Bug #3509

Running ctbin with zero events in event files leads to an exception

Added by Knödlseder Jürgen about 4 years ago. Updated almost 3 years ago.

Status:RejectedStart date:01/21/2021
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assigned To:Knödlseder Jürgen% Done:


Target version:2.0.0


Samuel Mc Keague reported that the following exception occurred when running ctbin:

2021-01-21T14:42:27: *** ERROR encounterted in the execution of ctbin. Run aborted ...
2021-01-21T14:42:27: *** ERROR in GCTAEventCube::set_times(): Invalid value. No Good Time Intervals have been found in event cube. Every CTA event cube needs a definition of the Good Time Intervals.
Inspecting the log file (see ctbin.log) indicates that all input event files had zero events. It should be verified whether empty event files result in an error.

ctbin.log (27.4 KB) Knödlseder Jürgen, 01/21/2021 03:54 PM


No recurrence.


#1 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected
  • Assigned To set to Knödlseder Jürgen
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

I created and empty events file by running ctobssim on a zero-length time interval and then run ctbin using this empty events file. The ctbin run succeeded without any exceptions:

2022-06-02T06:00:37: +===================+
2022-06-02T06:00:37: | Input observation |
2022-06-02T06:00:37: +===================+
2022-06-02T06:00:37: === GObservations ===
2022-06-02T06:00:37:  Number of observations ....: 1
2022-06-02T06:00:37:  Number of models ..........: 0
2022-06-02T06:00:37:  Number of observed events .: 0
2022-06-02T06:00:37:  Number of predicted events : 0
2022-06-02T06:00:37: +===========================+
2022-06-02T06:00:37: | Find unbinned observation |
2022-06-02T06:00:37: +===========================+
2022-06-02T06:00:37: === CTA observation (id=000001) ===
2022-06-02T06:00:37:  Including unbinned CTA observation
2022-06-02T06:00:37: === Summary ===
2022-06-02T06:00:37:  Number of observations ....: 1
2022-06-02T06:00:37:  Mean pointing .............: (RA,Dec)=(83.63,22.51)
2022-06-02T06:00:37:  Use mean pointing .........: no
2022-06-02T06:00:37: +=================+
2022-06-02T06:00:37: | Bin observation |
2022-06-02T06:00:37: +=================+
2022-06-02T06:00:37: === CTA observation (id=000001) ===
2022-06-02T06:00:37:  Events in list ............: 0
2022-06-02T06:00:37:  Events in cube ............: 0
2022-06-02T06:00:37:  Events outside RoI ........: 0
2022-06-02T06:00:37:  Events with invalid WCS ...: 0
2022-06-02T06:00:37:  Events outside cube area ..: 0
2022-06-02T06:00:37:  Events outside energy bins : 0
2022-06-02T06:00:37: +====================+
2022-06-02T06:00:37: | Binned observation |
2022-06-02T06:00:37: +====================+
2022-06-02T06:00:37: === GObservations ===
2022-06-02T06:00:37:  Number of observations ....: 1
2022-06-02T06:00:37:  Number of models ..........: 0
2022-06-02T06:00:37:  Number of observed events .: 0
2022-06-02T06:00:37:  Number of predicted events : 0
2022-06-02T06:00:37: +==================+
2022-06-02T06:00:37: | Save counts cube |
2022-06-02T06:00:37: +==================+
2022-06-02T06:00:37:  Counts cube file ..........: cntcube.fits
2022-06-02T06:00:37: Application "ctbin" terminated after 7 wall clock seconds, consuming 0.351977 seconds of CPU time and generating a carbon footprint of 0.000345996 g eCO2.

I therefore reject the issue.

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