Feature #544
Create ctpoisson tool
Status: | New | Start date: | 10/10/2012 | ||
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | |||
Assigned To: | Deil Christoph | % Done: | 10% | ||
Category: | - | ||||
Target version: | - | ||||
Duration: |
[Issue subject was: Add ctmodel and ctpoisson tools to efficiently simulate binned data]
One can simulate binned data by using ctobssim to simulate event lists and then bin them with ctbin or ctskymap.
But it should be much faster (and yield identical results) to directly compute expected counts images / cubes and then Poisson-fluctuate each bin.
Concretely I want to simulate a Galactic plane survey with ~ 10,000 runs and ~ 1000 sources and I also want to fill background according to different background models and study their residuals.
I guess a ctmodel tool could compute the expected count images / cubes such that the counts are preserved even for sources / PSF sizes that are small compared to the pixel size and using bounding boxes to not evaluate the model for the whole field of view.
And then there would be an extremely simple ctpoisson tool that simply Poisson fluctuated each bin.
Jürgen, would it be worth adding ctmodel and ctpoisson?
Sorry, I didn’t check in detail what is already available in gammalib / ctools, maybe what I want is already possible?
No recurrence.
Related issues
#1 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 12 years ago
- Target version set to HESS sprint 1
#2 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 12 years ago
Both tools are indeed useful. In feature #352 you’ll see that I have planned this already.
I’ll thus move the feature #352 in the sprint and restrict this one the Poisson sampling. Maybe we should find a better name? ctpoisson
is quite general. What about ctmodelsim
or ctmodsim
, in analogy to ctobssim
#3 Updated by Deil Christoph over 12 years ago
I think I’d prefer ctpoisson
, because there I can guess from the name what it does, whereas for ctmodelsim
and ctmodsim
I’d not have guessed what the tool does.
Btw., I can’t change the title or description of this issue. This is a bit annoying, since it is now incorrect. Can redmine be configured to allow title and description edits?
#4 Updated by Deil Christoph over 12 years ago
- Subject changed from Add ctmodel and ctpoisson tools to efficiently simulate binned data to Create ctpoisson tool
- Description updated (diff)
#5 Updated by Deil Christoph over 12 years ago
prototype tomorrow.
- Is it ok if I do a prototype with pyfits and
numpy.random.poisson(lam=1.0, size=None)
? Or should I use gammalib FITS I/O? - Is there a Poisson random number generator in gammalib?
#6 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 12 years ago
Christoph Deil wrote:
OK, I can write a
prototype tomorrow.
My only point with the name is that it does contain no hint upon what get’s “poissoned” ... but maybe it’s just a question of taste
- Is it ok if I do a prototype with pyfits and
numpy.random.poisson(lam=1.0, size=None)
? Or should I use gammalib FITS I/O?
I would use GammaLib as far as possible, which reduces dependencies, and also makes you more familiar with the GammaLib way.
- Is there a Poisson random number generator in gammalib?
Yes, it’s called GRan
. It’s part of the support module. Yet I recognized, it don’t has a poisson
method so far. Here you see my way of “efficient programming”: just code what’s needed.
It requires a little coding to get the poisson
method implemented, but I have it already in some code that I used for INTEGRAL. I’ll try to do this quickly.
#7 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 12 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
I just implement a poisson()
method for the GRan
class in GammaLib (see commit 3cf8ccc8 in HESS branch of GammaLib).
The method is not deeply tested, but since I copied over the code from a piece of software that I widely used for INTEGRAL, there is a good chance that it’s okay.
However, some tests should be done to make sure that the method works as expected.
#8 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 12 years ago
There is another important aspect that needs discussion. For the moment, observations (or runs) are never added. The main reason for this is that this allows different and independent IRFs for each observation. But of course, it will you give some speed penalty. I’m in fact not sure that simulating events for a single run is slower than simulating a counts map.
Maybe it would be good to start putting together a script that is doing the job using ctobssim and ctbin. Just to see how long it takes, so that we have a reference. This may also help to improve the speed of the existing tools. We can then compare this to the ctmodel and ctpoisson tools later.
We could certainly add the option to add observations, but then we need a mechanism for time averaging IRFs, so that they are handled correctly.
#9 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 12 years ago
Development notes for ctpoisson can be found at the page ctpoisson.
#10 Updated by Deil Christoph over 12 years ago
I have this very preliminary ctpoisson
tool implementation:
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Draw a Poisson random sample from an expected counts map"""
import sys
import gammalib
def poisson_randomize_skymap(model):
ran = gammalib.GRan()
poisson = model.copy()
for ii in xrange(model.npix()):
poisson[ii] = ran.poisson(model[ii])
return poisson
if __name__ == '__main__':
infile = sys.argv[1]
outfile = sys.argv[2]
clobber = False
print('Reading %s' % infile)
model = gammalib.GSkymap(infile)
print('Processing ...')
poisson = poisson_randomize_skymap(model)
print('Writing %s' % outfile)
I know I have to make this a GApplication and copy the FITS header and EBOUNDS and GTI info to the outfile.
But I wanted to ask if it would be OK to implement the utility function poisson_random_from_skymap
in gammalib (if so where?) so that I can make ctpoisson fast (no looping in Python) but still write it in Python to avoid the C++ ctool boilerplate code?
#11 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 12 years ago
Christoph Deil wrote:
But I wanted to ask if it would be OK to implement the utility function
in gammalib (if so where?) so that I can make ctpoisson fast (no looping in Python) but still write it in Python to avoid the C++ ctool boilerplate code?
I guess this should be done at the GCTAEventCube
level. GCTAEventCube
is the class that holds an event cube. There are load()
and save()
methods that you may use, which normally should take care already for GGti
and GEbounds
copying (to be confirmed). I think it would be best to add the method in that class, calling it for example mc()
(this is how randomization methods are called throughout GammaLib). You want to pass a GRan
object to the method, so that you can fully control the process (allowing for example reproducible random number generation; see for example GModelSpectralPlaw
for the usage of the mc()
method in a spectral model).
I may even think about adding mc()
to the abstract GEventCube
interface, making sure that this method is implement for all possible instruments.
#12 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen about 11 years ago
- Target version deleted (
HESS sprint 1)