Change request #564

ctbin should read input FITS file data after the user enters all parameters

Added by Deil Christoph over 12 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Status:RejectedStart date:10/13/2012
Priority:HighDue date:
Assigned To:-% Done:


Target version:1.0.0


I ran ctbin on a 3.7 GB events.fits input file generated with ctobssim. It prompts for the filename

Input event list or observation definition file [mucho_events.fits] 

and when I hit enter it reads the 3.7 GB from disk (and makes me wait for a long time) before prompting for the next parameter:
Start value for first energy bin in TeV [0.1]

and all the other parameters.

I think all tools (I didn’t check the others) should first read all parameters, then process the data while I go for a coffee.
Would there be a problem changing ctbin to work that way?

The “problem” is that ctbin::get_parameters calls obs.load_unbinned(m_evfile); before getting the remaining parameters:

void ctbin::get_parameters(void)
    // If there are no observations in container then add a single CTA
    // observation using the parameters from the parameter file
    if (m_obs.size() == 0) {

        // Get name of CTA events file
        m_evfile = (*this)["evfile"].filename();

        // Allocate CTA observation
        GCTAObservation obs;

        // Try first to open as FITS file
        try {

            // Load event list in CTA observation

            // Append CTA observation to container

            // Signal that no XML file should be used for storage
            m_use_xml = false;


        // ... otherwise try to open as XML file
        catch (GException::fits_open_error &e) {

            // Load observations from XML file

            // Signal that XML file should be used for storage
            m_use_xml = true;


        // Use the xref and yref parameters for binning (otherwise the
        // pointing direction(s) is/are used)
        //m_xref = (*this)["xref"].real();
        //m_yref = (*this)["yref"].real();

    } // endif: there was no observation in the container

    // Get remaining parameters
    m_emin     = (*this)["emin"].real();
    m_emax     = (*this)["emax"].real();
    m_enumbins = (*this)["enumbins"].integer();
    m_proj     = (*this)["proj"].string();
    m_coordsys = (*this)["coordsys"].string();
    m_xref     = (*this)["xref"].real();
    m_yref     = (*this)["yref"].real();
    m_binsz    = (*this)["binsz"].real();
    m_nxpix    = (*this)["nxpix"].integer();
    m_nypix    = (*this)["nypix"].integer();

    // Optionally read ahead parameters so that they get correctly
    // dumped into the log file
    if (m_read_ahead) {
        m_outfile = (*this)["outfile"].filename();
        m_prefix  = (*this)["prefix"].string();

    // Return


No recurrence.

Related issues

Related to ctools - Change request #1350: Separate parameter reading from file loading Rejected 10/30/2014
Related to GammaLib - Action #1349: GApplication::log_parameters should only dump parameters ... Closed 10/30/2014


#1 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 10 years ago

  • Priority changed from Normal to High
  • Target version set to 1.0.0

We need to make sure that this is fixed for release version 1.0.0.

#2 Updated by Mayer Michael over 10 years ago

For such a large file as described above it makes sense to do the reading on start of the run()-method. In my opinion, we could make the following change:
  1. get_parameters() just checks whether the file is existent (or sanity of other parameters)
  2. run() actually loads the files before executing the analysis step

We might also think about including read and load methods to the ctools base-class. read() could read the parameters and checks for sanity, while load() actually reads the input FITS files.
The only concern I have is that an error, which occurs on reading a file, might raise rather late, when Christoph already went for coffee :)

#3 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 10 years ago

It’s in fact not easy to make a complete separation, at least for the moment.

Reading of user parameters is in general conditional to what the ctool actually knows already. For example, if the ctool has already an observation container, it won’t read observation data. Same for a model definition file. In some cases, a ctool needs to open a fie (or check at least it’s existence) to decide what to do next. So one needs to carefully check what can be done.

In the long run I would agree that we should have a section that reads the parameters and another that loads information, but we maybe should wait with introducing that until we understand better how to deal in a general way with the problem. I created an issue for that (#1350).

As a side effect, there is an annoying issue with the parameters that are dumped in the log file: they may be misleading as they are eventually not used, but the user does not know this. I create an action #1349 for that, but that action is only efficient until a clear separation is made (issue #1350).

So let’s keep this issue for fixing the specific ctbin problem.

#4 Updated by Knödlseder Jürgen over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

Decided that it’s not so important for end users. Would be nice, but a pain to implement.

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