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Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assigned To Updated Target version % Done
1428ctoolsActionNewNormalAdd note about multiple Python installs to documentation02/20/2015 04:01 PM

1416GammaLibActionIn ProgressNormalAdd missing WCS projections06/21/2016 10:09 PM

1385GammaLibBugNewNormalUnable to find shared cfitsio library if directory is not in LD_LIBRARY_PATH12/11/2014 08:43 PM

1372GammaLibSupportNewNormalThe units of FileFunction12/04/2014 11:25 AM

1370ctoolsBugIn ProgressHighctools 00-08-00 'make check' errors and failed test macrosKnödlseder Jürgen03/13/2017 12:23 PM

1355GammaLibChange requestNewLowTry doing the elliptical CTA response computation in a Psf-based system10/31/2014 01:45 PM

1352ctoolsBugNewNormalRunning ctobssim in debug mode gives concurrent output of multiple threads06/30/2015 11:31 PM

1345GammaLibChange requestNewNormalDefine elliptical disk model on the sphere10/30/2014 11:20 AM

1337ctoolsBugNewNormalThe SWIG interface seems to have trouble with objects returned by value10/15/2014 07:22 AM

1334GammaLibActionNewNormalAdd write() save() methods to GCTAAeffArf10/30/2014 12:12 PM

1327GammaLibActionNewLowVERITAS SupportDickinson Hugh09/30/2014 07:02 PM

1307GammaLibActionNewNormalImplement GCTAResponseCube::npred()Lu Chia-Chun07/31/2014 10:31 AM

1295GammaLibActionNewNormalNew branch in GCTAExposure::fill()Lu Chia-Chun07/25/2014 05:20 PM

1289GammaLibChange requestIn ProgressHighReduce extensive usage of dynamic_cast.Knödlseder Jürgen07/23/2014 08:58 AM

1284GammaLibFeatureNewNormalIntroduce generic GBounds class to handle lists of boundaries07/16/2014 06:05 PM

1262GammaLibFeatureNewNormalPlease add example how to fit a spectrum to flux points07/10/2014 11:20 AM

1253GammaLibActionNewLowMerge doc/source/user_manual/manual/ pages into the normal user manual07/09/2014 09:44 AM

1245GammaLibActionNewNormalAdd fill method to GSkymap07/08/2014 09:25 AM

1234GammaLibFeatureNewNormalAdd a way to create IRF classes directly without needing FITS files06/26/2014 09:30 AM

1197GammaLibChange requestNewHighGammlib should check consistency of model and observation xmlsKnödlseder Jürgen07/21/2014 10:23 PM

1176GammaLibChange requestNewNormalIntroduce GCTAPointings container class to handle pointing tables03/13/2014 01:10 PM

1152ctoolsFeatureNewHighAdd ctool for quick look and checks07/02/2015 11:33 AM

1136ctoolsChange requestNewNormalAllow for energy integration in ctmodel02/07/2014 08:21 AM

1125GammaLibActionNewNormalAdd unit test for 3D interpolation in GCTAResponseTable06/16/2014 11:37 AM

1124GammaLibActionNewNormalimplement region rotation03/11/2016 06:08 PM

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