Feature #903

Implement a sky region class

Added by Martin Pierrick over 11 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:10/09/2012
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assigned To:Martin Pierrick% Done:


Target version:HESS sprint #1


The context of this task is the extension of the gammalib to allow the analysis of data from Cherenkov telescopes in a way currently adopted by the HESS/VERITAS/MAGIC collaborations: the ON and OFF technique, which can be used in different ways. As a first step, we focus on the spectral analysis of a source observed i wobble mode, with the reflected region background evaluation method (see Berge et al. 2007).

A first step toward this is to implement a class to define regions over the sky. Following some discussion, three class headers have been written:
- An abstract class interface GSkyRegion
- A derived class GSkyRegionCircle for a circular region
- A sky region container GSkyRegions
These are very likely perfectible and the immediate objective is to refine the interface and fill in their functionalities during the coding sprint to be held in Toulouse on 24-28 June 2013.

The philosophy is explained in the comment section of each class header, which also contains a list of points to be clarified/discussed.

Note: a related wiki started some time ago is GRegion

GSkyRegion.hpp Magnifier (5.88 KB) Martin Pierrick, 06/21/2013 04:59 PM

GSkyRegionCircle.hpp Magnifier (5.65 KB) Martin Pierrick, 06/21/2013 04:59 PM

GSkyRegions.hpp Magnifier (6.53 KB) Martin Pierrick, 06/21/2013 04:59 PM


No recurrence.


Action #557: Implement derived GRegion classesRejectedDeil Christoph

Action #553: Define interface for region classes.RejectedDeil Christoph

Action #556: Implement GRegion virtual base classRejectedDeil Christoph

Action #555: Implement GRegions class.RejectedDeil Christoph

Action #554: Write test case for region classes.RejectedDeil Christoph

Action #535: Preliminary discussionClosedDeil Christoph

Action #904: Implement GSkyRegion abstract classClosedMartin Pierrick

Action #905: Implement GSkyRegionCircle derived classClosedMayer Michael

Action #918: Implement GSkyRegionCircle unit testClosedSchulz Anneli

Action #919: Implement GSkyRegions unit testClosedSchulz Anneli

Action #906: Implement GSkyRegions container classClosedMartin Pierrick


#1 Updated by Martin Pierrick over 11 years ago

  • Due date set to 06/23/2013

due to changes in a related task

#2 Updated by Martin Pierrick over 11 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#3 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

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