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Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assigned To Updated Target version % Done
1942ctoolsChange requestNewNormalClarify model description03/07/2017 10:41 AM

1941ctoolsActionNewNormalA ctobsselect run should preserve any environment variables in the XML file03/03/2017 05:06 PM

1939GammaLibSupportNewNormalcustom model skymap06/07/2017 12:47 AM

1935ctoolsActionPull requestUrgentIntegrate centos_packaging branchKnödlseder Jürgen01/23/2018 12:14 PM

1926GammaLibSupportNewNormalgammalib and ctools installation02/10/2017 12:15 PM

1925ctoolsSupportNewNormalctools flux points and upper limits04/05/2017 10:23 AM

1923GammaLibChange requestNewNormalAllow setting of time reference in GCTACubeExposure02/03/2017 02:05 PM

1921ctoolsChange requestNewNormalctselect on observation definition file should remove empty observations from container02/03/2017 12:37 PM

1917GammaLibActionNewNormalInvestigate fitting of phase parameters of GModelTemporalPhaseCurve01/28/2017 11:01 PM

1885ctoolsSupportFeedbackNormalGModelSpatialRadialProfile class parents changed in branch 1520-dm-profiles ?Knödlseder Jürgen12/01/2016 10:20 PM

1883ctoolsFeatureNewNormalcsobsinfo should log UTC times in addition to MJD11/24/2016 11:38 AM

1880GammaLibFeatureNewNormalAdd solidangle() method to GModelSpatial11/22/2016 05:01 PM

1877ctoolsSupportIn ProgressNormalFit results differ from MC input for Prod3 IRFsKnödlseder Jürgen11/21/2016 11:52 AM

1874GammaLibChange requestNewHighAdd validity range to the CTA PSF classes07/31/2017 11:11 PM

1870ctoolsBugNewNormalTS value of large components08/01/2017 09:48 AM

1869ctoolsBugNewNormalctlike sometimes provides strongly negative TS values08/01/2017 09:48 AM

1866ctoolsActionNewNormalMake sure that ctools parameter files and documentation is consistent01/23/2018 05:01 PM

1843GammaLibActionIn ProgressNormalAvoid code duplication in const and non-const functions and operators03/14/2022 12:27 PM

1842ctoolsActionNewNormalAll cscripts should have a clear() method08/12/2016 10:30 AM

1839ctoolsFeatureNewNormalCompiling ctools doesn't get faster using 'make -j4'08/08/2016 02:55 PM

1837ctoolsChange requestIn ProgressNormalCopying of a ctool or cscript should initialise its log fileKnödlseder Jürgen03/03/2017 10:50 AM

1833ctoolsFeatureNewNormalTool to compute upper limit map08/01/2016 02:58 PM

1817GammaLibChange requestNewNormalGLog should regularly update log file08/08/2016 11:46 AM

1812ctoolsChange requestNewNormalcsworkflow debug=yes should print tool output right away07/18/2016 11:12 PM

1802GammaLibActionNewNormalAdd methods for writing standard OGIP FITS keywords06/23/2016 12:21 AM

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