Bug #1259

Many integration warnings shown when fitting diffuse models or extended questions

Added by Knödlseder Jürgen over 10 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Status:ClosedStart date:07/09/2014
Priority:HighDue date:
Assigned To:Knödlseder Jürgen% Done:


Target version:1.0.0


Several cases of many integration warnings have been reported when using diffuse or extended models. One way to reproduce the problem is when making pull distributions for the Orion B molecular cloud diffuse map, e.g.

$ cspull debug=yes pattern="four" rad=2.0
Source model [modelTeV_OrionB.xml] 
Output file name [pull.dat] 
Number of trials [1] 
Calibration database [dummy] 
Instrument response function [cta_dummy_irf] 
RA of pointing (deg) (0-360) [86.171648] 
Dec of pointing (deg) (-90-90) [-1.4774586] 
Lower energy limit (TeV) (0.0) [0.1] 
Upper energy limit (TeV) (0.0) [100.0] 
Number of energy bins (0=unbinned) [0] 
Effective exposure time (s) [1800.0]

This results in the following messages (G_DEBUG_INTEGRAL enabled in GCTAResponse_helpers.cpp):

+++ WARNING in GIntegral::romb(0, 6.28319, 5): Integration uncertainty 9.21297e-16 exceeds tolerance of 1.20322e-16 after 21 iterations. Result 1.20322e-11 is inaccurate.
cta_npred_diffuse_kern_theta(theta=2.08247 deg):
=== GIntegral ===
 Relative precision ........: 1e-05
 Iterations ................: 21 (maximum: 20)
 Status ....................: Integration uncertainty 9.21297e-16 exceeds tolerance of 1.20322e-16 after 21 iterations. Result 1.20322e-11 is inaccurate.
 Warnings ..................: in standard output
+++ WARNING in GIntegral::romb(0, 6.28319, 5): Integration uncertainty 1.69892e-15 exceeds tolerance of 1.36789e-16 after 21 iterations. Result 1.36789e-11 is inaccurate.
cta_npred_diffuse_kern_theta(theta=2.08247 deg):
=== GIntegral ===
 Relative precision ........: 1e-05
 Iterations ................: 21 (maximum: 20)
 Status ....................: Integration uncertainty 1.69892e-15 exceeds tolerance of 1.36789e-16 after 21 iterations. Result 1.36789e-11 is inaccurate.
 Warnings ..................: in standard output
+++ WARNING in GIntegral::romb(0, 6.28319, 5): Integration uncertainty 3.96767e-16 exceeds tolerance of 7.99764e-17 after 21 iterations. Result 7.99764e-12 is inaccurate.
cta_npred_diffuse_kern_theta(theta=2.09481 deg):
=== GIntegral ===
 Relative precision ........: 1e-05
 Iterations ................: 21 (maximum: 20)
 Status ....................: Integration uncertainty 3.96767e-16 exceeds tolerance of 7.99764e-17 after 21 iterations. Result 7.99764e-12 is inaccurate.
 Warnings ..................: in standard output

Interestingly, the errors occur for theta values just beyond the ROI radius (here 2 degrees). Changing the ROI radius gives the same result, but then for the changed radius. It seems that the problem occurs in the tails of the PSF.


No recurrence.

Related issues

Related to GammaLib - Action #1291: Finish implementation of stacked cube analysis Closed 07/23/2014
Related to GammaLib - Bug #1299: Fitting problems with radial disk model Closed 07/25/2014


#2 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 10 years ago

  • Target version set to 1.0.0

#3 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 50

See #1291 for an analysis of the problem. At the end this boils down to relaxing the integration precision. But I still need to examine this specific problem.

#4 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • % Done changed from 50 to 100

This is now solved with the recent improvements in the response computation. Here the output I get:

