Action #1060

Investigate whether a more precise curvature matrix computation is needed

Added by Knödlseder Jürgen about 11 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:01/07/2014
Priority:HighDue date:
Assigned To:Forest Florent% Done:


Category:-Estimated time:0.00 hour
Target version:1.0.0


See #1009 for a discussion on possible problems arising from the actual curvature matrix computation.

The second order derivatives are actually dropped from the curvature matrix computation. So far this was fine, but it could lead to problems in case of strongly correlated errors. It is not yet clear whether this is really the problem, but it should be checked whether a more precise curvature matrix computation impacts the result (as test case, a precise analytical computation of the curvature matrix could be implemented for a specific model).

GLON_285_correlation_matrix_sherpa.png - Example how to visualise / check parameter correlations (267 KB) Deil Christoph, 06/30/2015 12:40 PM



No recurrence.

Related issues

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Related to GammaLib - Bug #1496: Fit errors in log parabola fit are too large Rejected 07/01/2015


#1 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 11 years ago

It seems at least that this problem does not occur in the Fermi/LAT Science Tools (see issue #1004), hence it should be possible to solve this problem also for GammaLib.

The Fermi/LAT Science Tools use the minuit2 package, from which the ROOT::Minuit2::MnHesse function is called. Here the relevant code in optimizers/src/NewMinuit.cxx:

  // Call Minuit's MIGRAD to find the minimum of the function
  int NewMinuit::find_min(int verbose, double tol, int TolType) {
    find_min_only(verbose, tol, TolType);  //!< Here the minimum is searched for
    std::vector<double> parValues;
    hesse(verbose);  //!< Here the error computation is done
    return getRetCode();

  // Call Minuit's MIGRAD to find the minimum of the function
  int NewMinuit::find_min_only(int verbose, double tol, int TolType) {
    setTolerance(tol, TolType);
    std::vector<Parameter> params;
    ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameters upar;
    size_t ii(0);
    for (pptr p = params.begin(); p != params.end(); p++, ii++) {
       std::ostringstream mangledName;
       mangledName << ii << "_" << p->getName();
       upar.Add(mangledName.str().c_str(), p->getValue(), 1.0, 
           p->getBounds().first, p->getBounds().second); 
      //  Q:  Is 1.0 the best choice for that parameter?

    ROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameterState userState(upar);
    ROOT::Minuit2::MnMinimize migrad(m_FCN, userState, m_strategy);
    ROOT::Minuit2::FunctionMinimum min = migrad(m_maxEval, m_tolerance);
    delete m_min;
    m_min = new ROOT::Minuit2::FunctionMinimum(min);
    if (verbose > 0) std::cout << *m_min;
    if (!min.IsValid()) {
      throw Exception("Minuit abnormal termination.  No convergence?");
    m_distance = min.Edm();
    std::vector<double> ParamValues;
    unsigned int i = 0;
    for (pptr p = params.begin(); p != params.end(); p++, i++) {
    return getRetCode();

  // Call Minuit's HESSE to get a robust estimate of the covariance matrix
  void NewMinuit::hesse(int verbose) {
    if (!m_min) 
      throw Exception("Minuit: find_min must be executed before hesse");
    ROOT::Minuit2::MnHesse hesse(m_strategy);
    hesse(m_FCN, *m_min, m_maxEval);
    m_min->UserState() = hesse(m_FCN, m_min->UserParameters(), m_maxEval);
    hesse(m_FCN, *m_min, m_maxEval);
    if (verbose > 0) std::cout << m_min->UserState();
    if (!m_min->HasValidCovariance())
      throw Exception("Minuit HESSE results invalid");

Looking into minuit2, the following code is called in MnHesse.cxx which computes 2x Inverse Hessian == 2x Inverse 2nd derivative matrix:

void MnHesse::operator()(const FCNBase& fcn, FunctionMinimum& min, unsigned int maxcalls) const {
   // interface from FunctionMinimum to be used after minimization 
   // use last state from the minimization without the need to re-create a new state
   MnUserFcn mfcn(fcn, min.UserState().Trafo());
   MinimumState st = (*this)( mfcn, min.State(), min.UserState().Trafo(), maxcalls); 

MinimumState MnHesse::operator()(const MnFcn& mfcn, const MinimumState& st, const MnUserTransformation& trafo, unsigned int maxcalls) const {
   // internal interface from MinimumState and MnUserTransformation
   // Function who does the real Hessian calculations

The latter operator contains the Hessian matrix computation.

