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Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assigned To Updated Target version % Done
2769ctoolsChange requestNewNormalctfindvar should support a general background model12/11/2018 02:26 PM

2768ctoolsBugNewHighctbkgcube / Polynom RadialAcceptance07/15/2020 08:20 PM

2767GammaLibBugNewNormalconda gammalib conflicts with nlesc root12/12/2018 04:24 PM

2732GammaLibActionNewNormalMake sure that energy boundaries for energy dispersion are computed correctly01/21/2019 03:27 PM

2731ctoolsFeatureNewNormalAdd support of observations with multiple counts cubes to ctmodel11/09/2018 09:33 AM

2730ctoolsChange requestNewLowAdopt tools to store GSkyRegions instead of maps which would allow a greater flexibility07/15/2020 12:03 PM

2720GammaLibChange requestNewNormalAdd margin to energy boundaries GCTABackground3D11/06/2018 05:06 PM

2697GammaLibBugNewNormalgammalib make checks fails on MacOS11/06/2018 09:48 AM

2687ctoolsSupportNewNormalmake check does not seem to check the software09/25/2018 11:59 AM

2684ctoolsFeatureNewNormalEnergy dispersion for Fermi/LAT09/21/2018 10:28 AM

2473GammaLibActionNewNormalReduce calls to std::acos in model evaluationsCardenzana Josh04/27/2018 04:54 PM

2461GammaLibChange requestNewHighImprove accuracy of response computation for stacked analysis11/07/2018 02:19 PM

2455GammaLibFeatureNewNormalImplement a time dependent spectral model12/12/2018 11:37 AM

2451ctoolsChange requestNewNormalExpand energy range for spectrum generation to the maximum for multiple observationsKnödlseder Jürgen06/18/2018 12:43 PM

2388ctoolsActionNewNormalCheck input model in ctbkgcube03/06/2018 04:57 PM

2382GammaLibFeatureNewNormalImplement parametric CTA background fitting using splines.Buehler Rolf03/07/2018 03:14 PM

2293ctoolsFeatureNewNormalAdd option to ctmodel to integrate expected number of counts over bins12/20/2017 02:31 PM

2291ctoolsBugIn ProgressNormalreading observations from list crashes when there is a blank line at end of a obsdef text fileKnödlseder Jürgen01/25/2018 11:55 PM

2235GammaLibChange requestNewNormalIncrement software version for each merge into the devel branch10/20/2017 09:45 AM

2194ctoolsChange requestIn ProgressNormalExposure keywordKnödlseder Jürgen01/23/2018 05:00 PM

2190GammaLibFeatureIn ProgressNormalAdd GammaLib code generatorKnödlseder Jürgen01/27/2018 05:28 PM

2185ctoolsChange requestNewNormalImprove ctulimit log file output08/27/2017 10:17 AM

2175ctoolsActionNewNormalDetect in ./configure whether cfitsio cannot be found08/04/2017 10:01 AM

2174ctoolsBugNewNormalcstsmapsplit does not work properly when it is initialized using an observation container06/04/2022 09:00 PM

2173GammaLibChange requestNewNormalGuarantee consistency of Good Time Intervals in the GGti class10/11/2017 09:01 PM

1 2 3 4 5 ... 14 (51-75/331) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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