$ cspull debug=yes pattern="four" rad=2.0
Source model [$CTOOLS/share/models/crab.xml] modelTeV_OrionB.xml
Output file name [pull.dat] 
Number of trials [10] 1
Calibration database [dummy] 
Instrument response function [cta_dummy_irf] 
RA of pointing (deg) (0-360) [83.6331] 86.171648
Dec of pointing (deg) (-90-90) [22.0145] -1.4774586
Lower energy limit (TeV) (0.0) [0.1] 
Upper energy limit (TeV) (0.0) [100.0] 
Number of energy bins (0=unbinned) [0] 
Effective exposure time (s) [1800.0] 
2014-10-30T10:31:00: +============+
2014-10-30T10:31:00: | Parameters |
2014-10-30T10:31:00: +============+
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  srcmdl ....................: modelTeV_OrionB.xml
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  outfile ...................: pull.dat
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  ntrials ...................: 1
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  caldb .....................: dummy
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  irf .......................: cta_dummy_irf
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  edisp .....................: no
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  ra ........................: 86.171648
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  dec .......................: -1.4774586
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  emin ......................: 0.1
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  emax ......................: 100.0
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  enumbins ..................: 0
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  duration ..................: 1800.0
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  deadc .....................: 0.95
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  rad .......................: 2.0
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  pattern ...................: four
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  offset ....................: 1.5
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  npix ......................: 200
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  binsz .....................: 0.05
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  chatter ...................: 2
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  clobber ...................: yes
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  debug .....................: yes
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  mode ......................: ql
2014-10-30T10:31:00: +=============+
2014-10-30T10:31:00: | Observation |
2014-10-30T10:31:00: +=============+
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GObservations ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of observations ....: 4
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of predicted events : 0
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAObservation ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Name ......................: 
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Identifier ................: 000001
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Instrument ................: CTA
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Event file ................: 
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Event type ................: EventList
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Statistics ................: Poisson
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Ontime ....................: 1800 s
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Livetime ..................: 1710 s
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Deadtime correction .......: 0.95
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAPointing ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Pointing direction ........: (RA,Dec)=(86.1716,0.0225414)
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAResponseIrf ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Response name .............: cta_dummy_irf
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Energy dispersion .........: Not used
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCaldb ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Database root .............: /usr/local/gamma/share/caldb
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Selected Mission ..........: CTA
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Selected Instrument .......: DUMMY
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Calibration Index File ....: /usr/local/gamma/share/caldb/data/cta/dummy/caldb.indx
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of entries .........: 4
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAAeffPerfTable ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Filename ..................: /usr/local/gamma/share/caldb/data/cta/dummy/bcf/cta_dummy_irf.dat
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of energy bins .....: 20
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Log10(Energy) range .......: 0.0199526 - 125.893 TeV
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Offset angle dependence ...: Fixed sigma=3
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAPsfPerfTable ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Filename ..................: /usr/local/gamma/share/caldb/data/cta/dummy/bcf/cta_dummy_irf.dat
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of energy bins .....: 20
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Log10(Energy) range .......: 0.0199526 - 125.893 TeV
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAEdispPerfTable ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Filename ..................: /usr/local/gamma/share/caldb/data/cta/dummy/bcf/cta_dummy_irf.dat
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of energy bins .....: 20
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Log10(Energy) range .......: 0.0199526 - 125.893 TeV
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTABackgroundPerfTable ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Filename ..................: /usr/local/gamma/share/caldb/data/cta/dummy/bcf/cta_dummy_irf.dat
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of energy bins .....: 20
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Log10(Energy) range .......: 0.0199526 - 125.893 TeV
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Offset angle dependence ...: Fixed sigma=3
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAEventList ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of events ..........: 0
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Time interval .............: 55197 - 55197 days
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAObservation ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Name ......................: 
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Identifier ................: 000002
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Instrument ................: CTA
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Event file ................: 
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Event type ................: EventList
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Statistics ................: Poisson
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Ontime ....................: 1800 s
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Livetime ..................: 1710 s
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Deadtime correction .......: 0.95
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAPointing ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Pointing direction ........: (RA,Dec)=(87.6721,-1.47695)
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAResponseIrf ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Response name .............: cta_dummy_irf
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Energy dispersion .........: Not used
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCaldb ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Database root .............: /usr/local/gamma/share/caldb
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Selected Mission ..........: CTA
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Selected Instrument .......: DUMMY
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Calibration Index File ....: /usr/local/gamma/share/caldb/data/cta/dummy/caldb.indx
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of entries .........: 4
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAAeffPerfTable ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Filename ..................: /usr/local/gamma/share/caldb/data/cta/dummy/bcf/cta_dummy_irf.dat
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of energy bins .....: 20
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Log10(Energy) range .......: 0.0199526 - 125.893 TeV
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Offset angle dependence ...: Fixed sigma=3
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAPsfPerfTable ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Filename ..................: /usr/local/gamma/share/caldb/data/cta/dummy/bcf/cta_dummy_irf.dat