#2 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 11 years ago

  • Priority changed from Normal to High

#3 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 11 years ago

Here some useful minuit2 links:

And here links about the computation of the Hessian matrix:

#4 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 11 years ago

Here the non-parallized code in minuit2 for the Hessian computation (does not include the inversion). Looks at the end not so dramatic, just have to find out what’s exactly behind the various quantities. Note that the MnHesse::operator() code should be implemented, but the MnHesse::Hessian code helps to understand better the formulae:

MinimumError MnHesse::Hessian(const MnFcn& mfcn, const MinimumState& st, const MnUserTransformation& trafo) const {

    const MnMachinePrecision& prec = trafo.Precision();

    // make sure starting at the right place
    double amin = mfcn(st.Vec());  //!< Get value at minimum

      Error definition of the function. MINUIT defines Parameter errors as the 
      change in Parameter Value required to change the function Value by up. Normally, 
      for chisquared fits it is 1, and for negative log likelihood, its Value is 0.5.
      If the user wants instead the 2-sigma errors for chisquared fits, it becomes 4, 
      as Chi2(x+n*sigma) = Chi2(x) + n*n.
    // eps returns the smallest possible number so that 1.+eps > 1.
    // eps2 returns 2*sqrt(eps)
    double aimsag = sqrt(prec.Eps2())*(fabs(amin)+mfcn.Up());

    // diagonal Elements first

    unsigned int n = st.Parameters().Vec().size();
    MnAlgebraicSymMatrix vhmat(n);
    MnAlgebraicVector g2 = st.Gradient().G2();  //!< second derivatives
    MnAlgebraicVector gst = st.Gradient().Gstep();  //!< step size, how defined?
    MnAlgebraicVector grd = st.Gradient().Grad();  //!< first derivatives
    MnAlgebraicVector dirin = st.Gradient().Gstep();
    MnAlgebraicVector yy(n);
    MnAlgebraicVector x = st.Parameters().Vec(); 

    // Loop over all parameters    
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {

       // Setup initial and minimum step size. Initial step size comes from Gstep       
       double xtf = x(i);
       double dmin = 8.*prec.Eps2()*fabs(xtf);
       double d = fabs(gst(i));
       if(d < dmin) d = dmin;

       // Ncycles() = fStrategy.HessianNCycles() (low=3, medium=5, high=7)   
       for(int icyc = 0; icyc < Ncycles(); icyc++) {
          double sag = 0.;
          double fs1 = 0.;
          double fs2 = 0.;

          // Do 5 cycles. Computes fs1, fs2, sag, d, with d as small as possible that sag is not zero
          for(int multpy = 0; multpy < 5; multpy++) {
             x(i) = xtf + d;
             fs1 = mfcn(x);
             x(i) = xtf - d;
             fs2 = mfcn(x);
             x(i) = xtf;
             sag = 0.5*(fs1+fs2-2.*amin);  //!< Computes 0.5*step*step*(second derivative)
             if(sag > prec.Eps2()) break;
             if(trafo.Parameter(i).HasLimits()) {
                if(d > 0.5) {
                   std::cout<<"second derivative zero for Parameter "<<i<<std::endl;
                   std::cout<<"return diagonal matrix "<<std::endl;
                   for(unsigned int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                      vhmat(j,j) = (g2(j) < prec.Eps2() ? 1. : 1./g2(j));
                      return MinimumError(vhmat, 1., false);
                d *= 10.;
                if(d > 0.5) d = 0.51;
             d *= 10.;

          // Signal if sag is too small
          if(sag < prec.Eps2()) {
             std::cout<<"MnHesse: internal loop exhausted, return diagonal matrix."<<std::endl;
             for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                vhmat(i,i) = (g2(i) < prec.Eps2() ? 1. : 1./g2(i));
             return MinimumError(vhmat, 1., false);

          // Keep old second derivative (to check improvement later)
          double g2bfor = g2(i);

          // Compute parameter derivatives and store step size and function value
          g2(i) = 2.*sag/(d*d);  //!< Computes numerical second derivative
          grd(i) = (fs1-fs2)/(2.*d);  //!< Computes numerical first derivative
          gst(i) = d;  //!< Store step size
          dirin(i) = d;  //!< Store step size
          yy(i) = fs1;  //!< Store function value

