Updated over 3 years ago by Knödlseder Jürgen

Fifth coding sprint

The fifth coding sprint took place at DESY, Zeuthen in the week 29 February - 4 March. We will start around noon on the first day and stop around noon on the last day so that you can travel on the same day to Berlin/Zeuthen (we may adapt the exact time of start on stop to your travel schedule).

Follow us on twitter (hash tag #ctools5).

You can follows us on Monday on SeeVogh (ctools coding sprint, pwd: ctools5)


Please add your name to the list below in case you plan to participate:

  • Jürgen Knödlseder (IRAP)
  • Michael Mayer (HU Berlin)
  • Rolf Bueher (DESY)
  • Maria Haupt (DESY)
  • Konstancja Satalecka (DESY)
  • Wrijupan Bhattacharyya (DESY)
  • Francois Brun (CENBG)
  • Lili Yang (University of Nova Gorica)
  • Nathan Kelley-Hoskins (DESY)
  • Aldo Morselli (INFN Roma II)
  • Gonzalo Rodriguez (INFN Roma II)
  • Pierrick Martin (IRAP)

Practical information

The meeting will take place in DESY Zeuthen. Directions described in:

The meeting will take place in Seminar room 5 in the Villa (you can find a map of DESY Zeuthen under the above link)

If you want to sleep in Zeuthen, the cheapest option is to stay at the DESY guest house:

If you want to stay in Berlin, the most convenient location is near Ostkreuz:

Another possibility is to stay in Prenzlauer Berg. Here there are also many hotels, one we can recommend is:

From both locations the train S8 will you in about 30-45 min to Zeuthen.

If you have any questions please contact or .

Wifi will be available over Eduroam. In case you don’t have that, best send us the MAC address from your Laptop beforehand.
See you soon!

Tentative agenda

  • Monday, 29 February:
    • 14:00 - 16:00: Introduction, meeting goal, status of CTA developments & analysis (Jürgen) 5th-coding-sprint.pdf
    • 16:00 - 16:30: HESS analysis progress report (Michael) hess_ctools_5th_MM.pdf
    • 16:30 - 17:00: VERITAS analysis progress report (Nathan) veritas_ctools_5th_NKH.pdf
    • 17:00 - 18:00: Slots for more progress reports, analysis results, etc. (just enter your proposal)
  • Tuesday, 1 March:
    • 9:00-18:00: Coding, Testing, Documenting
  • Wednesday, 2 March:
    • 9:00-18:00: Coding, Testing, Documenting
  • Thursday, 3 March:
    • 9:00-18:00: Coding, Testing, Documenting
  • Friday, 4 March:

Social dinner

The dinner will be Wed 19:30 at Cafe Datscha http://cafe-datscha.de/

Collection of issues to be addressed during the sprint

I hope by the time of the coding sprint we have a good draft of our release paper ready. We may work on analysis examples for the release paper. But we can also address new features needed and discuss the next steps.

Just list below what you would like to do during the sprint:
  • Have fun
  • Implement analysis workflows (#1508, see also https://cta-redmine.irap.omp.eu/boards/14/topics/237)
  • Python Function to Convert GObservations to GCTABackground3D (#1530)
  • Implement a PSF table format
  • Finalize the classical analysis (I know, we have this pending since a long time, but we should terminate the work which is almost done)
  • Implement smoothing, oversampling and denoising of images (and skymaps), mentioned in (#1530)
  • tool to compute systematic errors (#1712)
  • Finish a GModelSpatialRadial for dark matter halos (#1520)
  • Support energy dispersion in stacked analysis
  • Create tools for the generation of IRFs from Monte Carlo event lists

Group photo

5th-coding-sprint.pdf (4.87 MB) Preview Knödlseder Jürgen, 02/29/2016 12:31 PM

hess_ctools_5th_MM.pdf (1.63 MB) Preview Mayer Michael, 02/29/2016 01:39 PM

veritas_ctools_5th_NKH.pdf (5.4 MB) Preview Kelley-Hoskins Nathan, 02/29/2016 02:03 PM

Gruppenfoto.jpg (5.12 MB) Buehler Rolf, 03/03/2016 02:26 PM

5th-coding-sprint-wrap-up.pdf (430 KB) Preview Knödlseder Jürgen, 03/03/2016 11:30 PM


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