Cardenzana Josh

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  • Registered on: 03/01/2017
  • Last connection: 02/04/2020



Reported issues: 19


04:49 PM ctools Bug #3156: broken with matplotlib > 3.1.0
I've implemented the above changes here:
Pull information:
* Username: jcardenzana
* repository: ctools
* branc...
12:29 PM ctools Bug #3156: broken with matplotlib > 3.1.0
The documentation suggests using @scipy.stats.norm.pdf@ instead, but that would introduce another dependency.
12:14 PM ctools Bug #3156 (Closed): broken with matplotlib > 3.1.0
This issue only affects source builds. I noticed an issue with failing the tests. The issue ap...


02:30 PM ctools Action #2938 (Pull request): Add support for Castro plots in csspec
After a little more investigation, I believe the issue that I was seeing had to do with the amount of data that I was...


12:07 PM ctools Action #2938 (Feedback): Add support for Castro plots in csspec
After testing the code, I now have the following SED plots generated by csspec and plotted with Sho...
11:37 AM ctools Action #2938: Add support for Castro plots in csspec
I've implemented the code as per the gamma-astro data format. This required some re-structuring of the header keyword...


04:10 PM ctools Action #2938 (In Progress): Add support for Castro plots in csspec
I've been putting some effort into implementing this feature. I've added two new parameters ('dll' means delta-log-li...


05:04 PM GammaLib Bug #3012 (Closed): Inconsistent handling of upper edge boundary in GSkyMap
Currently, GSkyMap does not consistently handle the upper edge boundary. Here's a quick example script demonstrating ...


04:30 PM GammaLib Feature #2990 (Pull request): Extract spatial subregion of GSkyMap without changing projection
I've added two methods to GSkyMap and associated tests to test_GSky:...


11:13 AM GammaLib Feature #2990 (Closed): Extract spatial subregion of GSkyMap without changing projection
My idea is to implement a method similar to the existing 'GSkyMap::extract()' method. The existing method returns a n...

Also available in: Atom

Total number of mentions: 1


01:56 PM ctools Change request #2498: Make cssrcdetect more robust
user#223 wrote:
> These changes all look good. I wasn't exactly sure what to call the parameters. I figured you woul...
Knödlseder Jürgen