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of energy bins .....: 20
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Log10(Energy) range .......: 0.0199526 - 125.893 TeV
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAEdispPerfTable ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Filename ..................: /usr/local/gamma/share/caldb/data/cta/dummy/bcf/cta_dummy_irf.dat
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of energy bins .....: 20
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Log10(Energy) range .......: 0.0199526 - 125.893 TeV
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTABackgroundPerfTable ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Filename ..................: /usr/local/gamma/share/caldb/data/cta/dummy/bcf/cta_dummy_irf.dat
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of energy bins .....: 20
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Log10(Energy) range .......: 0.0199526 - 125.893 TeV
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Offset angle dependence ...: Fixed sigma=3
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAEventList ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of events ..........: 0
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Time interval .............: 55197 - 55197 days
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAObservation ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Name ......................: 
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Identifier ................: 000003
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Instrument ................: CTA
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Event file ................: 
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Event type ................: EventList
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Statistics ................: Poisson
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Ontime ....................: 1800 s
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Livetime ..................: 1710 s
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Deadtime correction .......: 0.95
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAPointing ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Pointing direction ........: (RA,Dec)=(86.1716,-2.97746)
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAResponseIrf ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Response name .............: cta_dummy_irf
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Energy dispersion .........: Not used
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCaldb ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Database root .............: /usr/local/gamma/share/caldb
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Selected Mission ..........: CTA
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Selected Instrument .......: DUMMY
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Calibration Index File ....: /usr/local/gamma/share/caldb/data/cta/dummy/caldb.indx
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of entries .........: 4
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAAeffPerfTable ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Filename ..................: /usr/local/gamma/share/caldb/data/cta/dummy/bcf/cta_dummy_irf.dat
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of energy bins .....: 20
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Log10(Energy) range .......: 0.0199526 - 125.893 TeV
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Offset angle dependence ...: Fixed sigma=3
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAPsfPerfTable ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Filename ..................: /usr/local/gamma/share/caldb/data/cta/dummy/bcf/cta_dummy_irf.dat
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of energy bins .....: 20
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Log10(Energy) range .......: 0.0199526 - 125.893 TeV
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAEdispPerfTable ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Filename ..................: /usr/local/gamma/share/caldb/data/cta/dummy/bcf/cta_dummy_irf.dat
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of energy bins .....: 20
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Log10(Energy) range .......: 0.0199526 - 125.893 TeV
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTABackgroundPerfTable ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Filename ..................: /usr/local/gamma/share/caldb/data/cta/dummy/bcf/cta_dummy_irf.dat
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of energy bins .....: 20
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Log10(Energy) range .......: 0.0199526 - 125.893 TeV
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Offset angle dependence ...: Fixed sigma=3
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAEventList ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of events ..........: 0
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Time interval .............: 55197 - 55197.1 days
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAObservation ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Name ......................: 
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Identifier ................: 000004
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Instrument ................: CTA
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Event file ................: 
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Event type ................: EventList
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Statistics ................: Poisson
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Ontime ....................: 1800 s
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Livetime ..................: 1710 s
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Deadtime correction .......: 0.95
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAPointing ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Pointing direction ........: (RA,Dec)=(84.6711,-1.47695)
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAResponseIrf ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Response name .............: cta_dummy_irf
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Energy dispersion .........: Not used
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCaldb ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Database root .............: /usr/local/gamma/share/caldb
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Selected Mission ..........: CTA
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Selected Instrument .......: DUMMY
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Calibration Index File ....: /usr/local/gamma/share/caldb/data/cta/dummy/caldb.indx
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of entries .........: 4
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAAeffPerfTable ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Filename ..................: /usr/local/gamma/share/caldb/data/cta/dummy/bcf/cta_dummy_irf.dat
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of energy bins .....: 20
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Log10(Energy) range .......: 0.0199526 - 125.893 TeV
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Offset angle dependence ...: Fixed sigma=3
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAPsfPerfTable ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Filename ..................: /usr/local/gamma/share/caldb/data/cta/dummy/bcf/cta_dummy_irf.dat
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of energy bins .....: 20
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Log10(Energy) range .......: 0.0199526 - 125.893 TeV
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAEdispPerfTable ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Filename ..................: /usr/local/gamma/share/caldb/data/cta/dummy/bcf/cta_dummy_irf.dat
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of energy bins .....: 20
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Log10(Energy) range .......: 0.0199526 - 125.893 TeV
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTABackgroundPerfTable ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Filename ..................: /usr/local/gamma/share/caldb/data/cta/dummy/bcf/cta_dummy_irf.dat
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of energy bins .....: 20
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Log10(Energy) range .......: 0.0199526 - 125.893 TeV
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Offset angle dependence ...: Fixed sigma=3
2014-10-30T10:31:00: === GCTAEventList ===
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Number of events ..........: 0
2014-10-30T10:31:00:  Time interval .............: 55197.1 - 55197.1 days
2014-10-30T10:31:00: +============================+
2014-10-30T10:31:00: | Generate pull distribution |
2014-10-30T10:31:00: +============================+
2014-10-30T10:31:05: Application "cspull" terminated after 41 wall clock seconds, consuming 19.2181 seconds of CPU time.

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