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Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assigned To Updated Target version % Done
1796ctoolsFeatureNewNormalAdd tool to create spectrum points as function of true energy06/20/2016 10:19 AM

1794GammaLibChange requestNewNormalHandle energy dependent deadtime for CTA06/17/2016 12:01 PM

1782GammaLibChange requestNewNormalGet rid of m_value_dtype member in GFitsHeaderCard06/06/2017 04:20 PM

1780GammaLibChange requestNewNormalSimplify the FITS image interface05/30/2016 10:05 PM

1774GammaLibChange requestNewNormalRefactor GCTAOnOffObservation class04/28/2016 11:33 AM

1769ctoolsFeatureNewNormalAllow to specify an energy range for ctlike06/18/2016 10:07 AM

1768GammaLibFeatureIn ProgressNormalInvestigate whether we can interface GammaLib with NumPyKnödlseder Jürgen03/03/2017 10:17 AM

1766GammaLibActionNewNormalUse response table IRF by default for all unit tests06/06/2017 10:25 PM

1763GammaLibActionNewNormalAdd swig version requirement to user documentation04/14/2016 09:44 PM

1757ctoolsChange requestIn ProgressNormalcssens should respect previously applied energy cuts (and thresholds)06/14/2016 04:19 PM

1753GammaLibFeatureNewNormalAdd GCTAEventBin arithmetic operators04/04/2016 02:21 PM

1749ctoolsFeatureNewNormalParallelise stacked analysis tools03/29/2016 09:35 AM

1747GammaLibFeatureNewNormalGModel for Gamma Ray Spectrum from Dark Matter03/17/2016 12:02 PM

1741ctoolsFeatureIn ProgressNormalRefactor the cscripts to reduce the Sonar issuesKnödlseder Jürgen03/03/2017 10:34 AM

1732GammaLibFeatureFeedbackNormalWork out implications for changing DETX and DETY from sky coordinates to instrument coordinates10/27/2017 10:06 AM

1726ctoolsFeatureNewNormalTest ctools on MAGIC dataSatalecka Konstancja03/03/2016 10:38 PM

1728ctoolsActionNewNormalWrite exporter for MAGIC response functionsSatalecka Konstancja03/03/2016 10:38 PM

1727ctoolsActionNewNormalWrite exporter for MAGIC dataSatalecka Konstancja03/03/2016 10:37 PM

1718ctoolsActionNewNormalSource's photons detected by ctlike01/25/2018 11:55 PM

1713ctoolsChange requestNewNormalctselect should write full paths into the outobs XML file02/24/2016 09:56 PM

1712ctoolsFeatureNewNormalCreate tool to compute systematic errors by bracketing IRFs02/24/2016 09:49 PM

1698GammaLibChange requestNewNormalRemove default values from Doxygen documentation02/18/2016 10:18 PM

1697GammaLibActionNewNormalRevise documentation of all model classes02/18/2016 04:33 PM

1668GammaLibChange requestNewNormalMake sure that all save() methods have a clobber argument06/06/2017 04:21 PM

1665GammaLibFeatureNewNormalAdd GUnit class that handles FITS unit conventions02/12/2016 09:14 PM

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