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Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assigned To Updated Target version % Done
989GammaLibFeatureIn ProgressNormalAdd support for variable length columns to FITS module.Knödlseder Jürgen11/22/2013 05:14 PM

972GammaLibChange requestNewLowCreate a general registry class to reduce code duplication11/12/2013 12:01 PM

970GammaLibChange requestNewNormalGCTAObservation::read allocates empty response if no response information is specified11/02/2013 11:03 PM

933ctoolsActionIn ProgressNormalImplement ctspeccts (or ctspecgen)11/24/2021 10:44 AM

901ctoolsBugNewNormalError with Fermi LAT caldb in ctools Knödlseder Jürgen06/13/2013 06:02 PM

897ctoolsFeatureNewNormalstore covariance matrix in log file05/30/2013 11:37 AM

874GammaLibFeatureNewHighTest gammalib morphology fitting agains other toolsDeil Christoph10/16/2015 11:23 PM

828GammaLibBugFeedbackLowGLog prepends date in block of text01/22/2014 10:04 PM

814ctoolsChange requestNewLowSensitivity of fit to initial valuesMartin Pierrick10/30/2015 12:19 AM

801GammaLibActionNewNormalCorrectly implement scanf and printf methods for GUrlString03/16/2013 01:46 AM

749GammaLibChange requestNewNormalMove instrument, ontime, livetime and deadc attributes to GObservation base class01/08/2014 06:04 PM

725GammaLibFeatureNewNormalAllow for instrument dependent model scalingKnödlseder Jürgen12/10/2013 12:18 AM

727GammaLibActionNewNormalAdd global instrument scaling.Knödlseder Jürgen02/05/2013 05:19 PM

688GammaLibBugNewNormalAdd type checking rule for 'int []' in GFitsTableCol.i01/11/2013 01:23 AM

651GammaLibFeatureIn ProgressNormalCrab reference spectraDeil Christoph12/17/2012 08:48 PM

632ctoolsChange requestNewNormalctselect: Two FITS files are created when using a single observation in XML input file12/14/2012 02:26 PM

623GammaLibChange requestIn ProgressLowChange deprecated INCLUDES to AM_CPPFLAGS in filesKnödlseder Jürgen01/09/2014 01:10 PM

620GammaLibFeatureNewNormalStack trace from Python unit tests12/10/2013 12:18 AM

619GammaLibBugNewNormalSegfault in @GPythonTestSuite.test_value()@Knödlseder Jürgen12/06/2012 12:54 PM

612GammaLibFeatureNewNormalAdd Monte Carlo simulation support to COMPTEL interface.12/04/2012 10:47 PM

610GammaLibFeatureNewNormalRethink FITS image classes11/18/2013 08:50 PM

591GammaLibFeatureIn ProgressUrgentInvestigate how GammaLib can be made VO compliant.10/06/2016 05:41 PM

1231GammaLibActionIn ProgressNormalDesign and implement GVOTable class07/31/2017 11:09 PM

1170GammaLibActionNewHighAdd object to coordinate transformation using VO services to GSkyDirLouge Thierry12/12/2014 12:35 PM

589GammaLibBugNewNormalRun Valgrind on unit tests?12/05/2012 11:04 AM

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