Buehler Rolf

  • Email:
  • Registered on: 11/26/2012
  • Last connection: 03/07/2018



Reported issues: 14


02:06 PM GammaLib Feature #2382: Implement parametric CTA background fitting using splines.
Regarding the implementation of this, here are our current plans. Any comments would be appreciated, thanks.
1) We...


02:07 PM GammaLib Feature #2382 (New): Implement parametric CTA background fitting using splines.
We want to implement a GCTAModelSplineBackground class which can fit general background shapes in spectrum, offset (a...


04:25 PM ctools Feature #1981: csphasecrv - add a tool for phase dependent model fitting - 7th coding sprint
The branch is 1981-add-csphasecrv
04:12 PM ctools Feature #1981 (Pull request): csphasecrv - add a tool for phase dependent model fitting - 7th cod...
The code is now working (for me). To test it there is an example events file with events information in test/data/pha...


03:37 PM ctools Bug #1983: ctools.test() and gammalib.test() exits python interpreter
I checked it and the problem is solved. The interpreter is not exited anymore and ipython gives no errors.
10:29 AM ctools Bug #1983 (Closed): ctools.test() and gammalib.test() exits python interpreter
ctools.test() and gammalib.test() exit the python ineterpreter at the end. In ipython this lead to an error (error me...
10:06 AM ctools Feature #1981 (Closed): csphasecrv - add a tool for phase dependent model fitting - 7th coding sp...
For binaries or pulsars a typical task is to fit the source spectrum for different phases. A ctool should be written ...


10:25 AM GammaLib Bug #1492: LogParabola flux method returns nan
Running on Version: 1.1.0.dev (22 November 2015) the problem is gone (no warning appears and the returned value looks...


12:34 PM ctools Bug #1503: Pull distributions of stacked analysis look shifted
I fixed a bug in my cspull version. This changed the distributions, but they are now even more offset for the backgro...
12:23 PM ctools Revision 4a212ece: Added handling of stacked-binned ctlike - Issue 1503

Also available in: Atom

Total number of mentions: 1


03:14 PM GammaLib Feature #2382: Implement parametric CTA background fitting using splines.
user#76 wrote:
> Regarding the implementation of this, here are our current plans. Any comments would be appreciated...
Knödlseder Jürgen