
Results (67)

Change request #1340 (Closed): Add parameters to ctlike and ctmodel for stacked response usage
The parameters @expcube@ and @psfcube@ should be added to @ctlike@ and @ctmode ... r whether they better get the @expcube@ and @psfcube@ parameters. In principle, both should w ... sponse is found in the observation container. 10/25/2014 01:50 AM
Feature #1330 (Closed): ctmodel does not support multiple observations
When computing a model map, @ctmodel@ require ... ement this functionality that in @ctmodel@. 10/08/2014 04:43 PM
Change request #1298 (Closed): Cube analysis tools should complain about missing ROI information.
The cube analysis tools ctbin, ctexpcube, ctpsfcube and ctbkgcube need RoI information. So f ... is missing in the headers of the event files. 07/25/2014 05:22 PM
Action #1297 (Closed): Get ctbkgcube give bkgcube with a right unit
The summed bkgcube should be scaled by the total ontime to get the unit (1/MeV/Sq/s) right. 07/24/2014 06:47 PM
Wiki: Benchmarks
{{lastupdated_at}} by {{lastupdated_by}} { ... on, event selection or binning, exposure and PSF cube preparation for cube-style analysis, an ... ence being that cube-style uses exposure and PSF cubes for response computation, while the or ... sx.png! | !cta-analysis-benchmark-dell.png! | 07/22/2014 06:21 PM
Action #1268 (Closed): Create ctbackcube tool
This tool should create an background cube, a ... he ctexpcube tool for average exposure cubes. 07/11/2014 02:14 PM
Action #1267 (Closed): Create ctpsfcube tool
This tool should create an average PSF cube, analogous to the ctexpcube tool for average exposure cubes. 07/11/2014 02:14 PM
Feature #1152 (New): Add ctool for quick look and checks
There should be a ctool (using Python / matpl ... their existing scripts now or implement this? 02/25/2014 12:31 PM
Wiki: Third_coding_sprint
{{lastupdated_at}} by {{lastupdated_by}} h ... inned analysis #1199 - Adding new class GCTAPsfMap #1198 - Incorrect results for fitting of ... b release 1.0 roadmap document (Jürgen) 02/13/2014 02:47 PM
Bug #1089 (Closed): Segmentation fault in ctselect
Johann Cohen-Tanugi filed the following probl ... , argv=<optimized out> at main.cpp:52 </pre> 01/18/2014 08:53 PM

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