Mentions of Knödlseder Jürgen


04:10 PM Infrastructure Bug #4064: conda build no longer works
user#3 wrote:
> Trying to build gammalib-2.0.0 using conda, the conda build does no longer work.
> I reinstalle...
Knödlseder Jürgen


08:51 AM ctools Feature #3668: add minimal event counts to cssens
user#3 wrote:
> A duplicated feature was created with issue #3668. Since some code changes were done on this feature...
Knödlseder Jürgen


03:34 AM GammaLib Feature #3638: GModelSpectral class for Dark matter annihilations
user#3 wrote:
> Could you please explain a bit what type of spectral model do you need? Specifically, a description ...
Hernández Cadena Sergio


04:26 PM ctools Bug #3619: conda install does not install latest version
user#3 wrote:
> I'm wondering where the only solution is to remove ctools 1.6.1 (and probably older) from Anaconda.
Knödlseder Jürgen


01:57 PM GammaLib Action #3248: Add rectangular sky regions
user#3 wrote:
> One other proposal: currently @GSkyDir@ is used as object carrying the local coordinates x and y whi...
Specovius Andreas


10:02 PM Computing Cluster Bug #3294: [abrt] upower: upowerd killed by SIGSEGV
user#3 wrote:
> The e-mails started this morning on 11:54. Here is what can be found in @/var/log/messages@ at this ...
Knödlseder Jürgen
09:48 PM Computing Cluster Bug #3294: [abrt] upower: upowerd killed by SIGSEGV
user#3 wrote:
> The e-mails started this morning on 11:54. Here is what can be found in @/var/log/messages@ at this ...
Knödlseder Jürgen
07:47 PM Computing Cluster Bug #3294: [abrt] upower: upowerd killed by SIGSEGV
user#3 wrote:
> I could in fact reproduce the problem by typing
> [...]
Googling the error messages was not very...
Knödlseder Jürgen


07:04 PM ctools Feature #1889: cssens sensitivity calculation for model with spectrum from file (GModelSpectralFunc)
user#3 wrote:
> On what timescale would you need that functionality?
Has it been implemented? I have the same pro...
Kherlakian M.


12:18 PM ctools Bug #2861: Discrepancy between simulated counts and model for radial source
user#3 wrote:
> Try taking the model cube definition from the counts cube via the @incube@ parameter. This should ma...
Tiziani Domenico


06:15 PM ctools Bug #2683: Errors with On/Off analysis of HESS data in stacked mode
user#3 wrote:
> Merged into @devel@. Luigi, Andreas, can you tell me how this fix works on your side?
Your fix fo...
Specovius Andreas


08:55 AM GammaLib Change request #2674: Application of thresholds in the on/off analysis case including energy disp...
user#3 wrote:
> I was wondering why the bug did not create any obvious problem. The reason is simple: for all IRF fi...
Specovius Andreas


01:15 PM GammaLib Change request #2674: Application of thresholds in the on/off analysis case including energy disp...
user#3 wrote:
> I therefore will remove the setting of the effective area boundaries from these keywords.
Specovius Andreas
10:04 AM GammaLib Change request #2670: Support ENERG colname for energy dispersion fits file
user#3 wrote:
> Sorry for that, is corrected now. Can you check again?
The updated implementation works correctly...
Specovius Andreas


12:41 PM GammaLib Change request #2670: Support ENERG colname for energy dispersion fits file
user#3 wrote:
> Anyway, I changed the code so that both @ETRUE@ and @ENERG@ column names are supported. Code is merg...
Specovius Andreas
11:58 AM ctools Bug #2660: csphagen "No point spread function information found in response." for nthreads<>1
user#3 wrote:
> Can you tell me what type of PSF you are using? Best would be to have some test data since I suspect...
Specovius Andreas
11:45 AM GammaLib Change request #2670: Support ENERG colname for energy dispersion fits file
user#3 wrote:
> I recall that we had at some point a discussion about names of energy columns and wanted to have a d...
Specovius Andreas


12:45 PM GammaLib Action #2654: Correct handling of H.E.S.S. 3D energy dispersion IRFs
user#3 wrote:
> Note that the internal @GCTAEdisp2D@ normalization still leads to a different magnitude of the energ...
Specovius Andreas