          // Compute a new step size based on the aimed sag
          double dlast = d;
          d = sqrt(2.*aimsag/fabs(g2(i)));
          if(trafo.Parameter(i).HasLimits()) d = std::min(0.5, d);  //!< d < 0.5 in case of limits
          if(d < dmin) d = dmin;  //!< d > dmin

          // see if converged
          if(fabs((d-dlast)/d) < Tolerstp()) break;
          if(fabs((g2(i)-g2bfor)/g2(i)) < TolerG2()) break; 
          d = std::min(d, 10.*dlast);  //!< Do not increase by more than a factor of 10
          d = std::max(d, 0.1*dlast); //!< Do not decrease by more than a factor of 10
       vhmat(i,i) = g2(i);  //!< Store diagonal element

    // Compute off-diagonal Elements  
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
       x(i) += dirin(i);
       for(unsigned int j = i+1; j < n; j++) {
          x(j) += dirin(j);
          double fs1 = mfcn(x);  //!< Function evaluation with modified parameters
          double elem = (fs1 + amin - yy(i) - yy(j))/(dirin(i)*dirin(j));
          vhmat(i,j) = elem;  //!< Store the element
          x(j) -= dirin(j);
       x(i) -= dirin(i);

    return MinimumError(vhmat, 0.);

Note that numerical first and second derivatives are computed using first and second order central finite difference approximations:

grd(i) = 0.5*(fs1 - fs2)/step;
g2(i) = (fs1 + fs2 - 2.*fcnmin)/step/step;
(see Numerical2PGradientCalculator.cxx). All the trick is in setting step to the smallest possible value.

Note that for the off-diagonal elements uses not central but forward differences. Using central differences would require one more operation (see

#5 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen about 10 years ago

  • Assigned To set to Knödlseder Jürgen
  • Target version set to 1.0.0

I would like to do this for version 1.0 as we otherwise will have problems with correlated parameters.

#6 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen almost 10 years ago

Here the steps that need to be done:
  • add new method errors_hessian() to GObservations
  • implement errors_hessian() that will call
    • a method inspired of the MnHesse::Hessian class that computes the Hessian matrix
    • a method that will compute the errors by inverting the Hessian matrix and returns the square root of the diagonal elements

For the model evaluation for a given parameter value, see GObservation::model_grad. Being in GObservations, the evaluation of the model should by the following pseudo-code:

double f(const GModelPar& par, double dh) {
    GModelPar current = par;
    par.value(par.value() + dh);
    double f = logL();
    par = current;
    return f;

A test case can be realized using the following:
$ ctobssim
RA of pointing (degrees) (0-360) [83.63] 
Dec of pointing (degrees) (-90-90) [22.01] 
Radius of FOV (degrees) (0-180) [5.0] 
Start time (MET in s) [0.0] 
End time (MET in s) [1800.0] 
Lower energy limit (TeV) [0.1] 
Upper energy limit (TeV) [100.0] 
Calibration database [dummy] 
Instrument response function [cta_dummy_irf] 
Model [$CTOOLS/share/models/crab.xml] /Users/jurgen/git/gammalib/test/data/model_point_bplaw.xml
Output event data file or observation definition file [events.fits] bplaw.fits

$ ctlike
Event list, counts cube or observation definition file [events.fits] bplaw.fits
Calibration database [dummy] 
Instrument response function [cta_dummy_irf] 
Source model [$CTOOLS/share/models/crab.xml] /Users/jurgen/git/gammalib/test/data/model_point_bplaw.xml
Source model output file [crab_results.xml]

