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Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assigned To Updated Target version % Done
3396GammaLibActionNewNormalImplement analytical gradients for elliptical Gaussian model03/14/2022 12:28 PM

3395GammaLibActionNewNormalImplement analytical gradients for elliptical disk model03/14/2022 12:28 PM

3394GammaLibActionNewNormalImplement analytical gradients for point source model03/14/2022 12:27 PM

3393GammaLibActionNewNormalImplement analytical gradients for radial shell model03/14/2022 12:27 PM

3392GammaLibActionNewNormalImplement analytical gradients for radial ring model03/14/2022 12:26 PM

3391GammaLibActionIn ProgressNormalImplement analytical gradients for radial disk modelKnödlseder Jürgen03/14/2022 12:26 PM

3319ctoolsActionIn ProgressNormalShorten ctools unit testingKnödlseder Jürgen04/21/2022 02:27 PMctools - 2.1.0

3317ctoolsBugNewNormalctbkgcube aborts if no background model is found06/04/2022 08:58 PM

3263ctoolsSupportNewNormalMapping of seed variables07/08/2020 10:30 AM

3258GammaLibChange requestNewNormalChange GModelSpatial::region() method to GModelSpatial::regions() that returns a GRegions object03/14/2022 02:04 PM

3242GammaLibActionNewNormalAdd method to return Fisher information matrix06/24/2020 09:47 PM

3205GammaLibActionNewNormalImplement efficient GSPIResponse::irf_diffuse method04/14/2020 09:48 AM

3204GammaLibActionNewNormalImplement generic methods for PSF information04/13/2020 10:28 AM

3178ctoolsSupportIn ProgressHighUnusual clustering of results around 2 sigma significance07/08/2020 10:14 AM

3160ctoolsSupportIn ProgressNormalResidual cosmic-ray background flux with ctmodel and ctexpcube02/27/2020 01:12 PM

3131ctoolsSupportNewNormalPossible cause of errorKnödlseder Jürgen02/20/2020 03:40 PM

3070ctoolsFeatureNewNormalImprove support for simulating realistic pointing strategies07/14/2020 12:13 AM

3068GammaLibActionNewNormalImprove precision of background model computation in GCTACubeBackground::fill method11/15/2019 04:04 PM

3057ctoolsChange requestNewLowEnhance ctlike debug output by replacing parameter index with source name11/08/2019 03:21 PM

2939GammaLibActionNewNormalAdd support for extended spatial models in Fermi/LAT analysis03/14/2022 12:25 PM

2891GammaLibActionNewNormalMake sure that X-ray data in OGIP format (e.g. XMM-Newton, Chandra) can be digested07/02/2020 04:30 PM

2888ctoolsBugNewNormalEnable package build and check on Mac OS X 10.13 and 10.1405/14/2019 09:06 AM

2882GammaLibChange requestNewNormalReorganise CTA background models03/14/2022 02:04 PM

2854ctoolsFeatureNewNormalpdf version of documentation06/02/2022 07:57 AM

2808GammaLibSupportIn ProgressNormalProblem in Swig interface of GModel scale method?Knödlseder Jürgen03/06/2019 12:14 PM

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