Feature #2207
Add RING background method to ctskymap
Status: | Closed | Start date: | 10/09/2017 | |
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | ||
Assigned To: | % Done: | 100% | ||
Category: | - | |||
Target version: | 1.5.0 | |||
Duration: |
Add ring background method to ctskymap for background subtraction. Add RING option, loop over all sky regions (“pixels”) and determine background in a ring, scale by background rate, and subtract
Inputs:- Source integration radius
- Ring radii (inner & outer), ON region solidangle is 1/7 of OFF region solidangle in H.E.S.S
- Optional exclusion regions
No recurrence.
Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 7 years ago
- Assigned To set to Cardenzana Josh
Updated by Cardenzana Josh over 7 years ago
- Checklist set to [ ] Add 'RING' option for background subtraction in ctskymap.par, [ ] Update tests, [ ] Implement ring background subtraction method in ctskymap, [ ] Add parameters to define the integration regions for the ROI and background ring
Updated by Cardenzana Josh over 7 years ago
- Checklist changed from [ ] Add 'RING' option for background subtraction in ctskymap.par to [x] Add 'RING' option for background subtraction in ctskymap.par
Updated by Cardenzana Josh over 7 years ago
- Checklist changed from [ ] Update tests to [x] Update tests
Updated by Cardenzana Josh over 7 years ago
- Checklist changed from [ ] Implement ring background subtraction method in ctskymap to [x] Implement ring background subtraction method in ctskymap
Updated by Cardenzana Josh over 7 years ago
- Checklist changed from [ ] Add parameters to define the integration regions for the ROI and background ring to [x] Add parameters to define the integration regions for the ROI and background ring
Updated by Cardenzana Josh over 7 years ago
- File Significance_Dist.png added
- File ctskymap_RING_bkg_counts.png added
- File ctskymap_RING_bkg_signif.png added
- roiradius: Controls the integration region radius (default = 0)
- inradius: Controls the inner radius of the background ring (default = 0.6)
- outradius: Controls the outer radius of the background ring (default = 0.8)
- regfile: User provided exclusion region file either as a list of DS9 circle regions, or a skymap with all bins to be excluded set to 0 and bins to be included set to 1 (default is no file)
The bin-by-bin sensitivity is computed as:
(background sensitivity) * (livetime) * (bin solid angle)
where the background sensitivity is computed via the background IRF.
As a test the method was run in 2 different configurations on a generated sample of 16 Crab observations displayed in the image below:
- Left: No exclusions
- Right: Exclusion over the Crab source
As expected, when not using any exclusion on the source a deficit ring appears, due to over subtraction from the non-excluded source. Here are the associated significance maps:
A quick check of the distribution of significance values for all bins outside the exclusion region in the right map provides the following normalized distribution:
A Gaussian with mean=0 sigma=1 is overplotted. The agreement of the Gaussian with the distributions shows the results are reasonable.
Pull branches:
CTools: Josh Cardenznaa / ctools: 2207-ctskymap_RING_bkgsubtract
Updated by Cardenzana Josh over 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Pull request
Forgot to specify this as a pull request.
Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 7 years ago
- Status changed from Pull request to Closed
- Target version set to 1.5.0
I merged the code into devel
The biggest modification I made was a change of the pixel values for the exclusion map. In fact, in csphagen
an exclusion is specified by a non-zero pixel value, while you used a zero pixel value for that. I hence defined a non-zero pixel as a pixel to be excluded in ctskymap
We should probably add a test of the exclusion region to the unit tests so that we are sure of that logic.