Malyshev Denys

  • Email:
  • Registered on: 06/28/2017
  • Last connection: 07/13/2022



Reported issues: 6


10:07 AM ctools Bug #2768 (New): ctbkgcube / Polynom RadialAcceptance
Hi Jurgen,
Trying to analyze some data I've encountered the following issue. I was needed to model CR residual backg...


10:28 AM ctools Feature #2684: Energy dispersion for Fermi/LAT
It can be important for a sharp features, like determination of a strong cut-off position or a presence of line-like ...
09:46 AM ctools Feature #2684 (New): Energy dispersion for Fermi/LAT
Dear Jurgen,
it is not really clear at the moment, if it is possible to account for energy dispersion for Fermi/LAT ...


01:03 PM ctools Support #2658: Negative -logL
Ah, I see. Thanks, Jurgen!
11:03 AM ctools Support #2658 (Closed): Negative -logL
In some cases for Fermi/LAT data analysis ctlike reports negative -logL values which are decreasing further during th...


09:19 AM GammaLib Feature #2541 (Closed): ARC projection
Launching ctlike for Fermi/LAT data analysis as described in ctools manual (


03:43 PM ctools Support #2195 (Closed): ctselect radius filtering / ctlike data fitting
Filtering the observations with ctselect via distance to a given point seems to produce incorrect event selection, du...


05:09 PM ctools Change request #2194 (In Progress): Exposure keyword
It will be great to have a total exposure at the position of observed source in header of lightcurve/spectrum/sky map...

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