09:39 AM GammaLib Change request #2339: Ignore additional table column(s) with differing shape in fits files instea...
user#3 wrote:
> Code merged into @devel@.
Looks good! :)
Specovius Andreas


02:57 PM ctools Bug #2312: csspec gives upper limits only for statistic=wstat and absent bkg model
user#3 wrote:
> The issue was that in the absence of a background model, the model used for TS computation is in fac...
Specovius Andreas


02:32 PM ctools Change request #2490: csphagen: generation of true energy binning
user#3 wrote:
> user#291 wrote:
> > When setting the true energy binning for csphagen the final number of bins is c...
Specovius Andreas


10:30 AM ctools Bug #2305: csiactobs ignoring "datapath" parameter when environment variable "VHEFITS" is set
user#3 wrote:
> What other tools are doing, and what is clearer for the user, is to set by default the @datapath@ pa...
Specovius Andreas


10:22 AM ctools Support #2170: Cannot save response information in simulated observation file
I construct the obs container using the same method used in the method set_obs() defined in the script cscripts/obsut... Di Venere Leonardo


05:04 PM NectarCAM Bug #1704: Bruit sur le DU3 sur la carte IB-IRAP
user#3 wrote:
> Un bruit intermittant apparait sur la voie DU3 (pixel centrale) de la carte IB-IRAP. Le niveau de br...
Jean Pierre


02:24 PM GammaLib Bug #2149: fits temporal model
user#3 wrote:
> Could you please post the FITS file that poses problems, as well as the XML file, so that I can repr...
Gasparetto Thomas


04:19 PM ctools Change request #2096: ctlike is very slow when a mapcube is used in the xml model
user#3 wrote:
> Just one remark: @ctmapcube@ is in fact not needed here since the IEM model is already a map cube. I...
Di Venere Leonardo


05:16 PM ctools Change request #2096: ctlike is very slow when a mapcube is used in the xml model
Thanks for the reply.
user#3 wrote:
> Normally the file should be loaded only once. The @GModelSpatialDiffuse...
Di Venere Leonardo


07:16 PM ctools Bug #2000: Negative residuals obtained with csresmap
user#3 wrote:
> I'm wondering whether there is really a problem there or whether what you see is simply related to t...
Di Venere Leonardo


01:46 PM GammaLib Bug #1848: Modelcube from Table-PSF
Thank you, user#3! I think this is exactly the problem that I encountered. Tiziani Domenico
12:39 PM GammaLib Bug #1848: Modelcube from Table-PSF
Unfortunately I can not post my PSF file but I changed the file from the @gammalib@ repository accordingly.
You can ...
Tiziani Domenico


10:34 AM GammaLib Bug #1819: pull distribution biased - related to new weighting method?
user#3 wrote:
> user#77 wrote:
> > > How about setting the parameter by default to “no”?
> >
> > Yes that sounds...
Knödlseder Jürgen


11:10 PM GammaLib Change request #1821: Revise spectral model names
user#3 wrote:
> Jean Ballet has proposed in an e-mail exchange to have the same name for example for all PowerLaw or...
Knödlseder Jürgen


01:35 AM GammaLib Change request #1818: Rename the spatial component names
The following names are used for spatial components in the XML file:
* "PointSource" (alias: "SkyDirFunction")
* "R...
Knödlseder Jürgen


02:52 PM Infrastructure Bug #1736: cppcheck result do not show up in Sonar
user#3 wrote:
> Le problème est que sur notre Sonar cette information ne s'affiche pas, et je pense que c'est encore...
Brau-Nogué Sylvie


05:15 PM NectarCAM Action #1689: Verify electrical interfaces to the 7 DU
user#3 wrote:
> Demonstrate that MST-CAM-ICD-0018-IRAP is fulfilled.
This includes:
* verify the connector cabli...
Knödlseder Jürgen


08:38 PM GammaLib Feature #1598: Loading of CTA event list via additional HDU name
user#3 wrote:
> * (section 1.13)
Attached the relevant d...
Knödlseder Jürgen


12:29 PM Infrastructure Action #1575: DMSF choissir la stratégie pour fichiers deleted
user#3 wrote:
> Brau-Nogué Sylvie wrote:
> > Jürgen, nous devons prendre une décision lors de notre réunion de jeud...
Brau-Nogué Sylvie