which results in the following output (before implementation of the Hessian):
2015-04-10T13:27:59: === GOptimizerLM ===
2015-04-10T13:27:59:  Optimized function value ..: 3642.268
2015-04-10T13:27:59:  Absolute precision ........: 0.005
2015-04-10T13:27:59:  Acceptable value decrease .: 2
2015-04-10T13:27:59:  Optimization status .......: converged
2015-04-10T13:27:59:  Number of parameters ......: 7
2015-04-10T13:27:59:  Number of free parameters .: 4
2015-04-10T13:27:59:  Number of iterations ......: 12
2015-04-10T13:27:59:  Lambda ....................: 0.001
2015-04-10T13:27:59:  Maximum log likelihood ....: -3642.268
2015-04-10T13:27:59:  Observed events  (Nobs) ...: 831.000
2015-04-10T13:27:59:  Predicted events (Npred) ..: 830.191 (Nobs - Npred = 0.808691)
2015-04-10T13:27:59: === GModels ===
2015-04-10T13:27:59:  Number of models ..........: 1
2015-04-10T13:27:59:  Number of parameters ......: 7
2015-04-10T13:27:59: === GModelSky ===
2015-04-10T13:27:59:  Name ......................: Crab
2015-04-10T13:27:59:  Instruments ...............: all
2015-04-10T13:27:59:  Instrument scale factors ..: unity
2015-04-10T13:27:59:  Observation identifiers ...: all
2015-04-10T13:27:59:  Model type ................: PointSource
2015-04-10T13:27:59:  Model components ..........: "SkyDirFunction" * "BrokenPowerLaw" * "Constant" 
2015-04-10T13:27:59:  Number of parameters ......: 7
2015-04-10T13:27:59:  Number of spatial par's ...: 2
2015-04-10T13:27:59:   RA .......................: 83.6331 [-360,360] deg (fixed,scale=1)
2015-04-10T13:27:59:   DEC ......................: 22.0145 [-90,90] deg (fixed,scale=1)
2015-04-10T13:27:59:  Number of spectral par's ..: 4
2015-04-10T13:27:59:   Prefactor ................: 8.86304e-16 +/- 7.48184e-16 [1e-23,1e-13] ph/cm2/s/MeV (free,scale=1e-16,gradient)
2015-04-10T13:27:59:   Index1 ...................: -2.33176 +/- 0.180754 [-0,-5]  (free,scale=-1,gradient)
2015-04-10T13:27:59:   BreakValue ...............: 259124 +/- 84028.9 [10000,1e+09] MeV (free,scale=1e+06,gradient)
2015-04-10T13:27:59:   Index2 ...................: -2.73473 +/- 0.0531145 [-0.01,-5]  (free,scale=-1,gradient)
2015-04-10T13:27:59:  Number of temporal par's ..: 1
2015-04-10T13:27:59:   Normalization ............: 1 (relative value) (fixed,scale=1,gradient)

#7 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Assigned To changed from Knödlseder Jürgen to Forest Florent
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

The Hessian computation has been implement as the GObservations::likelihood::hessian method. The implementation is not 100% identical to the Minuit implementation as the

if(fabs((d-dlast)/d) < Tolerstp()) break;
if(fabs((g2(i)-g2bfor)/g2(i)) < TolerG2()) break; 

conditions have not been implemented.
The code is called from the GObservations::error_hessian() method which does the inversion of the Hessian matrix.

In the meanwhile we decided however to code a cterror tool for likelihood profile computation. The code is therefore actually not used.

#8 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 9 years ago

Pull distributions have been obtained for all spectral models, results are posted here:

Only the broken power law pull distributions are incorrect. Add this to the FAQ.

#9 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed
  • Remaining (hours) set to 0.0

#10 Updated by Deil Christoph over 9 years ago

Attached an example for a plot we use to check parameter correlations ... this is for overlapping Gaussians.

Plotting this matrix and the likelihood profiles with the parabolic approximation is key to debugging issues with the likelihood function and parameter optimisation and error estimation.

Would be great to have these diagnostics plots for ctools as well.
In-scope for ctools or part of a separate package like David’s scripts?
A separate ctool?

#11 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 9 years ago

Here how Minuit is implementing the tolerance condition:

   unsigned int Ncycles() const {return fStrategy.HessianNCycles();}
   double Tolerstp() const {return fStrategy.HessianStepTolerance();}
   double TolerG2() const {return fStrategy.HessianG2Tolerance();}

   unsigned int HessianNCycles() const {return fHessNCyc;}
   double HessianStepTolerance() const {return fHessTlrStp;}
   double HessianG2Tolerance() const {return fHessTlrG2;}
   unsigned int HessianGradientNCycles() const {return fHessGradNCyc;}

MnStrategy::MnStrategy(unsigned int stra) {
   //user defined strategy (0, 1, >=2)
   if(stra == 0) SetLowStrategy();
   else if(stra == 1) SetMediumStrategy();
   else SetHighStrategy();
void MnStrategy::SetLowStrategy() {
   // set low strategy (0) values
   fStrategy = 0;
void MnStrategy::SetMediumStrategy() {
   // set minimum strategy (1) the default
   fStrategy = 1;
void MnStrategy::SetHighStrategy() {
   // set high strategy (2)
   fStrategy = 2;

Tolerstp() = 0.5 / 0.3 / 0.1
TolerG2() = 0.1 / 0.05 / 0.02

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