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Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assigned To Updated Target version % Done
1123GammaLibFeatureNewNormalImplement energy dependent SkyRegion01/29/2014 05:40 PM

1122GammaLibActionNewNormalCalculate IRFs for GSkyRegionsKosack Karl03/11/2016 06:09 PM

1118GammaLibActionIn ProgressNormalDocument CTA energy dispersion in the GammaLib user manualKnödlseder Jürgen10/27/2015 11:11 PM

1117ctoolsFeatureNewNormalPulsar phase integrationGiavitto Gianluca07/19/2014 02:16 AM

1115ctoolsFeatureNewNormalCreate pointing simulation tool07/19/2014 02:15 AM

1111GammaLibFeatureIn ProgressNormalcreate GSkyRegionRing class 07/19/2014 02:10 AM

1101GammaLibBugNewNormalUnit test fail sporadically01/24/2014 10:32 AM

1098GammaLibBugNewNormalGammalib does not compile on Mac OS X 10.406/28/2015 08:36 PM

1085GammaLibFeatureNewHighGCTAAeff-classes should have members specifying their valid range 01/21/2014 09:35 AM

1079GammaLibFeatureIn ProgressNormalImprove GammaLib unit testing experience04/24/2014 04:12 PM

1078GammaLibFeatureNewLowAdd unit tests for GModel::mc() methods01/13/2014 10:01 PM

1076GammaLibChange requestIn ProgressNormalRemove @GApplicationPars.write@ call from GApplication() destructor?Deil Christoph03/13/2014 12:37 PM

1070GammaLibFeatureNewNormalAdd @make install-no-doxygen@ target (or document it in @make help@ output if it exists)Knödlseder Jürgen07/19/2014 02:10 AM

1069ctoolsFeatureNewNormalDocument which ctool works with which instrument01/09/2014 02:44 PM

1066GammaLibFeatureNewNormalCheck of GCTAModelBackground GModelSpatialDiffuseCube center and coverage of roi01/08/2014 07:00 PM

1055GammaLibChange requestNewLowReview coding rule: "Output arguments should be passed as pointers"Knödlseder Jürgen01/06/2014 12:01 AM

1052GammaLibChange requestNewLowGammaLib local sphinx docs sometimes load slowly because they fetch Google fonts and Mathjax onlineDeil Christoph07/19/2014 02:11 AM

1041GammaLibFeatureNewHighDocument observation definition XML file format07/19/2014 02:10 AM

1038ctoolsFeatureNewNormalImplement ctool to create cube background model from off run listDeil Christoph07/19/2014 02:15 AM

1013ctoolsChange requestNewNormalMake `ctbin` less strict for the input event lists it accepts?12/03/2013 09:38 PM

1007ctoolsBugIn ProgressNormalctskymap and ctbin give unhelpful error messages about GSkymap::operator(GSkyPixel&,int&)Knödlseder Jürgen11/29/2013 10:34 PM

1002GammaLibActionNewNormalUse std::vector to hold column pointers in GFitsTable11/23/2013 01:47 AM

1001GammaLibFeatureNewNormalImplement general scheme to handle event classes07/19/2014 02:09 AM

1000GammaLibBugNewNormalASCII table has wrong content in second saving of Python unit test11/21/2013 02:21 AM

992GammaLibActionNewNormalCheck of set_mc_cone() should also be added to the diffuse map class to provide the proper normalization of the Monte Carlo.11/19/2013 02:25 AM

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