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Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assigned To Updated Target version % Done
4239ctoolsBugFeedbackNormalMac OS X binary build fails due to access denied exceptionKnödlseder Jürgen03/27/2023 05:59 PM

4209GammaLibFeatureIn ProgressNormalStudy implementation of an alternative BGDLIX algorithm for COMPTELKnödlseder Jürgen03/26/2023 01:30 PMGammaLib - 2.1.0

3990GammaLibFeatureNewNormalAdd function to convert sigma for a given number of freedoms to TS value03/22/2022 11:37 AM

3882GammaLibFeatureIn ProgressNormalAdd polarization to interfaceKnödlseder Jürgen10/20/2021 04:04 PM

3766ctoolsBugNewNormalconda install on Ubuntu 20.04 does not work for Python 3.809/06/2021 12:55 PM

3713ctoolsFeatureNewNormalCheck file extension for output observations05/28/2021 09:57 AM

3693GammaLibActionNewNormalAdd statistics methods to GNdarray05/20/2021 10:52 AM

3633ctoolsActionNewNormalMake sure that all FITS files have units04/21/2022 02:28 PM

3610ctoolsActionNewNormalAdd spatial butterfly03/15/2022 12:51 PM

3608GammaLibFeatureNewNormalInvestigate whether HAL HAWC 3ML plugin can be incorporated as new instrument module 04/14/2021 03:21 PM

3539ctoolsSupportIn ProgressUrgentcutlimit to averaged velocity cross sectionTibaldo Luigi02/15/2021 08:46 AM

3537ctoolsActionNewNormalSpeed-up tutorials 03/15/2022 12:51 PM

3536ctoolsActionIn ProgressNormalCheck performance of csresmap and csrespecTibaldo Luigi06/04/2022 08:44 PM

3534ctoolsActionNewNormalTry to speed-up csphagenKnödlseder Jürgen04/21/2022 02:29 PM

3533ctoolsFeatureNewNormalNuisance parametersHernández Cadena Sergio02/16/2021 06:25 PM

3523ctoolsFeatureNewNormalAdd to csmodelselect the option to select models for a binned/stacked analysis03/15/2022 12:49 PM

3508GammaLibChange requestNewNormalUse consistent method names for number of rows and columns03/14/2022 02:04 PM

3503GammaLibActionNewNormalImplement vectorised response computation for SPI03/14/2022 02:02 PM

3502GammaLibActionNewNormalImplement vectorised response computation for Fermi-LAT03/14/2022 12:29 PM

3463GammaLibActionNewNormalAdd "RING" method to GSkyMap smooth and correlate03/14/2022 12:29 PM

3455ctoolsActionIn ProgressNormalVectorise ctmodelKnödlseder Jürgen03/15/2022 12:50 PM

3450GammaLibActionNewNormalImplement OpenMP support in CTA response cube filling03/14/2022 12:28 PM

3433ctoolsFeatureNewNormalImprove support for source localization and extension fittingDi Venere Leonardo03/15/2022 12:49 PM

3414GammaLibActionNewNormalStudy impact of spectral model on spatial model if computed under consideration of energy dispersion10/21/2020 02:41 PM

3405GammaLibActionIn ProgressNormalImplement vectorised response computation for energy dispersionKnödlseder Jürgen03/14/2022 12:28 PM

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