01-22T16:16:08:  Input filename ............: /Users/jurgen/analysis/cta/dc/1dc/tutorial/20170920/1dc/data/baseline/gps/gps_baseline_110457.fits
2018-01-22T16:16:08:  Event extension name ......: EVENTS
2018-01-22T16:16:08:  GTI extension name ........: GTI
2018-01-22T16:16:09: === Event selection ===
2018-01-22T16:16:09:  Time range (MJD) ..........: 59239.5222222222 - 59239.5430555556 days
2018-01-22T16:16:09:  Time range (UTC) ..........: 2021-01-25T12:30:51 - 2021-01-25T13:00:51
2018-01-22T16:16:09:  Time range (MET) ..........: 664849920 - 664851720 seconds
2018-01-22T16:16:09:  cfitsio selection .........: TIME >= 664849920.00000000 && TIME <= 664851720.00000000
2018-01-22T16:16:09:  FITS filename .............: /var/tmp/tmp.457.uRYs6t[EVENTS][TIME >= 664849920.00000000 && TIME <= 664851720.00000000]

#3 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen about 7 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • % Done changed from 50 to 100

The code has been merged into devel.

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