Bug #2912
ctbin crashes when reading ebounds fits file for multiple pointings
Status: | Closed | Start date: | 06/25/2019 | |
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | ||
Assigned To: | % Done: | 100% | ||
Category: | - | |||
Target version: | 1.6.2 | |||
Duration: |
When I tried to use an ebounds file from csebins as energy bins definition in ctbin for a multiple pointing observations, ctbin seems to crash due to paralellization (the crash doesn’t happen when setting nthreads=1). I attach the output of doing gdb ctbin for debugging.
No recurrence.
Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 5 years ago
I have a suspicion of what happens. According to the debug file, the segmentation fault happens in ctbin::create_cube
, which is called in the ctbin::fill_cube
method which is inside an OpenMP parallelized loop. In this method, create_ebounds()
is called loads the energy boundaries from a FITS file. FITS file access itself is not thread save, which likely leads to the problem.
Modifying the code as follows should solve the issue:
GEbounds ctool::create_ebounds(void)
// Allocate energy boundaries
GEbounds ebounds;
// Get energy binning algorithm
std::string ebinalg = (*this)["ebinalg"].string();
// If energy binning algorithm is of type "FILE" (case sensitive), then
// read energy boundaries from FITS file ...
if (ebinalg == "FILE") {
// Get filename
GFilename ebinfile = (*this)["ebinfile"].filename();
// If no extension name was provided then use default extension names
if (!ebinfile.has_extname()) {
// Make loading of energy boundaries OpenMP thread save
#pragma omp critical(ctool_create_ebounds1)
// Open energy boundary file using the EBOUNDS or ENERGYBINS
// extension or energy values using the ENERGIES extension.
// Throw an exception if opening fails.
GFits file(ebinfile.url());
if (file.contains(gammalib::extname_ebounds)) {
else if (file.contains("ENERGYBINS")) {
ebinfile = ebinfile.url() + "[ENERGYBINS]";
else if (file.contains(gammalib::extname_energies)) {
else {
std::string msg = "No extension with name \""+
gammalib::extname_ebounds+"\", "
"\"ENERGYBINS\" or \""+
gammalib::extname_energies+"\" found in FITS "
"file \""+ebinfile+"\". Please specify a "
"valid energy binning file.";
throw GException::invalid_value(G_CREATE_EBOUNDS, msg);
} // end: omp critical section
// ... otherwise load energy boundaries from filename including
// extension
else {
// Make loading of energy boundaries OpenMP thread save
#pragma omp critical(ctool_create_ebounds2)
// Open energy boundary file
GFits file(ebinfile.url());
// If FITS file does not contain requested extension then throw
// an exception
if (!file.contains(ebinfile.extname())) {
std::string msg = "No extension \""+ebinfile.extname()+"\" "
"found in energy binning file \""+
ebinfile.url()+"\". Please provide a valid "
"extension name.";
throw GException::invalid_value(G_CREATE_EBOUNDS, msg);
// Get table extension
GFitsTable& table = *file.table(ebinfile.extname());
// If table contains one column then load energies, otherwise load
// energy boundaries.
if (table.ncols() == 1) {
else {
} // end: omp critical section
} // endelse: loaded energy boundaries from table extension
} // endif: ebinalg was "FILE"
// ... otherwise use a linear or a logarithmically-spaced energy binning
else {
// Get task parameters
double emin = (*this)["emin"].real();
double emax = (*this)["emax"].real();
int enumbins = (*this)["enumbins"].integer();
// Initialise log mode for ebinning
bool log = true;
// Check if algorithm is linear
if (ebinalg == "LIN") {
log = false;
// Setup energy bins
ebounds = GEbounds(enumbins, GEnergy(emin, "TeV"),
GEnergy(emax, "TeV"), log);
} // endelse: ebinalg was not "FILE"
// Return energy boundaries
return ebounds;
Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assigned To set to Knödlseder Jürgen
- Target version set to 1.6.2
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
I was able to reproduce the problem on a CentOS 7 Linux box:
2019-06-25T14:56:06: +==================+ 2019-06-25T14:56:06: | Bin observations | 2019-06-25T14:56:06: +==================+ terminate called recursively terminate called after throwing an instance of 'GException::fits_error' terminate called recursively terminate called recursively terminate called recursively what(): *** ERROR in GFits::open(GFilename&, bool&): illegal NAXIS keyword value (status=212). Aborted (core dumped)
Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 5 years ago
- % Done changed from 10 to 90
Corrected the code as indicated above and no segmentation fault occurs any longer.
Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 5 years ago
It turned out in the integration tests that no exceptions should be thrown in the critical OpenMP zones, see for example https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13663231/throwing-a-c-exception-inside-an-omp-critical-section.
I therefore reorganised the code as follows:
GEbounds ctool::create_ebounds(void)
// Allocate energy boundaries
GEbounds ebounds;
// Get energy binning algorithm
std::string ebinalg = (*this)["ebinalg"].string();
// If energy binning algorithm is of type "FILE" (case sensitive), then
// read energy boundaries from FITS file ...
if (ebinalg == "FILE") {
// Get filename
GFilename ebinfile = (*this)["ebinfile"].filename();
// Initialise exception message string
std::string msg;
// Make loading of energy boundaries OpenMP thread save. The critical
// region is put into an exception block to prevent throwing exceptions
// within the critical block
#pragma omp critical(ctool_create_ebounds)
try {
// If no extension name was provided then use default extension
// names
if (!ebinfile.has_extname()) {
// Open energy boundary file using the EBOUNDS or ENERGYBINS
// extension or energy values using the ENERGIES extension.
// If opening fails then set exception message. The
// exception is thrown later outside the critical OpenMP
// block.
GFits file(ebinfile.url());
if (file.contains(gammalib::extname_ebounds)) {
else if (file.contains("ENERGYBINS")) {
ebinfile = ebinfile.url() + "[ENERGYBINS]";
else if (file.contains(gammalib::extname_energies)) {
else {
msg = "No extension with name \""+
gammalib::extname_ebounds+"\", "
"\"ENERGYBINS\" or \""+
gammalib::extname_energies+"\" found in FITS "
"file \""+ebinfile+"\". Please specify a "
"valid energy binning file.";
} // endif: no extension name specified
// ... otherwise load energy boundaries from filename including
// extension
else {
// Open energy boundary file
GFits file(ebinfile.url());
// If FITS file does not contain requested extension then
// set exception message. The exception is thrown later
// outside the critical OpenMP zone
if (!file.contains(ebinfile.extname())) {
msg = "No extension \""+ebinfile.extname()+"\" "
"found in energy binning file \""+
ebinfile.url()+"\". Please provide a valid "
"extension name.";
// ... otherwise load energy boundaries
else {
// Get table extension
GFitsTable& table = *file.table(ebinfile.extname());
// If table contains one column then load energies,
// otherwise load energy boundaries.
if (table.ncols() == 1) {
else {
} // endelse: extension name was present in FITS file
} // endelse: loaded energy boundaries from table extension
} // endtry
// Catch any exceptions that occured in OpenMP critical block
// and recover the error message
catch (const std::exception& e) {
msg = e.what();
} // end critical OpenMP block
// If we have an exception message then throw an exception now. We
// have to do this since we should not throw exceptions inside OpenMP
// critical blocks
if (!msg.empty()) {
throw GException::invalid_value(G_CREATE_EBOUNDS, msg);
} // endif: ebinalg was "FILE"
// ... otherwise use a linear or a logarithmically-spaced energy binning
else {
// Get task parameters
double emin = (*this)["emin"].real();
double emax = (*this)["emax"].real();
int enumbins = (*this)["enumbins"].integer();
// Initialise log mode for ebinning
bool log = true;
// Check if algorithm is linear
if (ebinalg == "LIN") {
log = false;
// Setup energy bins
ebounds = GEbounds(enumbins, GEnergy(emin, "TeV"),
GEnergy(emax, "TeV"), log);
} // endelse: ebinalg was not "FILE"
// Return energy boundaries
return ebounds;
Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 5 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 90 to 100
Merged into bugfix-1.6.2
and also the devel