Ziegler Alexander

  • Email:
  • Registered on: 06/15/2016
  • Last connection: 04/06/2017



Reported issues: 8


05:10 PM GammaLib Action #1992: Enable fitting of scale parameters in GModelSpatialComposite
We started to implement the functionality and first tests look good.
Default mode is that the scales are fixed, but ...
05:08 PM GammaLib Action #1992 (Closed): Enable fitting of scale parameters in GModelSpatialComposite
It would be reasonable to enable fitting of the relative scales/weights of the individual spatial components of a Mod...


03:43 PM ctools Action #1862: Improve ctbutterfly
- updated log output, exception message for check_model method
- test log parabola and cutoff power law b...
02:50 PM ctools Action #1862: Improve ctbutterfly
Now the new plots should be visible (68, 95, 99 conf. level comparisons)...
02:47 PM ctools Action #1862: Improve ctbutterfly
* @method, s, h, GAUSSIAN, GAUSSIAN|ENVELOPE,,"Butterfly computation method" @
-> implemented, however in...


06:31 PM ctools Action #1862: Improve ctbutterfly
Here are the plots from the first check (red and green: the different computation methods, bottom plot shows the rela...
06:24 PM ctools Action #1862: Improve ctbutterfly
As discussed at the coding sprint, I started to implement as alternative mode to use gaussian error propagation for c...


02:31 PM GammaLib Bug #1884: GModelSpatialComposite not working in binned mode
I'm not sure about that - the spatial model = spatial probability density function is normalized by the scale values...
07:34 AM GammaLib Bug #1884: GModelSpatialComposite not working in binned mode
Example scripts that show the problem:
I just copied the pipeline example scripts from the ctools example folder and...


05:27 PM GammaLib Bug #1884: GModelSpatialComposite not working in binned mode
The way I did it:
Take 4 test-runs (I took the four crab runs we always use for testing), command sequence:

Also available in: Atom

Total number of mentions: 10


06:32 PM ctools Action #1862: Improve ctbutterfly
user#190 wrote:
> As discussed at the coding sprint, I started to implement as alternative mode to use gaussian erro...
Knödlseder Jürgen


05:10 PM ctools Action #1863: Support covariance matrix output
user#190 wrote:
> I added the new covmat feature to the docu of ctlike.
> I tested it with different models by hand...
Knödlseder Jürgen


06:50 PM ctools Action #1863: Support covariance matrix output
user#190 wrote:
> A problem is where to define the output - at the moment it is done directly after calling the opti...
Knödlseder Jürgen


03:18 PM GammaLib Action #1800: Implement alternative exponentially cut-off power law spectral model
user#190 wrote:
> > The way how it’s implemented is using longer names for XML files (which are the most likely way ...
Knödlseder Jürgen
02:16 PM GammaLib Action #1800: Implement alternative exponentially cut-off power law spectral model
user#190 wrote:
> > Right, lambda is a problem in Python. How about a more “understandable” name than alpha (which i...
Knödlseder Jürgen
12:37 PM GammaLib Action #1800: Implement alternative exponentially cut-off power law spectral model
user#190 wrote:
> Just realized that using @lambda@ as parameter/function name is for python wrapping cause of the b...
Knödlseder Jürgen


08:21 PM GammaLib Bug #1819: pull distribution biased - related to new weighting method?
user#190 wrote:
> > In the past we did indeed limit the effective area to the RoI, but formally this is not correct ...
Knödlseder Jürgen
11:39 AM GammaLib Bug #1819: pull distribution biased - related to new weighting method?
user#190 wrote:
> I will have a look at the file.
> > What I liked with the weighting scheme was the fact that ...
Knödlseder Jürgen


12:24 AM GammaLib Bug #1819: pull distribution biased - related to new weighting method?
user#190 wrote:
> Thanks for pointing out the important code pieces, I had a short look at them.
> > I do not t...
Knödlseder Jürgen


10:58 PM GammaLib Action #1800: Implement alternative exponentially cut-off power law spectral model
Sorry for the late response.
user#190 wrote:
> I'm nearly done with the checks - last one testing mc data product...
Knödlseder Jürgen