Feature #3067
On/Off simulations
Status: | Closed | Start date: | 11/15/2019 | |
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | ||
Assigned To: | - | % Done: | 0% | |
Category: | - | |||
Target version: | - | |||
Duration: |
Is there a way to simulated On/Off events within CTOOLS?
If not, I think it would be useful to have a cscript to perform this simulations.
It would be faster than ctobssim since you only need the On/Off regions,
No recurrence.
Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 5 years ago
There is no such tool and it’s not planned to implement one since ctobssim
is general very fast.
Do you have any speed issues with ctobssim
Updated by Rodriguez Fernandez Gonzalo over 5 years ago
I have no problems with the speed,
but sometimes if I simulate more than 100h I have memory problems.
Updated by Tibaldo Luigi over 5 years ago
Jürgen recently implemented some modifications of the response cache that improve the memory footprint of the tools (see #2893). They are already available in the development branch of ctools.
Anyway, simulating more than 100h in one go is not recommended. Typical CTA observations will last ~30 min to a few hours (the duration of the night poses a maximum limit of ~10h).
If you need to simulate long observing times you should break them down into individual pointings of ~1h each. You can find an example of how to create a pointing list in $CTOOLS/share/examples/python/make_pointings.py. Then the script csobsdef (http://cta.irap.omp.eu/ctools/users/reference_manual/csobsdef.html) will help you to convert the pointing list into an observation definition file that you can pass to ctobssim to perform the simulation.
Updated by Rodriguez Fernandez Gonzalo over 5 years ago
this will be very useful.
Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed